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  • Birthday 03/15/2000

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    Dmt(5meo and n,ndmt)
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  1. I am a non-binary heterosexual It.
  2. Read "Journeys out of the body","Visuddimagga", and "vimuttimagga" as well as "Abhidhamma". Those will sharpen ones concentration skills to extreme degrees. It doesn't involve imagination. Mind is imagination. You'll realize you are imaging your whole reality. It's just so well imagined you can't consciously alter it. The same happens in a dream with total lucidity. To Do anything you need God-like concentration.
  3. I do this every night. It requires concentration training and forgetting the body and breath so the dream doenst stop occuring.
  4. There is more if u get a subscription for the tor service. Alot more exists in the tor than the cleanet.
  5. It so weird when I see people who have weak perspectives. For me it is all about Love, Fascination, Curiosity, Understanding, Wisdom, Insights, and the Chain of thoughts which lead to the creation of a thing. We are creating. I don't sell anything I make. I see the selling of any substance as low-consciousness. The feeling you get when you cultivate mushroom spores, isolate Dmt from N,N-Dmt-Acetate; create a salt form of the Dmt; pales in comparison to the actual using of the substance.
  6. Lsd is stupid and for immature people. You will have a much deeper connection to the chemical you are using when you perform synthesis or isolatation. Why would you make a plant from scratch when you can just buy a plant already made. This is where learning to enjoy the process Trump's the end goal. Personally, if you aren't making all of your own entheogenic substances you fundamentally lack curiosity and a sense of fascination. It is also much much cheaper to make than to buy. The process of chemistry is also fun. If you hate chemistry it's the same thing as having hatred towards gardening....
  7. The way to reach the 1% is through hardcore sadhanas, contemplation(insights) and usage of psychedelic plant medicines, all while operating on first principles. There is no shortcut to increasing consciousness.
  8. It's all bullshit. You have not increased your intelligence at all.
  9. That is how I imagine Leo Gura dancing😐🤣
  10. Ohhh Yeah, that was me also. I figured it was worth giving the whole pamphlet of the newly updated version. 👽
  11. I created that scan using my CZUR SCANNER. I bought the pamphlet immediately after he released the final reprint. There are no more reprints which is why I shared it.
  12. Yes! I love to collect E-libraries. Nice send.
  13. Honestly I don't see anything but pornography in my Twitter. I can't sit around reading many bullshit half-baked 2 sentences someone wrote. Idk how you guys even use it. I just scroll for porn and block anything else as there is no other use for it.
  14. Heavenly texts
  15. You are welcome!! It is my favorite site ever. I have read so many books. Some books aren't on there so you have to use other sites. I'm working on scanning j.c Steven's, "the complete works of dr.john dee", and many more rare and expensive texts.