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Everything posted by Flicker_boy

  1. hey dude, go read 'sex at dawn' by anthropologist cacilda jetha monogamy is a social construct created with the arising of agriculture. men and women evolved in a multimale-multifemale mating system. romantic love is a centuries-old lie fuck who you want to https://www.amazon.com/Sex-Dawn-Stray-Modern-Relationships/dp/0061707813/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1466811370&sr=8-1&keywords=sex+at+dawn
  2. do what you want, you're god. now, meditation-wise, these are samskaras, old old incomplete experiences tangled with reaction patterns that rule your mind. Your meditation is bringing them to surface(or you to their depth). The sooner you can be them, nakedly so, the sooner they wash away, and leave you purified, in a sense. You can also choose to react to them, who knows, sometimes its fun. But then you are only perpetuating the reactionary conditioning. have fun :-D
  3. @aurum at least in leo's description do nothing involves very serious control o movement
  4. pretty much similar. SDS resume itself to not moving for long periods of time(1h or more), so you can mix other techniques with it. Do nothing is not moving + dropping any conscious attempt to control attention. Check leos and shinzen youngs videos for an in depth approach. about the benefits, all i can add to general benefits you gain from any type of meditation is that SDS allows you to get the fastest gains
  5. @Nature like, tiny strings vibrating. I think shinzen young says somewhere that at certain point in your practice you recognize that all your experience is composed of that
  6. just a follow up here cause its relevant. don't take what I've said as a permission slip to react against their bs, thats not the point here. you can play this game a long time and it will only get worse. instead, see their conditioning and patterns, forgive them and go on doing your things. don't react, even on the mind level. FEEL what their words look like- instead of feeling then thinking then feeling about your thoughts and so on. the buddha said: "if you bring me a present and I don't accept it, then you take the present home". let their actions be reflected back to them by adoptiong a non-reactive posture (being-perception) and sure in time you will start to enjoy the healthy effects of this new mindset. if you choose to feel insead of reacting you stop the cycle at the root. if you choose to react (by action or thought), you'll carry that feeling with you for some time.
  7. @DizIzMikey you know man, you can get really good in the art of not letting others bs affect you, specially with meditation
  8. i tried really hard to convince friends and family to meditate, but they seemed to happilly ignore the possibility of practice, even though some of them even liked it on a imaginary level. that's how sneaky ego is. they won't do it, they know what happens if they do, and all egos are shit scared of their demise. egos need a image where they can project themselves. that's what you need to create to motivate them. and each one of them values different attributes. for me, I've stopped trying to change people, this will only bring me suffering and they are perfect as is. I hope the chages my practice brings to my life inspire people around me, and if they want to talk to me about it I'll be happy to explain.
  9. @Amir can't really talk about astral projection cause i never experienced it, but it probably fits in 'deepening your practice' category
  10. @Raphael this is your mind spooking you away from deepening your practice. If you can, be skeptical. Sit with this fear and look into it, dissect it, can you find where it is located in the body? Use the equanimity you have and permeate the portions of your bodymind with nonjudgemental attention. Eventually it will dissolve in the light of awareness
  11. During a SN Goenka vipassana retreat last week I experienced something very new for me. I was lost in unconscioussness, sleepyness and completely insane thoughs during a morning meditation. Suddenly a though popped and there was no reaction to it. As it dropped back to nothing I 'latched on' to it and dropped with it. At first nothingness seemed really far away but then just miliseconds after it was right at my face. Then for what seemed like 3 seconds my experience resumed itself to whiteness, silence, discrete joy and immense peace. No body, no world. Then body came back, and with it extreme contraction back into it. This left me excited and puzzled, very much. I wanted some feedback on this. How can I interpret this? Can I hold myself in that space for longer? Can I recicle this event for more growth? Thank you for your time
  12. thanks for the directions, i'll keep them close to heart
  13. try exercising and soft pillows
  14. no though, no drama, no conclusion, no answer. just the movement of love itself
  15. another useful tip is to shed the light of awareness on your body sensations while experiencing this (or any other emotion) instead of the ordinary movement or thought reaction. by paying attention to them you iluminate their causes and give them a chance to be resolved and released.
  16. good. use it to develop equanimity. don't judge it, its just bodymind doing its thing. just observe it. try and separate the different components of it. observe it as you wold observe a work of art. and remember- as leo put wisely- the worst meditations are the best meditations
  17. Was wondering how many people around the world are enlightened. I heard adyashanti say he met hundreds of them and some other teacher once said there are probably thousands. I know its a tricky topic because its a subjective realization, nevertheless I'm interested in hearing opinions around this. Also, in how many years do you imagine is possible to bring the whole humanity to liberation?
  18. @ChimpBrain hahahaha yeah man. We're really creative with our suffering
  19. I like the way Rupert Spira puts it. He says that babies have no distinction of self and world, they experience it all as one. As we grow old we are taght that we are selves inside a body, and we disidentify from the world. Then when we get into spirituality we complete this movement by disidentifying even from the body. This completes the cicle and we identify as nothing and everything simultaneously. So in a sense they are enlightened, but their enlightenment can still be taken from them.
  20. @ChimpBrain i agree that these experiences may have been collectivelly induced, but this doesn't mean they have no value. the permission slip used to touch higher conscioussness has no significance, what matters is the pull it leaves, the traction. for me, they even got a plus there, cause if they faked it their fakeness was exposed