Kevin Dunlop

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Everything posted by Kevin Dunlop

  1. I want to ask you, what is life for? You want to do this international competition for running deal - the olympics - but you arent even enjoying your daily life. Shift back into the present, you can - the peaceful empty present moment, let the stress drain away, this situation, your mind as filtered through your identity is imagining is happening, is one small limited perspective in a place of thousands of posibilities. You are in a beautiful place - go to the beach and enjoy the sound of the waves, the wind, the sun ,the birds nothing more - until you feel better. This may be better than winning a gold medal one day, today is your day to enjoy the gift of simply being alive - no judgements, no schemes. I have been to your area - its full of gardens of flowers and fancy properties. I suggest you get a job in landscaping, charge good money, and work with good people. Work 3 days per week no more, enjoy your free time - run for the pleasure of running not into a depression
  2. Thanks everyone I really love your posts !
  3. I dont think you are lazy! You finished high school, even though it was a struggle. Thats alot of work, way to go. Now you are in collage in software programming, thats motivation, and you are doing something you like, you even know what you like, thats great too. I know you will push on and finish all of this work because you did it before. It all makes sense for your life, you can get everything you wanted and everyone will be proud--but. You also seem to want to get away from it all, civilization disgusts you but you want to program its software? OK, still, I can totally understand. Civilization is all you have, programming is what your generation is supposed to do for it. But you can feel it, something is all wrong, you are supposed to want all of this planned life but you know you dont. Interesting, well lets get to the point, today you have to find out how to study and make it fun. I think you have a condition where reading makes you sleepy. I have the same thing. 2 or 3 pages in and my head starts to bob. The only time this changes for me is when I was no longer in school and started reading novels that really interested me. I naturally began to build up the ability to read 5, 10, 15, 30 pages without feeling tired. Maybe we dont sleep enough, maybe we read at night instead of during the day when we could. I dont know but it makes my eyes go crossed if I am not fully interested, just hurting to read on and find out what happens next. I finished highschool then went to university when I was 32, I was so much smarter and better at it than I would have been coming right out of highschool. And I got to do a whole lot of uncivilized things in the meantime. I hadnt wasted any time and I rocked my studies, Im actually an honour student now.
  4. Thanks for posting this important topic, Iam glad you are doing well. Still this is a discussion in a public forum, dont take it personally if we continue to discuss the matter. It may end up being important to us to share with eachother independant of your success.
  5. I think it is literally a restructuring of the nurons in the brain that disconnect and reconnect in a different way when the old way they have been working doesnt make sense any more for your new life. Your brain is all put together in a way that you got used to and all makes sense, until you find out it is too limited and wont allow you to advance. Small changes here have been normal, and feel fine but the brain is not good at having alot of its patterns taken apart quickly. If it doesnt have time to put new ones back together, it cant avoid the uncertian feelings of having to many parts disconnected. I have seen some extreme cases, but have never seen this process go wrong. We call this healing, use sacred types of practices to honour the process, it is done with the highest intensions, with protection, self honesty, believe in yourself that you are unblocking the social limits that keep you down and you need to do this to heal and advance. This is another aspect of the process that you can use to your advantage.
  6. Fasting ------ Go without. Get used to it. Get that rock solid discipline that humanity used to use to thrive on, going for you again. There is nothing like the feeling of overpowering all urges and winning. Go straight to the opposite of your suger and feel what its like to dominate your silly weakness. Pick a day and just eat cellery when you are hungry and jog when you are bored. Simplify it down to something like that sometimes. Stop being this weird little soft TV comercial consumer thing you have been trained to be for big buisness profits. You are a human you have infinite potencial, try out some of your human power, stop being so normal. Break out of the cage try something radical and new, be creative and dont be afraid you can handle alot more than you have been led to believe. Try it and see, just choose something completely different and stick with it to prove your limits are not in control
  7. Not only is it really great not to put processed foods in your house, but get some really high quality foods in there instead. Food quality increases its taste. Here are some suggestions. Wild foods you go out and collect have 10 times more minerals and vitamines than cultivated foods. They are nettles, chickweed, plantain, peppergrass, red sorrel, berries, nuts, mushrooms, to name a few. Also look for old abandoned orchards or accesable fruit trees of cherries, apples, plums, pears, etc. Every time I go to the woods I bring home a huge back pack of fresh picked food, and it tastes amazing. I keep it in fruit boxes in a dark room. Iam just now picking the first spring cherries of the year and eating the last apples from fall. Use this fruit to make pies, with no sugar needed just cinnamon nutmeg and clove for example. Also grow a garden, get rid of the grass in some places and install a greenhouse too. Get seeds from other people in your town and advice from them on when to plant and water etc, its really easy. You just cant buy anything that is like eating fresh picked food its completely different. Also eat whole grains, brown rice, oatmeal, amaranth, quinoa, and make sour dough bread with whole wheat flour. If you do this It will be alot of fun and wont be expensive. Once you get used to this super deliscous food, a nasty piece of synthetic cake will taste horrible, youll want to spit it out, and if you dont youll regret it because your guts will become alive and feeling again and used to feeling good instead of being numb trying to survive the onslaught of industrial foods. You can get used to any food and then will crave it the more you eat it so choose wisely and be persistant in retraining your tastes.
  8. This is normal. You got used to livivg from a trained perspective that is highly complex and took all your life to put together. You have a built in defense mechanisms that tries to make you stay the same and follow the ¨proven advice¨you have come to believe consciously and subconsciously. Your goals and methods, your interpretations and definitions are not made to be questioned let alone completely reformed. This feels like a rewireing process that causes confusion, intense feelings and the like. In my opinion most people need a big overhaul in their mind because of poor training. You have to get rid of alot of disfunctional tools but this leaves you with an empty toolbox for a while until you find those new tools that work... to fill in that empty gap. Keep searching and learning. Dont be afraid to let go of the old paradigm there is always a better one waiting if you find it soon youll advance but confusion is the unlearning process that happens first. Once we realize what has happened to us, and what it means, we should be sad we should mourn and be real about it, then we move on and use the experiences we had for what they are, a temporary support system that got us this far... but now is outdated and being replaced
  9. I had not really thought of this ability of seeing into people as part of the intuition but now that you have explained it , it really makes sense to define it this way. As Leo explained in his recent video on the intuition ( if we are correct in calling it that ) it can be heard as a voice if one reaches that level of peace but he also mentioned that later on it becomes more of a connection between the mind and body and is thus felt more than heard. I feel like the intuition wants to take on this more powerful form of being felt and directly guiding instead of being a quiet voice ( that you fight with yourself over if you will follow its advice or not.) I have also been working with some visual/ mental exercises that are helping me to change my perception. These have led me to have a more energetic visual experience. First I became able to convince my mind not to produce the illusion of depth. Everything I see apears as a flat screen. Then I tell myself ¨this is nothing more than consciousness unfolding¨. This allows me to not get involved with the egos concepts of reality and stop needing to define and name everything out there unconsciously and automatically because the ego doesnt recognize this flatened reality.So I can redefine it as all one thing, even me, all just consciousness unfolding. Cars, people, mountains, all the same. This helps me to feel the ¨all one consciousness¨ and hear what people say as all one conversation about us, all in one mind. Also when I close my eyes this too is consciousness unfolding, the internal vision, a flat screen ever changing with lights and images that when one sleeps or focuses on become the dream reality. I then began to notice that doing this begins to allow defined reality to infuse with energetic vision. Having fun! thanks for reading.
  10. My experience of the intuition is quite amazing, it seems to be a part of the mind that defies all logic. What is your intuition like? How does it work? How do you use it? How do you explain such a thing as being possible?
  11. Hi everyone Leo just published a really good video about ¨ how to harness the intuition¨ . I highly recomend the video as it puts investigation intuition at the forefront, thanks Kevin Hi Leo, Iam really glad that you posted this video, I feel like we are getting on the same page now. Way to go, this video is really honest, and for me anyway, a completely accurate description of intuition. Remember I posted in the forum this year a topic. What is Intuition and How does it work. And I was also discussing it with Emerald at the time and getting confirmation about the points you touched on too. I like how you are thinking of giving up on all the worldly things and success. Its not that you wont be ok without them or end up with nothing. You just need to stop following your identities definitions of what things are…. success, buisness, whatever you are calling these goals… are not accurate goals they are just weird definitions entrenched in your identity from before. When you practice letting go of all that identity stuff and realize that those words you are chasing dont even mean anything youll be able to experience percieving without the ego. Following intruition also has a huge benefit – no more regret. If you do go for it, and follow its illogical advice, youll know you did your best. The weight of regret and not knowing if you had done the right things is gone so you can actually enjoy life giving the drivers seat to intuition.
  12. We have heard about how enlightenment is good for the individual because it is a state of true perception, joy, kindness, indifference, these are some personal benefits that have been discussed in videos. But on a planetary level or for the whole of humanity what would the benefit be if more people become enlightened?
  13. I had thought of this too, maybe the effect of enlightened people hasnt happened yet. We see everywhere the legasy of archectects, farmers, technology etc. Maybe its not as obvious, it takes more to see the legacy of enlightened people, or maybe its not yet in full bloom
  14. Theres no pressure we are all still young and have alot to learn. No one can be expected to have all the answers right now. Its a process of ups and downs over many years. Lets be patient with eachother and ourselves
  15. No, thats OK its all interesting stuff really. Iam always glad to see how people talk about these things.
  16. I dont see meditation as a way of ataining enlightenment, I see it as a way of enjoying enlightenment.
  17. I was just reading about how In China there was a whole system set up to support people with enlightenment. There are monistaries, traditions and respect for the process in the culture. Still many of the enlightened people went off to live alone for long periods of time in the mountains. I can see how in other societies enlightenment without the support system, understanding, history and respect could be different. I suggest you make some money and go camping if you like that sort of thing, thats what I did it was awsome being alone in the wilderness for a while. But thats me I love the woods, never miss anything when I am there, listening to the wind in the trees and the birds, drinking pure water, cooking on the fire. I did hear that some thugs tried to kill the Gautama Buddha, also known as Siddhārtha Gautama by throwing big rocks on him and sending an enraged Elephant after him. So do be careful with weird, violent people. In China enlightened monks were able to eat food from the wild or grow food there. I didnt have food in the forests I lived in, I had some money saved up after working making wooden furniture and every once in a while I left the woods took a bus and bought food, thats all.
  18. Ya I know about this Mikey, thats why alot of enlightened people avoid ¨worldly men¨ they become hermits, they live far away, they dont want to be bothered. ¨In order to avoid the trouble of meeting people, I left at night with my baggage on my back for the wilderness. ¨ Empty Cloud. I completely understand nature is the only place I feel at ease.
  19. This makes me happy, I really do agree. Its just our training in life is really powerful in changing the enlightened perception into a limited perception. We really fall for it hard!
  20. For sure, you can. Be gentle dont over do it. Relax, turn up the heat, put on soft music if you like, invite a friend who knows something more if you like. The sun salutation is common. Watch videos about it too. It is basically stretching, breathing and relaxing. Feel how your body is doing as you stretch dont force pain. Breathe slowly and deeply. First do what you learned. You can get precise information about the best times to inhale and exhale, if you went to some classes you could probably call the teacher for small tips. Whatever you can improvise is going to be better than nothing so do what you feel is best. If you have injuries though you need know what you shouldnt do, other than that get started
  21. This is the answer to my other riddle, Everything is the same thing, the Self. Though to be honest I personally dont feel it that way. I still feel like things are really out there, I dont take credit for having invented them or that they are me. How I percieve them and What they are to me is my creation though. I can use the Kindergarden mind and say look an Apple ¨A¨ apple red, crunchy. Or I can see it for what it is infinite amounts of information, amazing and beautiful beyond description like everything else.
  22. I was really shy. Ill tell you what broke the cycle. I realized the illusion I had created that made me shy. I literally said to myself ¨ Hey, wait a minute, I am not judging everyones clothes, or haircuts, or exactly what they say, I dont have time to do that nor am I interested in doing that. So I was wrong to think that other people are judging me all the time, they arent. And if they are that weird they can fuck right off! ¨ I finally looked around and no one was paying attension to me, sometimes they smiled, everything was actually OK. I was being shy for nothing, no one is as critical as we imagine, so just relax, people are actually friendly and interested in whatever. Sometimes you get unlucky and someone is irritable but again thats their problem, luckily not yours. I hope this gets you started feeling comfortable and not under the magnifying glass. Not only are most people easy going but they arent really that cool, they are just as ¨whatever¨ as you are, so dont put yourself below them
  23. Dont worry about it too much. We are all doing our part as best as we can. Leo is putting this site together and its really helpful but hes not perfect. He is just finding out how messed up he is too. He is very determined to investigate the human mind and perception through experience. He does not want to leave this ¨stone¨ unturned, ( pun intended). If he did he would always be wondering if he had missed something important. He is still young, you see, and is going through this part of his development. He is being brave and investigating. Nothing is perminant let things change here and be patient
  24. I like to think of it this way, Enlightened people can still talk, talking is part of the learned identity, the Ego. If the Ego had died totally and was gone, erased, goodbye, than how could it be used to talk? So to me the Ego is not erased it is exposed for what it is and no longer used a total filter on reality. It is the death or the of the egos system. But I dont want to tell you how to see it either, we each have our own way