Kevin Dunlop

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Everything posted by Kevin Dunlop

  1. Hi, yes I went to university when I was 30 years old, I loved it because the quality of the education system had dramatically improved while I was out of school learning on my own. I think you could do both - first dont go to collage what is the rush? Then when you feel more sure about it go for it. Time only makes you smarter and youll be better at it, they thought I was such a genius because my experience had given me important insights that the full time schoolers didnt get rushing straight into university. It is also common that in college one will change courses no big deal. Some schools are free no debt required. I still have the debt but there is no pressure to pay it off fast so I dont worry about it.
  2. It doesnt matter if the goals are realistic if you enjoy the path these goals take you on in the moment.
  3. There are many different posibilities in life you may not yet have imagined, as a person develops certian skills they reach different levels of reality and change their experiences from the inside. I for example have been married for 3 years now. I love it, I never expected to get married but its alot of fun for me, because I see it that way, and that makes me happy. My wife is so beautiful that being with her makes other people seem ugly, its really weird but true. She is so sexy that even though I could imagine I am having sex with any other woman I want to (and it would seem perfectly real in my mind) I have rarely experimented with this ability, because my wife is still the best to me so I dont need to imagine anyone else. So how did I get this amazing wife to marry me? The spark of self-actualization attracts those who you want to attract and keeps then intrigued. The other point that helps is that I dont need my wife to be happy - life is great with or would be great without her - believing this sets me free of atachment and fear of loss. Living with her allows me to have all kinds of great experiences, for me sex with women is not the full picture there are many other things that I love to do with her that are just as amazing, a whole spectrum of things I love about spending time with her. For example seeing her progress, being a part of her process, learning together, talking, lounging, bike riding ,cooking - all of it I love to do because the relationship I have comes from within me, I create it, I give it the meaning I want it to have so it is the way I want it to be. This is how I want to live because it is easy and fun and I appreciate the depth of experiences I get out of passing alot of time with her. Now I am sure that there are some people who would not be attracted to my wife or would not enjoy doing the things I do with her but that is only because of our different perspectives. At the same time I dont shun your idea to be promiscuous, its just different from mine. Human evolution needs us to try different things and get distinctive results. We all work together to get a fuller understanding of reality when we act in our own ways. I would be interested in finding out, a year from now, how it went for you.
  4. There are many perks to self- actualization so dont get discouraged keep at it, what you are working on here sounds good even though it is uncomfortable for now, remember nothing is perminant. There is alot of powerful wisdom out there now, and it can have profound effects on your life Sometimes you get ahead of yourself though and werent prepared for the consequences of real profound changes. You were not informed about the side effects of the process, but dont worry we have experienced them too, so now its time to scramble forward and deal with them by learning more. You will be able to reconnect with anyone you want to with compassion and patience, you will adapt to the new feelings and learn to use them to your benefit, they are a rare gift on your path and wont last forever, feel them and explore them without fear then let them go. The more you feel love the more chances some new interesting people will be attracted to you. But maybe you have been saturated with people and need some space to rewire. This is hard to say because Iam not too sure but, maybe you are putting too much importance on these interactions and how they are going. there is no emergency here so just relax and take it all in then let it go, they are just experiences.
  5. What you are doing is breaking down the formerly trained mind and retraining it with new information. This process of mind busting can make you feel crazy because what used to hold it together is being gotten rid of so that a new structure - the one you are inventing for yourself - can be installed. It is normal to change and not know how to be with such profound changes. Youll also have to learn how to be the new person you are inventing. Have fun with it take time to adapt, dont worry. I see this a a sign of real progress that many dont reach because they stick with their original comfortable ways never wanting to question the training they percieve to be themselves. The instability will giveway to a lighter more flexable consciousness with the realization that you are not the training you have had you are that which was trained and can retrain yourself now. Way to go. With other people enjoy your time together be curious about who they are and what is really going on for them, you learn about them and you learn about yourself. The stranger you have become is only a more complete version of yourself, the self you used to be was not you, just a collection of ways of being that now you realize was very incomplete.
  6. I had some cronic pain that I finally learned how to fix. I was always unconsciously holding one side of my shoulder up. I had to realize that I was working all the time without knowing it. I had to straighten my posture and remember to force myself to keep it that way until it changed perminantly. I had to stretch the muscles deeply and learn to relax and imagine breathing fresh energy into the painful areas. Do you know why you have the pain?
  7. I love to sleep well, I dont keep schedules so that I can improvise when I get inspired I dont sleep until I feel ready. I like to break the cycles once in a while by staying up late. If one sleeps in a completely dark room it can be alot deeper but if the sun wakes you up in the morning it can also be nice. A key point for me is to have fresh air circulating in the room all night and dont sleep when full, wait it out.
  8. Everyone has the right to try things and experience aspects of life that interest them for themselves, I wish you luck.
  9. Its a hard question, but I do have experience with gaining discipline over eating. Fasting is the way to learn it. Food becomes something that for you it is not now. This is a training tool in changing how you think and feel about food. Not many people consider this in their lives, we are led to believe that food should be enjoyed and is always available whenever we want it. I am asking you to learn not to eat, give it up entirely. And when you go back to it you will have no choice but to experience it differently. It is part of our education process and develops all types of discipline. Be tough and learn to do the opposite of what your addictions tell you to do.
  10. Playing is a very good thing its how humans learn. But if what you are being led to play doesnt help you then play something else. What are 5 good options for you to play in your life where you could be learning important things instead of becoming a piece of furniture? Examples may be soccer, chess, with kids in general, paint ball, canoeing, sword fighting? Who knows something social, active and not screen related could help fill the need for fun.
  11. To me this sounds silly but everyone is different. I have always found longterm meaningful relationships profound and fulfilling. The hundreds of beautiful women thing sounds like Hollywood tripe. Then again looking to have 100s of silly relationships might lead you to an unexpected evolution if this is your intuition follow it but stay open to changes of heart.