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  1. Haha that's a great technique. It reminds me of when my two-year-old twin siblings cry. I just give them this huge smile that some might consider psychotic. These tiny human beings just crave positive energy and when I flood them with it using my psycho-smile they can't help but forget that they were crying in the first place. I get the idea that someone who is tripping kind of assumes the mind of a child and this is where @Henri 's technique resonates with me. Taking someone out of a bad trip is no logical matter. We have to communicate with them emotionally, like with breath, to guide them to a more positive mindset. This also shows how important meditation is during an intense trip.
  2. Thank you so much for that @Arik . The perspective you have given has really shed some important light on this topic, light that would be very critical for anyone new to these practices. Speaking of being unstable, do you have any advice on how to handle bad trips? I personally believe that a trip can never truly be "bad" because it is just a manifestation of a deep insecurity that someone is guarding and this allows for true growth. Can one use bad trips to overcome their deepest fears and insecurities?
  3. I recently watched a video of this guy's trip report. He had done it in a different context with 7.5g.
  4. I recently consumed about 5g of psychedelic mushrooms. It was the most intense experience of my life. Never had I ever been aware of so many things running through my brain at the same time. It was as if my consciousness had spread to all parts of my brain and that I could actually observe the inner workings of my mind. I experienced ego death. I stopped being myself and adopted the consciousness of "my universe". I became the data that my senses were perceiving. I became my memories and my thought processes and I forgot that there actually was a person housing all of these phenomena. There was a moment where I felt as if I could see a higher being. It looked like a giant, silver, gyroscopic, spinning being that shined with a brilliant energy. It felt as if I had to look through the world I exist in in order to see it. One way I could try to explain it is that the shrooms made me become fully aware of my world. The thing is that my world exists entirely in my brain so I was busy shuffling through all these concepts that I have created in my brain. I imagine myself as this bundle of energy in my brain that forms my consciousness and that when this consciousness of mine expands I become aware of other processes in my brain that I am not conscious of. Maybe this higher being that I saw through my world was actually a complex program of my sub-conscious. This could mean that the "God" of my reality is actually sub-conscious programs of my brain that I have no control over. These programs synthesize the data my senses receive in a coherent way that my conscience can comprehend. I am not saying this is true. This is just my thinking of what might be. I just watched Leo's "Why Rationality Is WRONG! - A Critique Of Rationalism" and it really resonated with me and this experience I had. I will also love to here your thoughts on this topic and of any trip reports you might have. My entire universe is a map created by the higher powers of my brain. I will never be able to experience the territory for what it really is. There was a time in my trip where I was aware of a timeline of data stored in my brain. It kind of represented a movie reel. This experience felt like I was feeling the fourth dimension as I was experiencing a string of moments in time all at once. I believe that psychedelics can really show people how their maps are definitely not the territory.