Soul Flight

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Everything posted by Soul Flight

  1. @Unleash Thanks for the post. The heart rate could be kundalini awakening. It could be a reaction to your enlightenment work. The subconscious may be revolting. It could be a panic attack. It could be the virus or just some random thing anyone could get. But maybe nothing is random Lol! We are the architects of our own life.
  2. @Juan According to the film Inception you can have a dream within a dream within a dream. So you just need to fall asleep in your dream. But I guess we forget about the previous waking state/states at each new dream level. One problem is we have never awoken from this apparent waking state. But one day we might. Ramana Maharshi said the dreaming state is the true self and maybe reality itself and you yourself dissolve when dreaming. The sleeping state is the reality. This waking state is the dream. But I still can't answer your question. Maybe remembering the dream state is part of the convincing evidence of this waking illusion.
  3. @CoolDreamThanks What if god is a genius and this job is exactly what you need? Maybe you need to surrender to it. Maybe you need to reject it. Follow your instincts. Follow your intuition. You are always on your path. The obstacle is the path. You are right where you belong. The universe does not make mistakes. Maybe your external reality is your internal reality. You are projecting. The job is inside you. The external battle is a manifestation of your internal battle with your self. Accept. Surrender. Let go. You might be myopic. You have tunnel vision. You are focusing on this job. Maybe you are self deluded and you are focusing on the job to avoid a larger pain gnawing at you. It is a strategy. Maybe you are addicted to pain or frustration. It's all god. It's all you. The job is god. The frustration is god. You are already enlightened. You are whole. Without the job, the universe and you would not be whole. This job must be. There are infinite jobs so this job must exist. All is illusion. Seeking is an illusion. There is nothing to seek. Seeking for a new job is an illusion. It is all Maya. So dance the Leela. Wish you all the best!
  4. Maybe time is an illusion. Maybe there is no free will and the future is predetermined. There is no past and no future. Only the current moment exists.
  5. God might be more of a force and not a person. God is infinity. God is pure dream. The infinite dream. Infinite imagination.
  6. @Majed In some sense the Buddha suffered to become the Buddha and he said desire is suffering and all we do is desire. Jesus died on the cross and that is thought to be symbolic of suffering. The cross has become an icon. The cosmos push you to the precipice. It can be the long dark night of the soul which can last for decades sometimes.
  7. You can always text or call 988 to discuss your situation. Reach out to friends and family or any of us. Wish you well.
  8. @thierry Glad you got through a rough patch there. Be well.
  9. @James123 There can be chemical addictions and behavioral addictions. Psychedelics might be more of a behavioral addiction. Not really a chemical dependency. I remember Russel Brand saying he had addiction issues but was always tempted by psychedelics even today and sober because they seem harmless. But he realized they offer him escapism and his addiction is escapism and avoidance of reality. You could view our brain and brain chemistry as very delicate. And yet for some reason we just hammer our brains with all these drugs and expect it to cope and return to baseline. Maybe be nice to your brain. Psychedelics could have a long term affect on serotonin or receptors or other issues. We might be more emotionally flat in old age or something akin to this. The dangers are dissociation, depersonalization, derealization, psychosis, depression, mania, isolation, loneliness, delusions of grandeur, self deception, etc. Look for a 12 step program for addiction in your area just to listen and gather information. Google about psychedelic addiction. Go to rehab. Cut back to once a week, then every 2 weeks, then monthly, then every 2 months or twice a year. Just see how it goes. Do what is best for you. Best wishes.
  10. What did you like about Tree of Life? What was profound? Thanks
  11. I am ignorant but I assume it is mostly white powders which are laced. So maybe cocaine, heroine, meth, ketamine, etc can be cut with fentanyl. I suppose crystals or rocks could be laced. Maybe liquid LSD or the blotter paper could be soaked with dissolved fentanyl. I guess a mushroom could be powdered with powder sugar or fentanyl or rat poison. Or a dealer could clumsily get fentanyl powder on his shroom supply. Or mushrooms could be ground into powder and put in capsules and could have fentanyl in them. I have no idea how to test shrooms for psilocybin or fentanyl. I guess you grind the dried mushroom and soak it in water and test the water for psilocybin or fentanyl. How would you test marajuana for fentanyl? Would appreciate any feedback. Thanks
  12. I think it is true in the sense you must abandon everything and surrender your life to god, the monad, the dao, the Brahman, etc. The only way to live is to die before your death. Accepting your ignorance is like a death. At some point you must admit you were wrong about everything. Embrace humility. Let go of the Newtonian, dualistic, materialist, cosmos and accept the mystery and unknown.
  13. Leo was requesting input about safety protocols and harm reduction for psychedelic use. Maybe this is the video.
  14. @James Swartz I think you understand but your subject line is the issue. The quickest implies time. The true student must not be in a hurry or rush or competitive. There is no time. We are already enlightened. I think I’m preaching to the choir.
  15. Which one of us is the real solipsist and why did we dream the forum went down?
  16. It had to be some kind of zen master koan. Hey Moderators let us know what happened. Leo forgot to pay the bill, Christian zealots hacked us, I'm dreaming this whole forum?
  17. @Bandman I will pray for you. Text 988 or call 988 to get some feedback. Hang in there. Message me if you would like.
  18. See Zen Koans. (What is the sound of one hand clapping?) We are willfully ignorant. We are self-deluded. It is exclusionary detailing, sins of omission, lies of omission, skillful avoidance, and continuations of misrepresentations. it is not an accident. We don't want to awaken. We avoid the exercise you suggest OP. One thought is to look to movies and how we all create our own Truman Show. There is no evil TV show or evil corporation. We do it to ourselves. The same goes for the Matrix films. There are no "machines" or AI to blame. We do it to ourselves. Movies are a reflection of the self in totality. We are the hero and the villain of the film. There is no one external to blame or to vanquish victoriously. We must integrate and actualize the entire film and all its characters.
  19. Wonderful. Be sure to stay grounded. Stay healthy in all ways. Best wishes.
  20. Everything Everywhere All at Once Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind shows you what it's like to have amnesia or wipe your memory Source Code is a like reincarnation. Edge of Tomorrow is about reincarnation. Free Guy is like simulation theory and true love being the goal Many movies are now like the matrix like the Lego movie, Barbie, etc. The characters penetrate into the real world. Oblivion and Moon (spoiler alert)............. are about clones. Adaptation and Stranger Than Fiction are about manifesting. Maybe Stalker is about the subconscious. All movies and sci-fi films tend to have the heroes journey or symbolism. Human Beings can only really tell one story which is the story of awakening or self actualization. It is very Jungian and Kafkaesque Lol! Once you look for it, you find it everywhere.
  21. It will happen but not how I can predict. Movies are interesting. But movies are a reflection of the self. So we are the Star Wars movie. We are the whole film. All the characters both good and evil. We are the force and the dark side. In the matrix we are all the characters. We are Neo, Morpheus, and Trinity but we are also the machines and the architect. In The Truman Show we are Truman but we are also the evil TV show producer and corporation. We have to assimilate and integrate the whole movie as our self. ”The one” could be Google or an algorithm or AI or aliens. But we are the whole cosmos. The monad, dao, and Brahman.
  22. Beautiful post. And if Ms Arabia needs to be heard she can message any of us. Best wishes.
  23. @thierry I will pray for you. Dial 988 to talk to someone about your situation or text 988. You might be in a mental health crisis. Keep working on it and try medicine. Talk to your family, friends, and doctor. Reach out. The obstacle is the path. The struggle is real. One love. Maybe a moderator could chime in here.
  24. Check out Allan Watt’s talk about god dreaming lives of 75 years of endless bliss. The dreams become boring and he starts to dream of pain or random unexpected stuff and eventually dreams the life you are living now. imagine your utopia. If the sun was always up you would not appreciate it without night. If you were always high you would take it for granted. Imagine a great eternal pleasure and then just boredom or more mild pleasure. You would recalibrate boredom or mild pleasure to be your new “pain.” Just be. Accept the now. Surrender.
  25. @thierry I think it is beyond our comprehension. There is the story of Indra's net or the net of jewels where we are each a jewel shining and being reflected by everyone else. Maybe the paradox is we are all here but all have our own solipsistic point of view. Joseph Campbell mentioned a philosopher stating when we dream our brain is split and we are composing the dream but also at the mercy of the dream as the main character who is unaware he is dreaming or what comes next in the dream. This continues in the waking state. We are composing and orchestrating our life even in the waking state maybe by manifesting. But each person is composing their life as well and we all fit together like infinite enmeshed gears of a machine. So we are all paradoxically solipsistic. ???