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Everything posted by Ramanujan

  1. USA killed off 10 million civilians in middle east . how is China worser than USA . USA is worse than china if u ask me Also i am not blaming anyone here . i am only telling u to stop getting pulled into this drama. every country on the planet will commit genocide if they get a chance. as a common man, we should not get pulled into this drama
  2. China is making a lot of money . Chinese economy is growing super fast . USA see this as a threat . So USA is using social media to deamonize China and making the common man hate Chine . dont fall for this garbage . Worry about yourself instead of being pulled into this drama
  3. well if u know any way , can u educate me?
  4. India has 1.4 billion population. competition is cut throat.
  5. @Mesopotamian wow thanks. how is it going in iraq. do u find any means to move out to another country
  6. Dan blizerian said the same thing . he said money is the most important
  7. @Leo Gura andrew tate said he got 600 Bang. dan blizerian had 1400 Bang there was a warloard in ancient times. he had 700 bang
  8. @D2sage wow thanks a lot
  9. from where do i test it
  10. wow leo thanks. what if i have only 30 min per day .
  11. @Judy2 How do i find an INFJ female in my surroundings. INFJ is the best type for me. the problem is they blend in with surroundings and people think they are an extrovert