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Everything posted by MAHAVATAR_-_BABAJI

  1. ✅️Every night. I cannot sleep. I do chelation and everything. Every night during the 3 watches of the night I stay awake. I fear sleeping. Just last night I awoke to seeing outlines of beings in my room just walking about. I jumped out of bed and did banishing rituals. I think it's all genetics. I'm also on day 56 of Brahamcharya. Before Brahamcharya I saw nothing. Sorry, I'm at work. Hope this makes sense. ✅️
  2. Try using an attractive milli vanilli or lenny kravitz looking black male and tell me your results 🤣. Its funny because white people are the only ones that claim that isn't the case.
  3. What?? You have to read the book😂 1. santatagamana Is bullshit. Ennimo nemis' 2024 edition found on "" and *.C St*vens kriya book are sufficient. The more complex the better. 2. In addition to the two books mentioned above I would recommend you read "hatha yoga pradipika" and "kriya yoga the science of life force". The Chakra is a point in the spine. It has the anterior ksetram and the posterior ksetram. You shouldn't be focusing on the skin.. Touch your spine. That is where mind is placed. You are not concentrating On the spine. You are placing your awarenss/mind itself inside the sushumna with is within the spine. You can feel the pole by slightly wobbling the spine(as if ur making small and tiny circles with the head). It is a hollow vibrational tube and it feels the same everytime. Right now your experience is inside your skill(kinda sorta). We are moving it to another location in the spine. You should be perceiving reality from that location. It feels weird. Use the eye detachment exercise in the appendix of stevens' book. This is what you do when you look into Ajna. The eyes are simply focused at ajna but you aren't looking into it. In kriya you are splitting your awareness and using concentration, feeling the cool and warm current, seeing the star in kutastha, ujjayi breathing, and chanting 'ong' or the Om namo bagav(b)ate vasudevaya in the chakras=the spine. You never are chating at the anterior ksetram for regular kriya pranayam(unless it is mental kriya). You should want to slap yourself after doing 8 Maha mudras. Kriya Yoga is the ultimate test of your will power. Even occultic practices aren't that crazy. People who claim they finished the book are bullshitters. If you can sit and do lesson 17 in the 5th edition of stevens' book everyday for 6 months then HOLY FUCK, YOU HAVE THE WILL POWER OF GOD. Yeah, it is that hard(will power wise and with proper execution). I recommend reading buddhabuddha(visuddimagga and vimuttimagga and abhidhamma to master what concentration is). I recommend you read all of Aristotles work so you have a foundation for analysis(first principles). You must operate on first principles and not through analogy.
  4. Hahahaha sounds like you need some Brahamcharya my friend. I'm on day 23 of brahmacharya. Women would call me creepy and many things. Ever since I started brahmacharya I can personally(relative to me) comfirm the results. Women love me and are all over me now. Your energy is off which is why you are seen as creepy. The most prude women still shit test me, I pass, and they now love me(even at my job which is filled with the sexiest of women). I get paid to be around booty. Work on yourself rather than demeaning a gender based on your lack of success. 🙏
  5. Do it. Don't jerk off for 14+ days and actively do work while edging. You will male more money and random things happen. And this chick doesn't even wear makeup. She is that hot. I'm scared to ask her why and my mom said "DON’T!" HAHA.
  6. I exaggerated haha. I've made 14k 1 month but 8k on average. Not a scam lmfao.
  7. My relationship with my family is so much better. My mom loves me after talking all this shit. Stop ejaculating. It makes no sense to cum. It is stupid unless you need to make a baby.
  8. I'm on day 15 of Brahamcharya(semen retention). I just got the girl of my dreams. Extremely fucking hot and sexy. Her personality alone gives me am erection!!! Anyone else who says Brahamcharya is fake is not a sage nor are they awakened. They are stupid. Women can't do brahmacharya due to menstruation. After thokar kriya I had her all over me. Fuckkkk Everything I ever said about women(negatively) is and was false. I just had bad game then. She changed my life. Everywhere I go animals, insects, and people now love me. I have gotten job offers making 14k a month!!!!!!! I was just working as a musician and also at a low-comsciousness fedex job. I now am making money at age 23. I can finally move out and do what I need to do. Yessss fuckkkk. Brahmacharya is reallllllllllll!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. I don't understand the question. There are many books.
  10. You are very welcome! Let me know if you can get the sensations described in the protocol. It is so hard to explain so I hope it is readable.
  11. It is essential. It gives one continuous mindfullness and control over the Will.
  12. It happened on accident. I didn't wake up one day and say let me use kriya for sexual activities. Haha It was just so profound after a decade of studying every sensation and motion in relation to the experience I was able to do this at will. I thought it was too profound to be hidden. Those that understand it and can do it will be masters of brahmacharya without kechari mudra.
  13. Every synthesis 100% works and validated not only by myself but by Hamilton Morris. It's legal because it is categorized as fiction. It has the synthesis for 5-methoxy-dimethytryptamine!! Different from the pamphlet I posted before
  14. I do it every night to write my music
  15. 😭😂😂Don't mind the mess. This is the room I use for sahdana and I just finished washing my junk clothes. The white stuff on the ground is dichotamacious earth(silver fish) haha.
  16. I'm exaggerating it in the photos to give you an idea. I can make it so subtle it looks just like I pulled up my pants and get the sensation to occur with or without an erection. I then use mula bandha to shoot the sensation up into my Skull. The more you intensify the sensation the crazier it gets. Also, pulsate it. Don't just hold it for 10 hours hahaha. Once Cycle lasts 1-5 seconds. I'm sure somewhere someone knows of this but I'm the first to ever show and demonstrate it. Hope you gain success after a week or so. It's hard to know what sensation to look for until you get it. It's easier if u look at porn for men and women to use some sexual audio so one can recognize then control the sensation. I wish there were some other way.
  17. For those that can comprehend you will gain many fruits as this will be complex. The conscious will only understand by sitting and studying what is written below. How to use kriya to have an orgasm without using your hands or a device, and only using asanas? Read below: __________________________________________ 0. Sit in a chair, with buttox slightly foward, and lean backwards with legs extended and apart from each other(not together). Be in a warm environment and use sexual imagery*for men*. 1. Touch svadisthana with the pads of your fingers from one hand and place pressure on it to become aware of the anterior ksetrams point as we do in kriya yoga. Keeping hand on the kesetram slightly drag the skin backwards. Hold this pressure throughout the cycle. --> it is the spot between the MOUND and the PENIS' ROOT. -->Men: research the word "Mound" and find a photo. --> Women: research "penis root masturbation" on pubmed. And see the diaphram. Find that spot on your vulva. 2. Perform mental kriya on that spot while simultaneously extending your legs and your ankles into a locked(flexed) position like one does when one yawns. Find the releasing sensation in svadisthana's anterior ksetram which feels like a "tingling", "climax", "edge before you have an orgasm", "heat", "light",etc. 3. Add mula bandha, while squeezing the extended(flexed) legs together but still keeping them apart from each other. Like to same-sided ends of a magnet. Focus on the perineum(prostate/p-spot). Keeping muscles around the genitals organs relaxed. *Do it more than twice to see results.* Done! . . . -- Do the above technique now in these asanas on your stomach. Don't use your hands but think of the floor as the substituted hand-pressure. Just use the floor as pressure by pressing your pelvis into the floor: Sphinx, Low cobra, Serpent Pose, upward facing dog, Locust Pose, bow pose, etc). Try not to orgasm. It will be very hard to not which is why yoga studios in America avoid these poses. Women --Do the technique seated on the floor, first with using the hand ✋️ and then without using the hand. Next try to generate the same sensation in svadisthana's anterior ksetram but without extending the legs(they can remain fowards but don't extend the legs into a flexed position as we did above). --Do the technique it on your back. --Do the technique while stimulating the clirioris(frenulum for men). This will give you a huge rush!! --Do the technique and use Aswini mudra to shoot that energy into the center of your Skull as we do in kriya yoga. --Do the technique with and without visual aid, or any sexual instruments. --Do the technique now standing. To extend the legs into a flexed position you will have to be on your tippy-toes to get that sensation. Once you have generated and recognize the sensation lower your feet so they are grounded. Now pretend they are still extended and do the technique to generate the tingling sensation. You may use ur hand or just ur thumb to add pressure to the spot mentioned in the technique tutorial. We use are thumb like we do in kriya yoga. --Use the technique in a kneeling position. No leg extension. □Report results below: __________________________________________ Mental Kriya - Awakening on Steroids. __________________________________________ __________________________________________ [ ] Pressure awareness of mound's root area [ ] Mula bandha [ ] Leg and ankle extension [ ] Tingling shiver sensation which occurs when we yawn, placed at the root of the penis at the same time you do mula bandha [ ] The foward part of "cat and cow" is added when doing no hand or standing mula bandha, while turning and squeezing thighs inward towards the perineum [ ] Touch the mounds root area and don't add pressure, now do mula bandha hahaha. [ ] When on the floor and on your stomach you use your astral hands to add pressure on the mounds root area(just a way to pretend ur using your hand as to get the same motion without additional movements). [ ] pressure, extension, cow, Tingling-Shiver at svadisthana(mula bandha) [ ] Don't curl pelvis to add pressure. Keep pelvis flat on the floor and then curl slowly using the "Cow" part of "cat and cow". [ ] Don't strain. [ ] Hump into the pressure [ ] keep pelvis as still as possible and create a LOCK with mula bandha [ ] turn legs outwards or inwards towards cock [ ] Focus on the thighs not the knees and ankles during the leg extension. __________________________________________ Shambavi mahamudra can be done prior to this technique as to create ojas(sexual energy). __________________________________________ 1. ⚠️What causes the tingling shiver sensation? 2. lock-magnet×(mental kriya-mula bandha-Yawn/Shiver).=Orgasm __________________________________________ __________________________________________ 1. Mula bandha (exhaling and pause vs inhaling and pausing) 2. Extension & no extension 3. With and without hands [ ] On stomach [ ] Seated [ ] On back [ ] Standing [ ] Squatting [ ] Kneeling [ ] Bending over [ ] ^Execute this yogasm technique in all these positions. __________________________________________ Think of the above as you would when reading Aristotle or lahiri mahasaya where grammar doesn't exist. I'm speaking from a certain state. I hope at least one of you understand it after a week of studying it and can execute it at will. Then I want u to send the orgasm sensation to the center of your Skull without having an actual physical orgasm.
  18. There is no book. I created this technique. There is nothing online to my knowledge that can explain this. It is simple. I'll send photos of me demonstrating it and labeled using my spen. It's easier with photos. I'll send in a bit after I'm not as busy.
  19. Merry fucking Christmas and you're welcome. Don't complain about grammar. It's perfectly written. Precise. 🙏
  20. @OBEler be quick back to back with 12-15 second inhalations. Then hold for 6 seconds. And repeat without pause. It took me months to figure out how to breakthrough. It is done through Intuition not dosage even. I can use less, higher temp with the puffco peal pro, and reach heights I couldn't reach off higher dosages.
  21. Heck no hahaha. That is what I'd do to myself. Never put someone else's life in your hands. Check medicines he takes, medical problems, etc. Then measure the doses you have tried and gradually increase it. You can also research the standard breakthrough dosage and increase from there. Be very safe and cautious. Every batch varies in potency. I wish you the best of luck! . . Personally I never give dmt or 5me0 to anyone other than myself. It can be very scary. I trust my own synthesis and I know everything medically about myself. Other people lie and that can make it dangerous to administer.