Jason Actualization

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Everything posted by Jason Actualization

  1. This is a deduction derived from thousands of hours of reading and contemplation. What was once mysterious, became complex, but is now simple.
  2. It's not the higher intake of PUFAs or MUFAs, it's the fact that the people following these guidelines are also engaging in other healthy behaviors because all of these studies were conducted after the indoctrination of this erroneous idea. Epidemiology studies performed in Asia arrive at the opposite conclusion, because meat is associated with wealth and virility. The problem is that all of the people that scientists could study nowadays are already poisoned by PUFA, so even a "low" linoleic acid cohort is already beyond the problematic threshold, so you are merely comparing the degree to which they've followed government-issued "health" guidelines. This is the misunderstanding of the millennium and it's unfortunate that people are still stuck on what they deem to be the importance of saturated fat in and so far as it relates to health outcomes. Saturated fat has been a forever scapegoat for the doings of seed oils, which, when they came to fruition, precisely precipitated the diseases of modern civilization, the consequences of which spanning far and wide that folks now have to contend with. Anyone serious about their health ought to eliminate all industrial seed oils from their diet and advice to the contrary will absolutely compromise your health.
  3. A "real man" is one who expresses themself authentically from a place of inner ease and outcome independence. A "real man" is one who opens a lot of doors in this world, and explores the room on the other side, but does so in a way that he feels at home in his life, because he is so grounded in his own existence and comfortable in his own skin. Of course all men are "real," so a more apt characterization of what's being pointed to is an "actualized man" or as I like to refer to it as, an alpha male 2.0.
  4. The reason for the recent drop off in CVD deaths is due to surgical interventions such as coronary artery bypass grafting, i.e., the prevalence of heart disease remains sky high, every 33 seconds, on average, an American drops dead due to heart failure.
  5. Indeed, yet our dietary guidelines recommend getting between 11 and 22 grams of omega 6 linoleic acid per day, and that's on a 2,000 calorie diet. For me, even while closer to 3,000 calories, I'm getting less than 4 grams of omega 6 daily. The more we eat, the more we store in our body fat. Increased linoleic acid consumption marks the most significant, detrimental change to the human diet over the last 100 years.
  6. They don't exist during sleep because you are no longer aware of them. Once you wake up, you start back where you left off in a sense, in terms of the quality of your physical state. Even if one identifies with Absolute Infinite Consciousness, they still have to contend with the consequences conferred by the way they treat/mistreat their body. For example, I could slip some estrogen (birth control tablets) into something you drink, and that is going to be a not so fun surprise for you to navigate.
  7. I'm flattered. For me, building a better body has always been about cultivating a character who is more capable of contending with the inevitable adversarial nature of life's trials and tribulations. So in a sense, the true goldmine I've struck is the person who I became mentally and spiritually in the process of transforming myself physically. On the surface, it is, indeed, alluring to chase aesthetics externally, but fundamentally, what I've always yearned for is an inner state of ease. I've always wanted to be at ease with myself, comfortable in my own skin, and while building a better body may seem integral to achieving that outcome, I have had to divorce myself from it to find true contentment. To find true peace I've had to relinquish my armor and accept that ultimately I'm not the avatar that I create. Rather, I am the light that shines through, and all else is just smoke and mirrors. That said, with that freedom and peace of mind, I still choose to continue natural bodybuilding out of authentic inspiration, and not a desperate need for it. Without the guidance from many of Leo's antiquated YouTube videos from around 2015, I often wonder what my life experience would entail to this day. I have an undying appreciation and gratitude for the rabbit hole that is Actualized.org, and I hope everyone here has been as positively impacted as I've been fortunate enough to have been. Much love my friends!
  8. Lol, yes that's me. That was a really funny moment in the back of a Target store, haha, it was completely improved, I had no intention to ever do that. As I was putting back the box containing seed oils, the reality dawned on me that someone else was going to walk by and purchase it, and I had a deeply felt sense of the inevitability of that, which moved me toward the act of punting the box haha. Oh yeah, some of his shorts videos have popped up before, did he actually get thrown out of a store!?!?
  9. Yes, food-grade only, and I would only advise using it for brushing and rinsing.
  10. 1. As long as the foods you do consume ensure micronutrient sufficiency, (I eat the same handful of things every single day) so it's not variety, per say, but rather, ensuring the nutritional bases have been covered. "Variety" is just a term thrown out into the ether for the average Joe and his family. 2. Yes, but body composition is more important (my BMI is 26, i.e., "overweight" but my body fat percentage is nearly single digit). 3. This is based on a colossal misunderstanding of cardiovascular disease etiology. 4. I consume less than 5 grams of fiber per day (trace amounts from basmati rice). Fiber is helpful for folks have have horrific diets of processed, packaged foods, no doubt, but not if you are eating actual food. 5. Yes, specifically combined fructose/galactose intake from any/all sources should not exceed 50g per day for sedentary folks, and 100g per day for active individuals. 6. Not as important as folks think, you can safely salt to taste. I consume 2 grams per day of sodium and 4-6 grams of potassium. 7. Great advice, I personally prefer zero alcohol and smoking as a hard stop personal standard, but the dose definitely determines the poison. That's a great point actually, and that is right, they are not at all immune to atherosclerosis. While the Maasai are wise to consume a high saturated, low polyunsaturated fat diet, they are severely lacking in antioxidants because they do not consume any fruits or vegetables. What causes cardiovascular disease is not native LDL, but rather, oxidized LDL. This is why, neither the carnivores, nor the plant-based or vegan communities are truly optimized. The optimal omnivore embraces the protection from oxidative stress that saturated fat confers, while also emphasizing the augmentation of his/her own antioxidant status. This is why I would never advise someone to go full blown keto/carnivore, i.e., because they would not be allowed to incorporate the best defense of all, things like 100% pomegranate juice, wild blueberries, and very dark chocolate. Where the Maasai go wrong is that they don't have any such sources of these antioxidants, and they consume a lot of iron-rich blood which is pro oxidative. It's not intermingled because my anecdotes came after the interpretation was performed. I was EXTREMELY fortunate enough to cross paths with a nutritional savant from Australia in 2015. It was that year that I was given the information I am offering you all. This savant named Luke, at the age of 12, tragically lost his maternal grandmother to a sudden heart attack, and he, thereafter, obsessively ruminated about how and why that could ever happen. He devoted this time in his childhood developing a robust, bottoms up nutritional mental model that reconciles absolutely every study and observation available, and he shared this information with me that I then applied and am benefiting from to this day. Luke has been sitting on this mental model for 24 years now, and I am doing my best to disseminate it on his behalf. The scientific literature supporting the notion that we should be replacing saturated fats with poly fats was conducted at a time in which this belief was already indoctrinated into the minds of the people being studied. This means that the people who tend to consume more saturated fat will, on average, engage in the behaviors that precisely protect them from atherosclerosis (things to help fight endogenous oxidation, such as consuming more fruits/vegetables and exercising more). The obsession with saturated fat is derived from the fact that it tends to increase circulating LDL, whereas polyunsaturated fats tend to decrease circulating LDL (because they are hepatotoxic). It is the misunderstanding of heart disease etiology that has kept this obsession alive and well to this day. LDL is not the boogeyman it was once believed to be, and this is why the goal post keeps shifting for the target we strive for, and it will continue to shift forever lower until we realize that we are optimizing for the wrong metric (if it were the true target, it wouldn't need to be adjusted downward). You don't want to optimize for a reduction in LDL, but rather, you want to optimize for resistance to LDL oxidation, meaning, you not only want a high saturated to polyunsaturated fat intake ratio, but you also want the fruits and vegetables necessary to upregulate your antioxidant status.
  11. What kind of evidence are you seeking? Have you been through a doctoral degree program and learned how to scrutinize scholarly articles? I could provide you a landslide of studies, but they necessitate a nuanced lens to view them through to elucidate the actual truths they offer. Several differing conclusions can be arrived at from any given data cluster, our objective is to solidify an understanding that reconciles everything, without room for paradoxes, i.e., asserting that the Maasai are cut from a different cloth because they have sky high saturated fat intake without evidence of heart disease. Studies are simply a collection of dots, and the authors of said studies do their best to connect them in a cogent fashion. One must see not merely the way the authors of a study connect the dots, but too, how seemingly disparate dots can be connected that actually renders a self-consistent picture. You are quite intelligent and I am confident that you will arrive at the truth in good time.
  12. No, because smoking induces the same endogenous oxidation that seed oils do, yet it took decades for that science to actually surface, because the tobacco industry leveraged said "science" to pad their pockets, and the same thing is happening with seed oils. Seed oils are the new smoking and this will be revealed in our lifetime my friend, i.e., similar to how doctors once condoned, advocated even, smoking cigarettes before flipping the script, they will one day reject the seed oil soup that people are slurping on. But also notice that, unlike my milk, cigarette smoking doesn't make one feel happier, more clear, energized and well-rounded, so you are making a moot point without answering my actual question, which was... "If everyone told you that drinking cow's milk was inflammatory and going to give you acne, and yet, you drank 2 gallons of whole milk every week, had more muscle and strength, less fat, and a better facial complexion than everyone who told you not to drink the milk, would you continue consuming it?" Feel free to actually answer that. If you were actually serious about getting to the bottom of this issue, you would actually look through the lens that I'm offering by actually doing the diet. Action over intellect. You are intelligent enough to arrive at the truth, but you are looking in all of the wrong places (the paradigm-locked Big Pharma and Big Food-funded studies that keep you in their echo chamber). You are on the wrong side of this debate my friend, and eventually this will all come out in the wash. The truth about saturated fat and seed oils has been hiding in plain sight for the last century, we just have to disabuse ourselves of the nefarious narrative that we've been spoon fed for so many decades of delusion. I was once in your position and held similar beliefs, and as such, I will never knock you for clinging to them. When the nutritional truths do ultimately surface regarding this back and forth we're having, I won't be jumping for joy out of vindication, I will simply hope that you have the humility to embrace the essence of actuality. If you ever want to take this issue seriously, my advice would be to actually field test it for yourself, instead of going the rest of your life and wondering what you may be missing out on.
  13. Mine was due to mouth breathing (my tongue would collapse my airway) which was a response to being so nasally congested which was a response to being intoxicated with excess PUFA. I cut out the PUFA, reversed any and all signs of allergies, including nasal congestion, started nasal breathing again, and now have 0 obstructive apneas while sleeping and drinking 2 gallons of milk per week.
  14. Yes, I have been down this rabbit hole and it is immensely impactful. I use 3M micropore tape every single night to necessitate nasal breathing and the ROI I have rendered from that is nothing short of remarkable. I used to be a mouth breather due to chronic illnesses of mine, allergic rhinitis, eosinophilic esophagitis, light-level autism and exercise-induced asthma not the least of which. I have zero signs or symptoms of these conditions and have been pharma-free for 8 years at this point. I use a continuous CO2 meter in my home and ensure that the levels never exceed 1,000 PPM (if they ever do, I open up the windows in my living space to circulate the air). Also, I used mouth taping to completely reverse obstructive sleep apnea, as mouth breathing is inherently problematic and was resulting in my airway closing off (my allergy symptoms made it difficult for me to nose breathe during my younger years). I cannot overstate the power of proper breathing my friends, this is one of those things that is easy to dismiss, yet, for a few dollars, you could pickup some 3M micropore tape TONIGHT and determine whether or not you can satisfactorily nasal breathe. This is a 3 minute and 44 second video from dentist Mark Burhenne that you will be extremely glad you watched.
  15. Some signs of ultimate health that I look for: 1. No need for coffee/caffeine/stimulants to feel energized throughout the day. 2. Sleeping soundly throughout the night with no issues falling asleep. 3. Being at ease (devoid of disease) without any any chronic conditions related to metabolic dysfunction (diabetes, dementia, obesity, hypertension, etc.) 4. Mental health/clarity and wherewithal. 5. Excellent glucose control (A1c <5.5 and fasting glucose <90). 6. Excellent hormonal health, i.e., high libido, drive and motivation. 7. Grip strength 8. Strength to weight ratio (how many dips and pull ups you can perform) 9. Low resting heart rate (in 40s or 50s). 10. Strong immune system, not feeling often under the weather with cold/illness. My personal litmus test for whether or not my health is in order is if I would be eager to offer a stranger the experience of life via my physical form.
  16. Great contribution here, I'm a huge proponent of using light to effectively sync my circadian rhythm and improve my sleep quality. Some thing I personally implement: 1. Within 10 minutes of waking up, I ground barefoot outside, expose myself to first light, and meditate. 2. Once the sun sets, I use a red headlamp to navigate around my home. 3. I use blackout curtains and a cotton sleep mask to mitigate the chances of artificial light seeping through my window and compromising my sleep.
  17. I expound a bit on these topics here: and later this year will elaborate more on how I reversed this incurable condition of my esophagus that I speak of called eosinophilic esophagitis.
  18. Yes, here is the most important 18 word statement I ever anticipate communicating about nutrition... Consuming more polyunsaturated fat than that found in nature will slowly oxidize your body and cause chronic disease. Saturated fat has merely been the scapegoat for the excess polyunsaturated fats that are inducing overwhelming oxidative stress in the human beings who consume them (I used to be one such human). How my life has changed since eliminating all industrial seed oils (omega-6 bombs) and limiting my polyunsaturated fat intake to <10% of total dietary fat while eating >50% of my dietary fat as saturated: 1. I reversed a rare, "incurable" disease called eosinophilic esophagitis. 2. I "outgrew" any and all signs/symptoms of environmental allergens (cats, dust mites, pollen, golden rod all used to affect me) 3. I no longer have exercise-induced asthma 4. I no longer have light-level autism (i.e., I can cold approach any stranger and immediately befriend and understand them emotionally). 5. I have been pharma-free for 8 years (a gastroenterologist and allergist had me on swallowed corticosteroids, proton pump inhibitors, and leukotriene antagonists for life).
  19. It's superior because it's based off of ACTION (not intellectualizing) and real world results. I suspect you are quick to dismiss anecdotes, but what could possibly be more important than real human experiences? If everyone told you that drinking cow's milk was inflammatory and going to give you acne, and yet, you drank 2 gallons of whole milk every week, had more muscle and strength, less fat, and a better facial complexion than everyone who told you not to drink the milk, would you continue consuming it? The evidence is my superior health, which I am suggesting is replicable if you replicate my action steps.
  20. The most valuable thing you could do is minimize your omega-6 fat intake. The greatest misconception nutritionally is that we need to consume 17 grams of linoleic acid per day, whereas I'm consuming less than 4 grams.
  21. Fair enough. I recognize that my nutritional philosophy is deemed appalling by many/most, and that's perfectly fine. I will be posting a 360 health review of mine by the end of this year, showing everything from a DEXA scan, to a lipid panel, full hormonal workup, erythrocyte phospholipid fatty acid composition, metabolic markers such as A1c and fasting insulin, inflammatory markers such as CRP, continuous glucose monitor (CGM) results, oral glucose tolerance test, linoleic acid adipose tissue biopsy, upper endoscopy, oxidized LDL, etc.
  22. A lot of people deem dairy to be inflammatory, but you'd be hard-pressed to find a food that matches its' nutrient density. A lot of people lack the gene for lactase persistence, so they struggle to digest lactose, which is understandable. Dairy is often a hit or miss, but if it is well digested, is genuinely a superfood, be it whole milk, Greek yogurt, cheese, etc, full-fat dairy truly has a ton to offer.
  23. I am not concerned about saturated fat, I am concerned about polyunsaturated fats (PUFAs) that are pro-oxidative (this is why I consume <10% of my dietary fat from PUFAs and <2% of my total energy intake from linoleic acid). 13-15g of sugar per 100mL, and I'm consuming 250mL per day, which is just under 40g per day, but not all of that is fructose, perhaps only ~35% is. The safe upper limit of fructose consumption, even for a completely sedentary couch potato, is about 50 grams per day, and I'm getting, at most, 15 grams from pomegranate juice. There are 4 aspects of nutrition that start with a "S" and two of them are problematic and two are not. Seed oils and sugars are problematic (the former in any amount, and the latter when exceeding 50g of combined fructose/galactose per day for sedentary folks, and 100g of combined fructose/galactose in active individuals). Saturated fat and starch (glucose) are not problematic (the former in any amount, and the latter depending on the individual's degree of insulin sensitivity, i.e., the more insulin sensitive, the more starch they can consume, the less insulin sensitive, the less starch they should opt for).
  24. The evidence I can offer you is fundamentally formatted differently than the evidence you are accustomed to immersing yourself in. How serious, from a scale of 1-10, are you about honestly exploring my dietary philosophy? You seem intelligent my friend and I see a lot of potential within you. I'd advise actually following my advice for a month, to the letter, and seeing for yourself what happens.