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Hi Everyone! There is a very much a tendency to be very mind focused and not give enough attention to our emotions and our inner child. For those who are interested in shifting this polarity, I've channeled the following mantra. It is filled with a very potent healing energy, where through reading the words you experience quantum healing, and receive a direct experience of having your relationship with your inner child rewired in your subconscious mind. I recommend reading it out loud as it helps to rewire the nervous system in a more powerful and immediate way! Here you are! Enjoy! Let me know how you felt when you were reading this! I look forward to connecting with you!
Hi Everyone, I have something to share, this is more about my inner emotional process of coming to terms with the inner conflict I keep feeling. First of all, I love serving the evolution of everyone here with anything I am able to offer anyone seeking to improve/heal/awaken or surrender and make peace with. It's such a joy for me because I am the recipient of the positive quality of anything that comes through me for another person, no matter whether they are able to receive it or not. That is why I love this place, because there are people who are ready and willing to heal and grow, and thus my abilities are put to a good use of meeting other people's needs for expansion. I am not in a place in my life right now where I'd be able to or had the energy to start and sustain my own platform for whomever would be interested, and so this is a great opportunity for me to still contribute, while still having enough energy to preserve for myself and my ongoing healing and awakening process. But I can't get behind anything Leo says/does here and it makes me feel as if I was a silent ally to something I fundamentally disagree with, and find incredibly destructive. It began with Leo posting a bunch of things in the dating/relationships sub-forum where the quality of the content was that of a 15 year old horny boy, rather than an awakened being. Then I found the George Floyd topics, where Leo blatantly started victim shaming the poor guy. Then I saw Leo dismiss the things that called him out and pointed out his toxic tendencies, and he accused them of self-bias, and said to me himself 'oh this is the big me talking, the GOD that is all of us', as if Leo had no personal accountability for the things he's saying here behind the excuse of 'being enlightened'. Here's some news, the BIG LEO is all of us, therefore hiding behind the bigger self is as ridiculous as pretending someone else's mother is really your own. It's a massive spiritual ego-trip, and it is a complete conflict of interests for me, because the more toxic this place gets, the more I feel like I am a silent ally, and the less I find it productive for me to even offer anything to anyone, because most of it gets just drowned in a pile of dismissal and blame-games pretending to be spiritual. May I also point out that while thankfully this isn't a cult, having a spiritual teacher unwilling to acknowledge his massive blind-spots is extremely unfortunate. Maybe other people feel the same way, if anyone feels similarly, may this be a permission to honor your feelings and intuition. I'm still somewhat emotionally attached to this forum so I don't know how easy leaving for good for me would be, I had left for quite some time but I came back because I still found joy in serving others. And now that motivation is withering away once again. It is not that I don't find it lovely to serve, it is that I find it equally important not to be an enabler and a silent ally to toxicity. Whether I disappear forever, or this is just me venting here, thank you for being here and being on this journey with me, whether you feel like it or not, on the journey of healing and awakening, we are all in it together no matter the roles being played by each of us. Love to all of you guys!
OMG I always wanted to be a pretty girl ?????, but it’s not a she, but I wish lol hahaha thanks for that that was funny, anyhow bye yall
Very well, i think I’m leaving this forum. wishing everyone well, also pointing out that @Nahm Abuses his invulnerability to be blocked by others. Wishing everyone Peace and resolve.
@kai0 dude there was a guy who just came to the thread to talk to a mod about getting a warning instead of sending a message. You can’t possibly compare the two lol What’s more the mod wasn’t even posting in the thread before he posted here. what he did was also against forum guidelines which is what annanata said
No one said anything specific that I’m aware of, I’ve been accused of dismissal and abuse. I would like to see concrete instances of where I’ve done that. youre just accusing me of stuff without giving specific details. How could I take that seriously lol. if the case is what Nahm just quoted, that was a boundary. Admittedly a little rough around the edges, yet I’m not responsible for the problems of other people when I’m resolving something of my own, it was a distraction and it was quite an aggressive one, and I did not care for that.
But isn’t this true, this is my thread about pretty significant issues, if someone starts weeping in a place where I weep, I don’t have enough space to weep out what I wanted to weep out (yes it’s a word, I just decided lol). what he posted was so far off topic and irrelevant that setting that boundary was necessary, even if I set it in a harsh way. i am not always 100% lovey dovey with everyone because I prefer being real. I used to be much more lovey dovey because I was overcompensating for fear of intimacy and authenticity. ps, I meant no disrespect when I said the only reason we are speaking is because you’re a mod and I can’t block you. Because the two of us have obviously a hard time getting along blocking each other is the best option, I cannot block you and you quoting me is violating our agreement Of you not engaging with me anymore. This isn’t done out of hatred but out of the respect for the personal space we both need to be our best selves outside of each other’s realities. I don’t know if you can as a mod but my suggestion would be for you to block me in the honour of our individualities. i don’t personally love that you’ve broken your promise of no longer interacting with me by quoting me again.
I second this.
I’ll even admit, I’ve called people names, taken my insecurities on others, manipulated, pressured, insulted and attacked others people in my life. Hands in the air, ‘‘twas me father for i have sinned’ that is because in the past I was in great amounts of pain that was yet to be healed. I haven’t always been so sure of myself that I felt like I can only positively contribute. It was a long and exhausting process of pain, death, rebirth and surrender until the light that I am started leaking through my words, choices and actions. and now I’m here. Almost feeling as if I could do no wrong, without being arrogant or narcissistic about it. and if I’ve done wrong, SHOW me, and if it was wrong in any way, I will make it right.
I will not agree, but you’re entitled to your opinion and as such I honor your perspective and thank you for expressing it in a non-aggressive way, as confronting aggression is still something I can struggle with. just because I disagree doesn’t mean I’m abusing you come on we can’t be that codependent you’re much welcome ! ? ps guys yall saying how insensitive and abusive I am, coool gimme specifics I’m not scared to confront it all.
Believe it or not I intimately understand your experience, you may be someone who gets overwhelmed by the emotional experiences of others and I wanna validate and confirm your frustrations, anxieties, hang ups and depression and sadness. It is all within you and you deserve to be seen and heard in it’s full glory. believe it or not everything you feel is your contribution to the healing of the collective and on behalf of humanity I wanna congratulate and thank you for everything you’ve done and continue doing on a daily basis, one feeling/thought/fatigue/frustration at a time. much love and all the best ❤️??
Thank you for your feedback. Please be specific. When I pointed out Leo’s behaviour, I was specific, until you’re specific with me I have nothing to work with. thank you kindly.
Then give me a direct example oh my god dude I don’t wanna bang my head against the wall here, just show me what I said you found insulting and We can move this conversation along, please don’t expect me to break down into inferiority complex just because you don’t Like the things I say.
Well that’s nice, I wouldn’t but you’re free to think that haha if you say something and someone gets triggered you’re not abusing them, you’re standing for your truth, you’re committing to your experience
Abuse would be ‘you’re using no dual ideas to justify fear of commitment, and that makes you a horrible human being and you’re wrong for being alive’.. to say how you see things when you see them clearly is not abusive in any shape or form , it’s just not codependent.
Let me get this straight. you say I’ve insulted someone without directly saying who and what you have in mind, then you put a bunch of smiley faces, and then you have the audacity to say you’re not passive aggressive ? bro! Come on ? I’m an extremely positive person, and I’m positively feeling about how honestly speaking up and sharing about how things are will only have a positive effect on everyone here. I honestly want you to share, if I was at fault apology from me would be nice and welcomed wouldn’t it, if I’m not I can explain myself...
Please remind me who and what I’d love to read more about it , be direct with me rather than passive aggressively say things about me thanks!
You’re using non-dual ideas to justify your fear of commitment. no need to play sharrades about how enlightened we are when we’re just scared to commit.
@DrewNows I’m certainly not going to debate over this Drew. Well you see that is because we have a different threshold for what abuse is and isn’t, I perceive calling oneself an idiot as self-abuse, because it is a deliberate verbal attack on your persona.
This is true.
As someone who has different viewpoint on many things than most people here and who is not afraid to express it I can often become a target of the emotional responses my sharing is triggering within others, it is just the way it is, I share, someone gets triggered, and then they project, and I send blessings and press ignore, and life goes on until I decisively leave this place...
That depends, the moment they start being disrespectful they are receiving no benefit from my healing light and I am being more of a distraction from the things they need to reconcile with alone when I’m not there, despite it being something they might not want. Often what someone wants and what they need doesn’t match up because we’ve been conditioned to crave things that are not good for us, that is the essence of addiction, and while we may not all be drug addicts, every ego has some type of an addiction before it is integrated, that is just the way of how egos are. I appreciate the emphasis on allowing, but allowing is often too passive.when we talk of healing we must talk of the most healing thing there is, which is love and more importantly self love, self love isn’t passive it is extremely dynamic. Like a parent caring for a child Who doesn’t just ‘allow the child’ to be, but makes a conscious and deliberate choice to be there for them no matter their circumstances of experiences. No matter what, I’m here with you honey, we will do this together, and know that I will love you and hold your hand through every part of this process. I love you and I make it known through my words, actions and intentions.
As much as I agree it’s not my call to make, I can only speak up for my own values and morals and respect my integrity in the process.
That’s okay, just allow it to come through whatever it is, if there is a part of you that wants to numb it out, don’t deny it for that is just another layer that deserves respect, it’s not wrong it’s just there to be felt and healed. Numbness is an emotion too, and it deserves the same loving treatment as all other aspects of you. Don’t worry about remembering it, the words come with an energetic transmission that is already rewriting your nervous system and subconscious mind and you not being able to remember is just your mind perceiving it as a lack of control. Plus, you can always come back and reread the words to increase the benefit when you see and feel fit.
Well for me personally (and for everyone in some point of their journey), my ability to block others and walk away from toxic situations hold infinite value because I as a child was conditioned and rewarded for betraying abandoning and disrespecting my own boundaries, because I was raised by abusers. therefore when I allow myself to walk away/block/speak-up/set boundaries, I am initiating new levels of healing in my field that start transmuting layers of ancestral trauma that I was born to resolve, I think that’s a very nice purpose...