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Everything posted by ryoko

  1. I've been contemplating this... Don't know about addiction. But about procrastination, you're already assuming there's things you gotta do. And those things are often things you'd rather avoid for reasons unknown. You may love it, in some sense. But yet it's hard to bring yourself to do it. Recently I've entered a different territory. And it's been difficult to preserve the meaning in anything I do. I eventually gave up trying to build meaning. What can be easily broken is better off broken. The truth is, vision is a poor substitute for awareness. My only goal these days is to preserve my awareness and pass a certain threshold. No real reason why. It's not even worth calling a goal. Because it's not. It should be natural. But this again, like you said is extremely difficult to do, when the energy is pulled in many different directions. And I have to constantly remind myself. I'm terribly disappointed by human standards of living. It's partially because I want everyone to have a different, more evolved norm. But realising how unrealistic it is. And how much it will hinder their survival and they can't afford it. For me, it was, so far I've built my interests by following my heart and ignoring every little motivation factor from outside. Now, I feel utterly lonely, I realised the place I've reached is so lonely. And this is the place I call home. And been losing friends from my life on a high speed. May be procrastination is a coping mechanism to go back to the world's norms.. And a way to preserve my empathy for the world.. And be a part of it.. like an actual part, of the group. There's only 2 things, which can break this. A strong ego, or a strong nothingness. Both will do. Ego is easier to summon, but hard to maintain. And nothingness takes a bit of work and pain sucking.. but less energy is needed to preserve it. I guess drugs are a failed way of preserving one or the other.. same for any addictions. Life purpose is equivalent of building a strong ego and maintaining it. Higher learning requires you be fluid.. But survival requires you be grounded and be blind in a way. That is if you're going the ego route.
  2. So, basically the higher stuffs mess with your survival...
  3. It's interesting to see how everyone have different meanings to the word free will.. Don't listen to Sadhguru too much. He has no intention of making you free. He have an agenda. He is just fulfilling that. Infact he tramples on others' freedom too much, by means of manipulation, social engineering.
  4. 1. It's easy to make choices and plans which seem to have little external influence.. But if you start execution of those plans, you realise how much grip the external factors have on you. 2. You make choices within a predetermined context. You mentioned Financial Status. But don't get to choose whether money should even exist in the world or not. Most of the times, you have very little control over the context. And most people take the context for granted, and give little thought to altering it completely. For example, "A world without money". 3. The illusion of free will. Let's say you decide to make a lot of money, or let's say you decided to live in the woods. Look at the context again. The context is forcing you to make one choice or the other. Of course, there's a myriad of choices. But all of it, is simply some form of slavery. 4. Everything you do is pointless. Meaning is made up. Religion is made up. Wanting to live as "such and such" a human being is utterly pointless. Everyone is EQUAL, ONE.. 5. The illusion of having no control. You are god, you created everything. Everything you can possibly experience and imagine, is all your own creation. Even space time and other human beings. You are lost in your own creation. How does that make you feel?
  5. @BojackHorsemanI just re read.. Thanks for the clarification.
  6. It is so absurd to even actively look for another gender. It should come to you naturally when your nature is stronger than their(society's) masks. Infact women may find you extremely disturbing if you are beyond a level of consciousness. Just try your best to hide what you know.
  7. AI has nothing to do with art tbh. It only changes the commercial, business aspects. It's just an excuse to pay less. Give up art? Are you so dumb? 😂 Art is beyond AI tbh. I'm not talking about commerical art.. infact art done for commerce is better off being replaced.
  8. @Davino Remember, it's a spiral, meaning, yellow have the necessary Orange in it, the necessary Purple in it. This is why you're still not living in the woods. You can totally start at Turquoise if you so want.
  9. I have a feeling that in next 10 years, the world will see a lot of children who are naturally Stage Yellow. But, will have a hard time navigating the world because of the prevailing Stage Orange dynamics in the society. It's not necessary that one should tick all the boxes, of all stages. So, telling such an intelligent population to bend to stage orange and play their dirty games is a sheer insult. The solution to thrive in such a society is too obvious, become creative, and irreplaceable. But also, early stage yellow will have some trouble to make that transition, where the norm was to confirm to the values of stage orange to survive. This would be something like "How to escape Wage Slavery?" Video. But more catered towards stage yellow, and how actually thrive with a stage yellow+ Life Purpose.
  10. It's fine to reject various aspects of certain stages, totally. But, it'll need some work to make those aspects from others to not affect you later in any way. It's about figuring out how to burn through the karma. Sometimes, it involves indulging in what affects you. But often it's not needed at all. It depends on whether or not you plan to live around the 'center of gravity'. Again, take aghoris as an example. They eat corpses, drink in human skull. There's infinite ways to burn the unrequited karma if you're open to it. I'm moving to Turquoise at the moment. My 'active' yellow was very short, like just a few months. The only thing born out of stage yellow was, being able to decipher complex things in a non linear way, this was vital in gaining clarity on various aspects. And it's here to stay. I merely discovered I always had the ability to do that. At this point, I don't belong to any "stage", actually. The validity of Spiral Dynamics is already crumbling. I used to think, people need to move up the spiral or things like that. But on closer inspection, the spiral doesn't exist. Never existed.
  11. You're not wrong. Being pulled into center of gravity, for the effective development, of the entire hivemind, is simply how the system works. That is if you just sit back and allow it. BTW, what do you mean by Shadows at Yellow?
  12. Skipping "stages" is entirely possible, but not through drugs, rather it's through intense adversity. Infact the whole spiral dynamics is more of a map. In the territory, you can do a lot more than just follow the map. And the territory is nothing like the map. You can heavily alter the territory if you want. Map is pseudo. The territory is different for each and every person. The spiral dynamics is effective only on people who were subject to the societal conditionings of modern society and grew up in an "average" environment. If the person grew up on another planet with another species, spiral dynamics will not be too relevant on him. Also, when you're born yellow, it doesn't mean you've missed the previous stages. It just means that's where your territory begins. And in our alien planet, if you're always pushed to go coral because they "are" coral. You might just evolve. It's based on how much relevant those stages are to you. On earth, our "value compass 🧭" is constantly influenced by the Orange or whatever the average stage is. This is headache for those who are above that stage. Also remember, stage yellow have the necessary Orange in it, and the wisdom to decide whether to keep it or not. It's integrated. There's nothing like you missed the lessons. Either you are yellow or you're not. And it's not possible to say "such and such" is the end goal for a person. These stages are ultimately irrelevant. Reminds me of the aghoris, and the way they live. One could say their development is lopsided. But what right does anyone have to say that. They don't want the same things as the creators of Spiral Dynamics. Now the map has become the obstacle. The spiral dynamics is by no means a true map for one's choices. It's more of a map for the average population, who values the same things as the creators of Spiral Dynamics.
  13. AI used in art is a fuck up. It's a fuck you to the artists. It's blatantly evident that it's motive is to replace artists, and just lay them off whenever and pay them what's least possible. AI is an awesome tool for learning, for science. But it's introduction through slapping the art community on the face, is a dick move. It doesn't take much brains to figure out what's the energy profile of this whole ordeal.
  14. I get the feeling that you're exaggerating the interaction with that guy. Remember working with energies is as simple as working out, once you start being aware of the energy flows. Just start by feeling the sensations of pain in your head. And enquire if there's any substance behind this pain. Often times, these physical pains are attributed to toxic relationships. Here's one personal experience. I was having a similar experience with a girl. So, I kept some distance and really tried to sleep off the pain, rest for a day, and really feel all the pain.. and suddenly something snapped and pain was gone in an instant. What happened was, from the beginning I was trying to be aware of what's going on, what am I missing. At that moment, something clicked. I realised what kind of guy is her type. And the difference in values, between her type and me, has become very clear to me. This was liberating. But this didn't stop me from interacting further with her. But it cut down a strong knot which was trying me to her. Just pay attention to everything, with all your energy. Slow down for a bit. Also, do you really think she has energy? Does she ever expend energy to her fullest with you? And for you to feel so drained, you must have been expending all your energy while she was not. So, after that realisation, I was more sure of my values this, so I tried to interact with her normally and the very second she started showing signs of low energy, I started showing signs of high energy, because, why compromise? Then after that, I told her. Well, she's not really my type. And cut all ties. But it took a day or two to really get over. There are women who value "staying silent instead of confronting", just to keep the relationship alive in some form. Realize this may be harmful for you. Here it's an air of compromise, compromise of your values. Just have a strong sense of what you value and it solves most of the problems, in relationship and otherwise. Also, I recommend watching Leo's video on Gaslighting. It's a deep video which talks about values, and how we try to superimpose our values onto others.
  15. Your standards are too low. If when having a conversation, a girl is reading your messages 3 seconds late, abandon her. Never text her again. Also you could just tell her she's so low energy, and that she's not your type, for her closure, just for old times sake. But never try to change her. Girls who are distracted have a leak in their energy, their energy is all over the place. You know she's just playing with her phone but don't have the energy to "be" with you. This is what I consider cheating, a habitual leak in the energy. And if you're texting with such a girl, it means you're not living at your limits, energy-wise. You attract someone who's your own level. The only good advice here is to build yourself up, cultivate a lot of energy. And whatever you do from that state, you'll never regret it. And most of all, be honest with yourself. ---------------- For your information, men and women have different brain chemistry. Men can handle multiple woman. But women can't. A woman's brain is built for a single partner. If a woman have the influence of more than 1 man in her life, in any form. Be it just social media followers/following, or just her fantasizing over some cute guy. She's not natural. She'll have a lot of internal struggle which drains her energy, needlessly. Because it's hard to transition from one man to next, but they try to overcome it by pretending otherwise. That's the woman bit. Remember, a woman's mind is not just woman, it's also man. It's what the culture has fed her and whatever her ego's survival has become at this point. She also genuinely wants to have multiple partners and just freely have sex with whoever. This is partly because she can't afford to be natural, in an unnatural world. Don't shun her for that, ever. Just know that she's struggling with it, this is why women at this stage often leave a bad taste in your mouth. She's so sour at the moment, from all her tears and struggle. And it's best she lives out her desires. And in her next lives, she will be ready, mature enough to appreciate the presence of one man. She'll have transcended the what the culture could ever feed her. On regards to confrontation, I do it all the time. There are girls who are super honest, and transparent. They'll tell you openly if they're doing something else at the same time. And no, flaking is not part of female nature, it's the opposite. Flaking is an unnatural bit, because of the dating culture and other unnatural things that's part of the current world.
  16. ^ karma is not some kind of magic, it's when you realize everything is your making. Everything! The entire world.
  17. your standards of pretty are totally fucked up, re assess.
  18. Reading all the replies, it's painfully obvious the dating culture is utterly unnatural and stupid. But, it reminded me of this. Just be yourself, don't go on bitch-hunting/ man-hunting too much. You're practicing dishonesty.
  19. If you think you need to pursue it, by all means, do it. Osho often used the analogy of celibate monks being perverted, because of repression. But that's not really true. If anything, they are making a true effort to go beyond it. Repressing is also part of the process. What about spiritual repression? You want to feel ONENESS, but you deny yourself that pleasure everytime. How is that a fair game? Infact, by saying you want material things before spiritual is utter stupidity. Because you're putting one above the other. Here, you're saying, spiritual things are secondary
  20. Ever wondered what the default state of a person is? it's death. It's not activity. you are alive for let's say 100 years, what are you for the rest of the trillion years? Do you think you'll get to such a world by operating the same way the current world thinks?
  21. Don't confuse the vision for the process, the vision is strictly a world where people "have" evolved, by whatever means necessary, it's more like the end result. The process is what I implied when I said, people are free to live on their level of development, for as long as necessary.
  22. By this I also implied, people are free to live with their current level of development. But at the same time, I'm touching a very nuanced point here. The reason Spiral Dynamics is the way it is; all the stages and the different characteristics is precisely because of our past and current "environment" and "values". Spiral Dynamics will be totally different if humans took a different developmental path, then it wouldn't be human anymore. An alien species will have a totally different type of evolutionary path. I have no doubts that changing and evolving this current state is gonna require enormous amount of energy, to be precise, at least 3 times the energy of all those conditionings, it's not just the mind, it's everything we see around us, it's the lifestyle, the diseases, the media, books, all of the impact created by humans who are here currently and those who have come before us. We need 3 times more energy than all that combined, in the right direction to make it a reality. 2/5th of it is to destroy the current conditionings, rest is hopefully to build a new direction. But as this happens, humans will have turned into an entirely different species from what we know today. This is not something a small group of humans can achieve. Also, it's ugly, forcing humans into something else.. the resistance in humans will likely kill many in the process. Unless, there is a big threat which forces humans to evolve or die. And this, doesn't motivate me in the slightest. I think all the current limitations and flawed direction of development humans are taking, is "perfectly" expected.. no need to alter it in the slightest. like you said, it is what it is, out of consequence, not by chance.