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Everything posted by Flicker_boy

  1. spend some time considering the notion of infinity, like a philosopher would spend some time considering the notion of absolute nothingness what are their dimensions, what would they look like, what are their possibilities, what would the implications if they were real, where are they, how would they relate to your experience right now? can you imagine them, what do they feel like, can they be felt? can you touch it, can you imagine it, can you think of it, can you be it?
  2. also, i noticed that this urge to 'not go there', where our map of reality doesn't seem to handle the truth, bleeds into existential matters. and this really stunts our development, holding us from exploring anything beyond what we were told is true
  3. i was thinking about that days ago. we're taught these bizarre judgements about reality and just take them in as part of our knoledge graph. later in life when life shows up in the form of the obscenity we were taught to judge we do our best to push it away, to deny it - even if it feels good. the confusion seems to be that it is not the event or thing that feels bad, but rather our judgement of it, and in actively avoiding feeling bad by controling outside circumstances what we are actualy doing is protecting and perpetuating our judgements. every ideology covers up for some obscenity. what we don't know is that the obscenity isn't inherent to reality, but rather to the ideology. luckly though, the veneer of an ideology is so thin that you can resonate with something considered obscene by your knoledge graph, it just takes being open to new information
  4. your self esteem issues will be worked on as you progress in this path, both developments are mutually contributing. just watch out for occasions where ego lashes back and dumps negativity as a way of putting you back asleep. i wish you much succes my dude and: beware
  5. meditation can allow you to tap into a very very deep love for everything including every bit of yourself. a love that you don't have to achieve nor deserve, its already there, it was just 'overlooked'. once recognized, it probably will make your upgrading in self-esteem become much more natural.
  6. @cetus56 agreed, dp seems to me very very similar to the separate self refusal to accept the truth, in a chronical manner. drawing the line here is somewhat tricky
  7. sounds like a depersonalization episode or an egos knee-jerk reaction against seeing the truth, or maybe both i'll link you a video where shinzen explores the relationship between enlightenment and depersonalization https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9zIKQCwDXsA
  8. "if I'm enlightened but nobody knows about it, am I really enlightened?" master not-so-fast, circa 1900
  9. my guess is exactly like ours minus all the nonsense and insanity
  10. neti neti has been very usefull overall and giving profound results when combined with SDS. similar to neti neti is one called ignore everything, in which you slip your attention away from all stimuli and experiences that apear, this way remaining in nothing. also making small pauses throughout the day of +- 5 seconds and just taking everything very mindfully helps develop a habit and if you do it consistentently it becomes automatic.
  11. Heard this term once or twice by spiritual teachers but could not find any reliable info on what they are, how they affect life and experiencing and how to achieve them. What is your knowlegde about this rare experiences? How are they different from enlightenment experiences? Have you ever had one? Please share your stories and theories/maps
  12. @Henri any idea on how to have one? could you elaborate on your experiences with them if you've had any? do you know where can i get more info on them?
  13. during a meditation today my experience of body and world became more and more centerless, as if the barriers were melting, and it was really soothing. At some point though, a sudden fear sparked in the body and the experience got back to the separation paradigm. This has been happening quite frequently and seems to be slowing progress. Has anyone had experiences like this? How do you deal with this contraction?
  14. @Arik thanks for the thoughtfull answer. Yeah I've heard teachers say that these experiences have little to do with enlightenment, but i imagine they must have their place
  15. that's it dude! it's exactly it! its funny how many years people go off searching for some panacea for their life. but how curious can you get about reality as it is right now? no fantasies, no stories, no others
  16. @Donald oh boy, oh boy... do whatever you want to. eventually you'll find out that striving is the very thing that's unenlightening 'you'
  17. Hey actualized! Today's video really inspired me to research and share the best enlightenment techniques. Please share the most effective techniques you have found so far. Love.
  18. For my part I've found two really interesting ones. Neti neti meditation consists of: "what I can perceive is not me", so you sit down and whatever shows up(thoughts, emotions, body sensations, external objects, etc, etc) you disidentify from. Second is resting as awareness, best explaneid by adya here