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Everything posted by onacloudynight

  1. How do I feel good knowing that I am a liar? I do not trust anyone anymore
  2. Will start hitting the gym today
  3. At this point I don't care about hurting anyone anymore. Girls do it all the time and don't bat an eye so it's time to adapt.
  4. I must be attracting these types of girls too me I swear. Because it is all I am seeing.
  5. It's almost like I need to start raping girls or something. I don't know how much more dominant I need to become like for real. It's almost like they want a rapist or something it is very weird.
  6. She said her past boyfriend raped her... I'm apparently not dominant enough ?
  7. Nah I just broke up with her. We good.
  8. I think our generation is screwed personally
  9. No. She is just being honest with me, which I appreciate it but it still gets on my nerves. I am going to break up with her.
  10. My girlfriend and I are trying to set up a living situation together, but her mf dad keeps calling her, always checking up on her and wondering where she is at and shit. How do I remove this mf?
  11. Does realizing these desires lead to an increase state of consciousness and love? Or should I keep these desires locked away forever?
  12. What if I like universe travel? ?
  13. I am designing my own consciousness arboretum. My goal is to have people tripping out in this small city-like dome. There will be no laws because we will be aware that we can just respawn, so we will be using the place as an observational consciousness experiment chamber.
  14. I had a dream about this. In the dream we were so conscious that death didn't matter, but we did appear to have things in place in case something went wrong.
  15. I have communicated with her. She acts like she has no control over the situation and is at her dad's mercy.
  16. Do not go I may be getting flack for saying this but I have seen things from both sides. Both as a patient and as a security guard working for the hospital The nurses and doctors treat the patients like trash. I have personally seen and heard nurses joke about putting sedatives in the patients drinks. They do not care and are borderline psychopaths Just because they are doctors doesn't mean shit. Most of them have giant egos and get off on the power that they have over their patients. The psychiatric system needs a major overhaul like for real. I would avoid it like the plague.
  17. Growing yourself is scary. You start becoming weird.
  18. I refuse to listen to you bro. Her dad is getting in the way of OUR relationship. He is insinuating all this nonsense about me to get her to doubt our relationship together. He is really toxic, which is why I am trying to get her away from him.