Kevin Dunlop

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Everything posted by Kevin Dunlop

  1. Leo has done alot for us. Look at all he has offered us with the research, video production, organizing an internet forum, even responding with comments and requested videos, much of this he has done for free. In thanks to him for putting himself out there for us I want to ask each of you to give something back to him. Leo wants to be enlightened. He knows he is close. Why dont we focus on him for a few minutes instead of ourselves and try to give some real hardcore advice that might end up being the key to him achieving this goal. We all know that this would benefit all of us aswell. So take some time to do a quality job here, theres lots of videos and comments to analyze and I am sure he will be able to answer any deeper questions you may need to have answered in order to help. Good luck, everyone!
  2. I have heard of this concept of being tricked into enlightenment or tricked into healing. I do think that some phrases can help you to do something that brings enlightenment. Its not the words but what you do/ dont do after contemplating them. I dont want to limit the possible ways that enlightenment may come about in my mind, maybe there are new ways to discover:) for each of us
  3. Alot of people have this same thing going on, they feel like they have to live with someone abusive because they cant get their own housing. You feel bad because yelling at someone is attacking them, right in the ears where it hurts, disrespect that hurts in the heart, false acusations that you dont deserve, etc. I have read alot of books about communication and patenting, most always say that yelling at people is something you have to stop doing, but it is hard for people to change what they are used to doing especially if it seems to work for them. They just dont realize what they are missing. Changing others behaviours is almost not an option if they dont want to. I suggest you watch videos today from NVC - Non violent communication so that you can become an expert on this because you really need to for your own peace of mind, put this into some kind of framework. You know that you can change the way you interpret and respond to this. Maybe you want to take some risks and when he is OK ask him how he feels about this and tell him how it effects you and what you really want to see happen. Be clear about what you want and dont want and see if you can get him to agree. The more you two can work on these things the more you heal your family. Sometimes it takes a brave informed masterful son to heal the family dynamic. Sometimes these things cannot be controlled and will not change but I usually keep hope alive for people if not now in the fucture anything can happen. Take care of yourself, get space when you need it, for now realizehe is doing the best he can with what he has, be forgiving and maybe youll find a way to help. This may also be the push you need to move out and start feeling amazingly free!
  4. I dont know about enlightenment but I do the same thing you mentioned, go to live alone in peace in nature then return to society. I come back when I am invited to help people. I learn alot and have different experiences but there is really no one to connect with only compassion to develop. And all I can really learn is just my own fantasy about what is real. Pure experience in not boring, being distracted from it is. I am learning and still developing here getting more comfortable with the state of people and society. I dont know why I do it. It doesnt matter though all situations are equal, so enjoy what comes to you, there is no limit when you are free of obligations.
  5. It is hard to feel aligned with truth because words dont convey it. Words have this problem they function with duality. Your Identity is made up of words you tell yourself about what you want, who you are and what things that happen mean and how you should respond. Alot of this, if not all, goes on without you being conscious of it. The identity will not let you feel truth, so you have to slip away from it somehow to have an authentic truth. Connection to reality, everything you experience as it is, no labels to simplify things down to an untrue level is a larger connection. Connection to how you are constructing objectives, obligations, interpretations or not doing this by being aware of reality without the filtering. As far as people I havnt got too focused on connecting with them in a normal postmodern identity way. It does lead to problems because the identity is not well trained in either person to ensure harmony. You have to except people for who they are and their limitations that come from what they have learned so far. A person is infinite potential but does not allow this because of the identities limitations and contradictions. Love is wonderful but again as with friendships you will run into trouble if your objectives come from your conditioned identity. You need to have a very special education for love to really work. I would say that part of it is not really wanting what you learned love is but letting your relationships be as they are, freeing yourself and your partner from fabricated obligations to act a certian way, here good things will come naturally, and if they dont and you need space thats OK too.
  6. Thanks for sharing this information. Its really impotrant, as you know, to have a cure for cancer. Few people have the courage to try plants when their life is on the line and the [ ¨experts¨want to do their thing. Is the plant itself called black salve? Congratulations, are you all better now and have no more worries about this? I was going to try to mention something about this to the people in this forum and I am glad you posted on the topic. I am soon going to get a lymph node removed that has been swollen for a few years now. The reason I am doing this is because it also gives off a detectable radioactive signal! This area, near my right tonsil, does bother me but has not produced cancer. I have tried to clean the radioactive material out with fasting and with some products but the particle is encapsulated and stuck there, as is normal in these cases. I researched the 2011 nuclear accident in Japan and fallout from these 3 melting reactors was picked up in every state in rain, air filters at ground level, then milk and food by the EPA. Governments raised their safty limits for radioactive contamination in drinking water and food and told everyone there was no concern. My girlfriends Grandfather is now getting treatments for cancer in the hospital. And like you said they remove skin but then find its somewhere deeper in his body. Perhaps knowing this you could buy some more of this medecine and keep it on hand for others that could use your help.
  7. Sure, hemp seed is really good for you, but I was saying a small amount the flowers ( or an oil prepared from them) can be eaten as a way of slightly changing ones interpretation of situations.
  8. Sometimes the amount or variety can have the opposite effect. With todays high potency flowers getting the small dose I am ferering to can be challenging.Thats why I mix mine with 5 other natural smoking herbs when I am working outside in the winter making stone walls. Though I have noticed that doing the enlightenment work as suggested in this forum has shown me that weed is not necessary for relaxation and enjoyment etc. it is just easier to get in the short term for now Enlightenment is a difficult state to achieve with our conditioned egos in the way but much better of course once you get it.
  9. Cannabis can also be eaten if you object to the smoke aspect.
  10. I didn´t know about the top athletes situation on this. But hear me out, I had a knee injury that took a year and a half to get fully recovered from. In order to stop reinjruing the loose tendon I had to train all of my leg muscles after not being able to walk much or run for a year. I had no experience in training muscle because I found it boring. But I slowly discovered how to get into it because I had no choice. If you find it boring this will eventually pass as you get used to it and use your creativity while doing exercise. Prepare a space where you can stand or lie down on a mat. Grab two small barbells and begin to circle them around close to your body a number of times in all the variations that you feel good doing. Lay on the floor next and do the same imporvising your own movements. Then stand up and bend at the waist here too with your head down imporvise all different movement pathways for the barbells. Relax as you move, think Tai Chi or, yoga as inspiration. Let this authentic movement become your routine and add the other routine, you do now, to it little by little. If you get bored go back to improvising, trying to exercise all posible angles with light wieghts.
  11. Smoke a small amount of weed before you go in, let me know how that works out for you.
  12. Why would you let a CB ruin your day?
  13. Why do you give other people the right to judge you and decide what you should be? Who made them the experts on reality? If the universe made you the way you are than Im going with the universe rather than some opinion from whoever. If people really have the time and need to judge and tease you they are the ones with the problem, not you. But if the results of your ¨flaw¨ is that you will need to make someone elses life a living hell, you may want to ask why am I looking for a reason to be this person? One problem with this atitude is that your willingness to do this to others in a way is really a willingness to do this to yourself. So I suggest you have compassion for other people that dont know how to hangout without offending, competing, judging, hurting etc., forgive them , let them off the hook if they get hung up on your ¨flaw¨. And in a way you will also apply that same compassion to yourself too, and let yourself off the hook for feeling all of this hurt over it. These ideas work both ways towards others and also internally to yourself. At some point youll forget all about it, and so will everyone else. And if it does come up you´ll just say, oh ya that thing, without manufacturing the whole fight, its nothing, not important, (you wont even need to say this, you´ll know it)
  14. Ya I can see that alot of us are getting this type of experience, now that we are exploring this concept and putting it into practice. Its a big step, quite unexpected really. I started to see the ¨you¨ as a type of manager of the identity, a fiction created by the identity to experience it. Like the chicken and the egg, one just keeps on creating the other. Its hard to get used to writing in a way that expresses it properly. All new
  15. I have recently been thinking about human evolution and how scientists have made it seem like its not something we are conscious of. I think we are evolving socially though, not just physically. When I started experiencing some of these nonverbal aspects of reality it made me think after maybe we are seeing the results of focusing too much on language at this poing in our social evolution and are realizing the impact of that on our perspective. This may be a time of correcting the effect of going too far in varbal reality and information at the cost of authentic reality.
  16. I practice the belief that we are all equal. Equally important and unimportant, equal potential. I dont say I believe it because I think its the only possible truth, no one can prove if it is true or not. I believe it because it helps me in life, thats how beliefs work for me. If I have a criticism of someone else I stop and wonder how am I doing the same thing in some way that I dont see but is bothering me. Some people are better at some things than others right now but they might understand different things we dont. We are infinite, it is impossible to know another person and what they might do in the fucture. There is alot of pressure for us to conform to the capitalist example that we are in competition with eachother. That there is a Hierarchy of better and better people above us and worse people below us and the more we squash them down the higher we go up above them. But I could be wrong maybe you are better hahahah
  17. Ya, its like the ego pretends to be the most intelligent, the only way, the biggest planner, the human dictionary, the biggest party animal of all. Who would think of looking elsewhere with this huge show going on.
  18. I was thinking about this concept yesterday Emerald, the idea that I didnt hear the voice of intuition as a kid. Why not? I think our exceptance of ego transformed our direct experience of authentic reality into the intuition, a small voice experience, that talks about true reality. (I dont remember hearing the intuition as a voice as a kid, but I do remember being very different, uninhibited about logic, and rules enforced by others. Trusting in my own ideas and able to ride along on the wave of my creative energy where ever it wanted to flow. A kind of trust in unconscious improvising with a hyperawareness .) I started to understand why the intuition is a small voice for us. Unlike my previous hypothetical explanation, which was spurred by some videos and in a funny way Matt Kahn´s video about ¨all of the masters joining together as one to serve us¨. No I dont think its that. I believe the intuition is just the inspiration of interacting with true reality itself. It comes from me it is my authentic experience- thats hard to explain. But I wanted to share why is it a voice. The identity is made up of words, learned language concepts and explanations that we excepted to replace authentic reality with word reality. The intuition, because it is real, transforms into a voice too, since we decided to only pay attension to little chattering ego voices. We learned to put so much importance on the ego concept voice that it became constant, ongoing, self - reinforcing while all things intuitive and authentic get labeled as unimportant so its voice sounds unimportant. But the intuition is authentic so it never really goes away. It just gets filtered down to being a voice and an ¨unimportant¨ one compared to ego, the self appointed ¨important voice.[
  19. Iam going to teach you to have an imagination more powerful than reality itself! When you get it you´ll be able to imaging anything you want and it will seem more real than a real one. You will be able to imaging having or doing anything you want and youll feel like you have it. You wont need real things anymore, just some real food once in a while. With your new powerful imagination youll be able to imagine eating whatever you want, aaaah you can already taste it... good. But I must warn you once you realize that its all imagined you will get tired of imagining your own reality and want nothing more than to return to true reality. You are in that imagined reality now, is it all getting boring yet, not real enough?
  20. jjer94, thanks again for this info, what I am doing is using certian phrases you wrote to set off new experiences. After really experiencing a shift, atleast on one aspect of the ¨no control¨ concept, that intrigued me so much, I went ahead to investigate what happens when I believe ¨there is no such thing as morality.¨ At first, like with the other experience, the ego jumped in with its defense ¨Ya thats for sure, all that morality from society, they dont even know what they are talking about....etc¨ I relaxed and let that chatter pass. Then the real experience happened, I became aware of my own indenity´s micro managing morality, for the first time Giving me little bits of advice to follow about almost everything. These bits of moral advice were always trying to prevent me from livivg authentic experience. Its like this invisible but huge amount of little nitpicky advice about whats right and wrong controlling the intuitive experience. This level of chatter then passed too and I began to freely follow my intuitive decisions without mini morality correcting anything. It was the only way to be free enough to experience authenticity. So the excuse was that morality is this ten commandments thing we need so we dont hurt people. The reality is that the identity is full of usless, untrue, unneeded micro morality, criticizing authentic reality as it happens. BAM! Got to be aware. But its easy to see where this comes from, its learned every time some self appointed authouity figure steps in to correct us.
  21. Well lets just have fun then for what its worth, no pressure. I dont believe in the never or impossible. I can actually read a few words here and go out and try the ideas and have profound experiences, personally the wordiness doesnt get in my way. But I completely agree its when words about it no longer matter that one is experiencing authentic reality. The words are like a door, boring planks of wood not much fun looking at it or talking about it, its when I open the door and step into the reality behind it that I finally experience it.