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About ryoko

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  1. Because you allow it. Just keep posting more culture shocking stuff, as in, just be yourself, it should neutralize things. I'm serious. You don't know the first thing about India. In the meantime, have fun watching those instagram videos.
  2. I've spent some time to understand what's the deal with these hate organizers. This was from a 30 hour talk amongst "white" guys who hate "jews", racism against India was a stepping stone to something else. Basically to bring back Trump in power(yeah, this was before election), among many other things. Plus it was obvious they were getting a kick out of it. I was really surprised how these guys try to organize mobs in US and Europe. Just some grumpy kids/middle-aged men who are angry about Indians taking their high paying jobs, marrying the "white" women. Ignorance at it's peak, I was thinking to myself, what has America done to deserve this kind of people, then I remembered, we are on the verge of a societal collapse and USA will be the first to explode, because of the amplified inequality. And people there are struggling to make ends meet, they have only a few outlets to balance out this external chaos, "curse the jews", "being racist towards people of color". Sad but true, this demographic exists. Their life will be very difficult if they don't think to themselves they are somehow superior.
  3. Very limited definition, slaves are those whose will is conditioned to be something just below their tolerance level, which is everything. You being in a human body is slavery, what if you wanted to be an actual bird?
  4. And @Daniel Balan All domesticated animals became so after centuries of enslaving them from the wild. Technically they are slaves, but they are happy too. But that doesn't make animal rearing any less unethical, I mean, Leo certainly can't, but you can, until you can't anymore. Don't forget human beings are beasts too, they just use the other animals in a cunning, self-deceiving way. Humans have built just too many systems, collective and individual, to a point where they forget they are animals, and they forget killing a human is nothing different from killing a chicken. Of course we kill to eat, to survive, sometimes we eliminate other humans who are too troublesome, and stay(stuck?) in tribes known as countries. And everything humans do is an extension of their survival, even getting enlightened, is part of survival. If Leo doesn't realize the truth that animal rearing is slavery, it makes his life harder. And if you were to realize it, you won't be able to rear them anymore. Getting enlightened and animal rearing is just the same, don't pay attention to anyone who says otherwise.
  5. I'm 22 Recently been thinking, how can anyone immersed in solipsism bring a child into a world. I mean, not unless they are bored.
  6. I disagree. @gettoefl Monastic life is much better. Monastic life is the one of the real ways to go intense on whatever you value. You can't solve a problem from the same level of mind that created it.
  7. More info: https://m.youtube.com/@WalkingwithaSadhu/videos
  8. @Ninja_pig I get it, Engineering is actually fun, I do like it. I was just verifying if it was a purely money based decision. Glad you have an affinity for it. About Narmada Parikrama. Tell me what you think about it. I think you'll find more info from people who actually do it. Checkout RaghuRaahi's instagram page. P.S - this is that time of the year, to go parikrama, we're a bit late.
  9. Hey, we're the same age. I've had multiple awakenings, never touched a substance, doesn't follow any guru. If you haven't guessed, I'm from India, lucky in that regard. But doesn't matter where you're from, it's still a lot of work. I've known Leo when I was 16, and have found his content absurd/low consciousness at that point. But I've seen him grow over the years. I've only recently started spending time with all the important topics like Spiral Dynamics, like a year or two ago. I still find a lot of his content absurd. But hey, I can understand why it would be so. No judgement. It's just biases of where he lives in, societal karma. Just saying, you probably have the same blindspot and it's alright, I'll help out there a bit. What do I do? I'm basically a dropout, my goal at 19 was to pursue everything I have an affinity for, find out what works best for me. Not gonna spoil further. In short, my life unfolds in ways I've never planned and the way it unfolds is always something I could have never planned for. My point being, if you're living the high life, you can't predict what you'll become in the next 5 years, the journey is insanely rewarding. So it's absurd to think you'll postpone something till you're 40. I'm gonna answer your question based on everything you said. I can see your appeal for monkhood. Here's how I see it, if green doesn't happen you wanna go back to the stability of our Orange society. Not a bad "plan". But I have a feeling the Green won't happen well. Because you still wanna pursue Orange. And have strong roots in there. I'm pretty sure the people you know doesn't want you to be a monk, as much as you want it. Should you exhaust orange more or move on to grow further? The answer is totally up to you. If you have the means, take more time and try out everything. And I can already see you don't like the prospect of a normal job, and that's something commendable. But I'm lost here since you said you'd go into engineering. Again, all or nothing, huh? ---- Thoughts on monkhood. Don't be a monk in an organisation. It's just a monk businesses and learning Buddhism, beleive me you'll be disappointed fast. Be an independent monk, yeah, the real thing. Go full on, there's many who practice "Narmada Parikrama" and similar stuff. This only lasts a few months, it's about walking, long distance as a monk and being one with the nature, culture. You mostly stay in stranger's houses, food is mostly at the grace of strangers. And you should see the faces of these monks. Meditation can't hold a candle to this. This journey often transforms their whole life and life takes on an entirely different direction.
  10. @Leo Gura He's a natural man, he just made sure to stay true to his values. I love how he doesn't conform to anything at all, given his time. And it's no accident most Enlightened people is in India. The land is so rich. And the rest of the world and even Indians aren't aware of it. It's hilarious.
  11. I didn't like "reading" Mastery. I liked the core concepts and it can be learnt from less than 5 pages. Don't expect books to make you satisfied or knowledgeable. Just use the bits of wisdom as effectively to gain real knowledge, first hand experience. Don't cling to second hand knowledge. Do your thing.
  12. You don't see how you're being used by the money, not the other way around. Do you see the karmic baggage that comes with it? Every dollar has the energy of a person behind it. The more people's imprint you take on, the more of a "politician" you become. Because now you're obliged to help those who actually worked to make the billion(the actual hands who worked and didn't get the money). The moment you take on the billion, you become a busy bird, doing this doing that, no time to do your own stuff. In a monetary system, you cannot channel it to create infinite value. You simply can't. There's too much overhead cost and a billion dollars is nothing to even things out. By the time, we get billions worth of value for free, we won't have a monetary system. And that's something I look forward to. But there are ways to make use of the billion. Donate it to Open Source development entirely/part by part. Both for softwares, infrastructure, and anything which is of higher value. Now it's about giving back to the world in a better way. But you're still doing your own thing, because you gave it all away already. You become free of it the moment you create the intention to give it away. Whether or not you wanna be involved in the process of giving it to the world depends on the individual. Depends on their nature. Just focus on creating your own value. And decide if you're doing it to accumulate wealth or to give wealth to the world. Because if you give to the world enough, the world will take care of you. No, wrong, you are taking care of yourself. See how beautiful this is. Remember, your life purpose was created in light of scarcity induced by the system, when there's no scarcity for you, there's no purpose either. And one more thing, you can't force a generation of people to just develop. Each and everyone have to put in the work to develop themselves (and not waste their potential by making money, because let's face it, majority can't follow their passion). And that's not feasible in a monetary society. Because of accumulation by the few and how the majority have to do useless circus just to get the money for basic stuff. That's absurd.
  13. @integral it's swag to reject a billion dollars.
  14. Everyone goes through this phase, man. What can they do? They don't know any better, all they have is the conformity of others doing the same thing around them. Your reality needs to be stronger than theirs. My advice: immerse yourself in building yourself so that they can't coerce you anymore into doing things. Nobody complains a soldier didn't pray at the time because he was fighting in a war and killing his supposed enemies. Why should anyone coerce you at all? The battle is between whose truth is more integrous. And if you're struggling, use it as a catalyst for your growth. Force yourself to grow out of that old reality, in every way.