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Everything posted by ryoko

  1. Ideas come from Intensity. Just because someone have great ideas doesn't mean he knows what he is doing. It's easy to speak. Harder to embody. And much easier to con. Don't just listen the words, look at their actions, look at their energy. If it still resonates, nice. Try watching movies/documentaries by Peter Joseph. You'll see the contrast.
  2. Absolutely not. Elon building space civilization is akin to US invading lands from natives. No matter how I put it, I see just this. He's not working to improve human kind. Take a look at real men, like Jacques Fresco. You'll see the difference clearly.
  3. The only people who seemed to be crying about free speech are those who damage the morale growth of society for selfish means. Nobody holistic cries about free speech.
  4. There will be no president position when the world is strong Turquoise.
  5. Think out of the box for a while. They're not tamed in cities. If you look at the through modern eyes, all you'll see is torture. Elephant shelters are near a place with lots of trees and they need good shelter. They need a tropical environment to keep themselves healthy. And they're not chained 24/7. But you'll see them chained in almost every video on the internet, because that's internet. My suggestion, go look at elephant shelters and their caretakers first hand. And try to see if the elephant is actually happy about being there instead of in the wild. You're undermining a lot of things here. Anyways, I don't mind if you wanna keep thinking they're tortured. Whatever helps your survival.
  6. This is a very relevant discussion. This is like the firsthand experience of "borderless" world, to the Canadian people. Made me think a lot about it. The economy of a country is maintained by restricting access to the region. Economy breaks if there's no borders. 'world without borders' <=> 'world without money' Here's a stage red perspective high on weed! People from third world countries have a hard time even coming to a first world country, very less fraction can meet the current requirements. Imagine there's no need for a passport or visa, the whole world will be like India. People will start coming to Vegas on bullock cart or elephant backs. And they will have absolutely no trouble living in the streets. This basically means the whole world order is disrupted, jobs as you know it have disappeared. Every privilege "whites" have will be meaningless. And soon "whites" will be in a worse state because of the competition. Borders exist to ward off "low quality" people. It's hard to keep up the racism when "whites" are homeless and jobless and wifeless. It'll just lead to a civil war. Cultural invasion is real. This has also led to the rise of poo memes in twitter. We don't have an utopian world yet, because we still enjoy being racist. Haha.
  7. Do you own a cat? Or any pet for that matter? Elephants are wild creatures, they can't just be brought to a festival on a whim. They have a very special relationship with their caretakers, and the people who approach it. They are taken good care of. Elephants almost never go berserk, it's kinda rare. You're pigeonholing this into animal cruelty. They are really good creatures.
  8. That goes both ways man. I'm from a third world country. Not gonna pretend there's no hostility and corruption. But there's another side to it, there's richness in culture. But a tourist have not much ways to fathom it. And it can be alienating, either way. Plus, if you're thinking of migrating. Don't think you can adapt to the economy ever. It's impossible to get a job or work in a third world country's economy. And there's serious lack of opportunities in places worth living in. It's more like, are you cut out for living in this particular environment? I would avoid anything other than "Tropical Evergreen Forest" biome. Most of Phillipines, Indonesia, Kerala(India) is actually good if you can manage to find a good community to settle in, provided you have the finances taken care of. One more thing, you can't live the same way you've lived in USA, it can feel very restricting, in terms of people's attitude regarding many things. But that's exactly what keeps the culture alive. For example, in Indonesia, living together is illegal. You already get the point. Here's the map I'm referring to.
  9. After marriage! That's how it is in Asia. And it's much better. It maintains the stability. All depends on your priorities. Life has a million ways to enjoy and color it, just choose whatever is best for you. BTW, there's no need to go along the lines of "...allowed to have ...", why bother? A mature life knows how to make decisions on it's own. What you can give them is, show them there's infinite choices to pick from, and there's no need to confirm to what's around you.
  10. What's the point of Video Games? I hunt for the most unique games ever created, highest quality. But eventually I get disappointed after playing them. One, because I'm learning Environment Art, so I'm desensitized to games in general. Two, I have too much expectations from games as a medium, a place where real growth is possible. And last but not the least, the culture of video games industry is so mindless. All of these are totally not my values. My top 3 values being Awareness, Mastery and Integrity. I have made it a point that I do what I feel like. Nothing more nothing less, and if I'm feeling any resistance to doing something I want, there's work I gotta do. This post is part of that work. Lately I have been thinking how a small fraction of the population can afford to play AAA Games. And much less enjoy it. If games are more than what they are today, they will be priced 10x higher. Imagine a game which can actually help you grow. Making the accessibility even sparce. My expectations for games are on that level. Entertainment through games is fine, but I think games can do a far better job entertaining than how it is going on today. I'm totally against anything compromised. The current way games have manifested is through being a means for escapism, addiction, guilt of not doing well in life. Life is far more exciting, simply existing is enough reason to rejoice. Naturally, I don't get one bit excited about games these days. I just feel like most games are just wasting my quality of life(I'm talking about the most awesome games I handpicked) This boredom for games is a common thing about those who work in the industry. It's hypocrisy on another level. The ultimate test for a good video game is, whether it's creator can get lost playing the game he created, can he immerse himself in it and get addicted to it? Any new perspective on this is appreciated. I'm just wondering where games can end up, and how can it actually be useful beyond this simple entertainment and escapism. Such that playing games is considered something good, like working out.
  11. "Tomorrowland" I have been having this vision in the back of my mind for quite some time now. A world where karma is the only currency. You enjoy the fruits of everything you do, also you're not supposed to do anything either. This is also an imperfect world, because karma isn't real either at stage Turquoise, also societal(collective) karma is almost nullified, nobody is forced to do anything. This world here isn't interested in hoarding anything, people are free to do anything, but alone. The goal is that one doesn't interfere or even passively impact the other. There is no need to earn money, or even contribute to the society, you can live a perfectly good life, doing nothing. Infact doing nothing is the norm, it is the best thing to do. Activity is neither encouraged nor discouraged. Flowering of an individual's true nature is celebrated. This world at first, focused on tech advancements as a community, like "Tomorrowland". Soon they get bored of it and commit suicide out of boredom. Because every form of "pleasure" is short circuited, it was not really suicide, it was MahaSamadhi. People left behind their bodies, consciously, without any external aid. Where did it go wrong? Or did it? Thoughts?
  12. __ Spiral Dynamics will soon become totally invalid to me, let me make good use of it while I can. --- Help me make a list of things to truly burn down Tier 1, forget about integration. I'll go first Become Fire Access an endless source of fuel Stay afire Set your Heart ablaze
  13. I remember how I used to get annoyed when artists are creating guns, I used to think "why, our world already got enough war going on, why create guns". So hilarious😆.. And thanks for the suggestions @FourCrossedWands and @Danioover9000, those games got very nice mechanics in place. Manor Lords for example, is providing procedural tools to build game worlds.. It's nice to see such games exist.
  14. Aw, I just realized I was subtly pushing certain values... Thanks for the shocker, Leo.
  15. If you use a 3D program or Game Engine for long periods of time, you'll start having visual thoughts in the infinite void. And it's not a big surprise. It used to happen when I push myself to imagine levels and certain other aspects, often when I'm feeling half asleep. Much like lucid dreaming but with control over the environment and what you create in that void. P.S - Aren't you able to see it's just a 3D video? The snake gave away the illusion.
  16. I understand now. If there's resistance, fully give in to it. Let it be there. Just look deeper. There's nothing wrong with resistance. Spiritual people will condition you to "let go, surrender.." and all that crap. Just don't listen to them. And remember none of what they say is the absolute truth. What's best for you right now is your own feeling, let that be your guide.
  17. I'm the same age as you. Since the age of 19, I have been free from all sorts of institutions, I dropped them out of my life. Also realized early on, there are things which I can make money with, skills which come to me too easy. But ofc they don't give any satisfaction. So, I'm still a total newbie at what I am pursuing. I wouldn't recommend anyone to do what I did, and there's many more years to come. "Set a goal which will take decades to master, but live in the moment without a care about what happens the next moment." It all depends on what your values are. Find them.
  18. Continue singing. And probably not for an audience. A retreat to heal and strengthen your vocal muscles would be a good opportunity now. From reading your post, you were on the verge of giving up not because you can't sing.. But the fear of outcome.. But yes, the making a living part must be weighing on you to make a wiser choice. That should have to go. Meaning, forget all about making a living if you wanna excel at something you've taken a hit at. It's true for everything creative. Money aspect just gets in the way. Good day.
  19. Don't half ass socializing. If you wanna socialize. Do it directly. There's absolutely no need for college as a medium.
  20. There's 0 need to surrender to anything or anyone 😂. What are you so concerned about? If it's about new learning. You can become nothing.
  21. Right to exist. If you are seeking such a context. That's what you'll get. Because what else are you capable of realising at the moment. It's basically like saying karma doesn't exist for the one who is aware. So, yes. You have to earn the right to live.
  22. Just look how delusional it is to think God wants to acknowledge itself.. so it's fallen low. Because God is lonely 😂.
  23. I don't understand what's the deal with humanizing God