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Everything posted by ryoko

  1. This initiative is such a wholesome one, I loved the people behind it. I'm curious how they'll handle the transition, because, currently it needs money to operate, and people in it, will need money when they wanna transact outside Venus (Miami is close to Venus), I got the impression that, they intend to uproot all the conditioning for this to work successfully, it's an awesome thing if it can be done effectively. It will definitely be effective on children who grow up there. Willing adults might take a while to fully transition.
  2. You're still approaching the solution from the same level of mind which created the problem. I'm all for people doing whatever their heart desires at the moment. About this whole "bringing vision to reality" thing, it's absolutely boring.
  3. As long as you're not cool with the idea of everyone doing nothing, this world have no chance of materializing.
  4. We can always ask for more, what if I asked for a clean slate, to rid of the Collective Karma. I would naturally be rid of all the privileges too. Nothing ever comes to you for free. Now, after ridding the privileges, what if I asked the Nation to stop being a Nation? Why is there a concept of nation in the first place. Why restrict oneself to this small part of earth, when this whole earth is mine.
  5. I don't think everyone's end goal is MahaSamadhi. It's just a peculiarity of this futuristic society. These people not eager to die or something, they have found better use for their time. Not Consciousness, it could be anything. Let's say your passion is to do nothing.
  6. People are unique, they are not restricted from selfishness, infact all they are doing is being selfish. So selfish that they forget about harming others. Power is what you built for yourself, your karma. But remember it's never had anything to do with others in the first place. This thought experiment is more like, "let's short circuit God's Greatest pleasure, that is this slot machine of a human evolution", finding evil people is a great joy to this whole game. What's the fun if there's no selfish people.
  7. Nature has enough for everyone, people here have just evolved to integrate it, all the infrastructure is futuristic as in Tomorrowland or StarTrek
  8. The existence of division such as 1st world, 4th world in itself, is stupid. If you're not aware yet, you are restrained even more in a first world country. It's the gift of Collective Karma. You naturally will have a lower "tolerance", making it impossible to live "as" nature. And by passion, you automatically assume, it has something to do with economy or people, what if it have nothing to do with society at all? And that's the kind of passion being referred here. This society is already satisfied, it doesn't need another savior or salesman. Passion is just an expression of your highest nature. These are not forced ideals, people who are in it have actually evolved to that level. If you're not aware already, MahaSamadhi had been celebrated already for thousands of years. It's an awesome achievement. So far all your inputs have been of immense joy to me @RendHeaven
  9. There's no convincing, it's just a natural consequence. Here survival is taken care of, people given immense freedom to explore their passion without restraints. Over time, an evolution will happen, there's no forcing that anyone need to die, but this form of death(consciously leaving the body), is celebrated, and is getting more and more common.