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Everything posted by Martin123

  1. I was just about to type "this is what happens when the ego wins". But then I realized that I am putting my ego on a pedestal over his ego. So... even though he gave me good laughs, he is still a great hooman, only on a different path.
  2. So like... was Gandhi trying to escape his childhood as well?
  3. tbh I feel like the "law of attraction" side of personal development just stinks with greed and the need to rely on external circumstances for happiness. Funny enough is though that you will grow out of this phase if you keep growing. Then be one of the wiser ones and rush through this phase, see beyond its flaws! :-)
  4. Like I understand that you can be religiously dogmatic and all that. But how do you just go about "only Jesus can save us". I mean... cut him some slack! He gotta be busy with savin us all, and he has gotta do it by himself. Poor Jesus.
  5. @DimmedBulb MIndfulness meditation seems like a must. Just build a habbit and persist until it sticks (spoiler alert, after your purification begins, it gets crazy, after the crazy stops, meditation starts being a bliss.)
  6. @DimmedBulb Just do mindfulness. Train it. Practice it. It is a skill that can can by itself dig you out of your situation, step by step, slowly, day by day.
  7. @DimmedBulb Pain body reaction? Well, pain body is screaming "hey, I need to save her, if I don't save her I am worthless."
  8. @DimmedBulb Thats great, brilliant timing, now lets get found. (Just to paint a picture for you, this can take perhaps 2 years of purifying your ego, but let me tell you, once you get to higher stages of this game of life, damnit is that a whole new fun stuff,
  9. @DimmedBulb Been there done that. Literally everything you are saying is coming out of your "painbody", "shadow-self", "suppressed-emotional trauma", "hurt ego",.... whatever you call it man. I really feel for you, but you really need a kick to get through this. Realize that all these codependent thoughts you have, are nothing but old pain wanting resolution.
  10. @Aamir King There are no "things" in reality. Reality is just one big blurry field, where energy is distributed. From one way of looking at it (I would call that our perspective), energy is distributed unevenly, where there is higher concentration of energy, there are things you perceive as solid. Where there is lower concentration of energy, you feel like it is empty space or just air. Now, "enlightenment items", does sound ridiculous doesn't it? =D "Nothing in this room means anything." - our good ol pal Eckie Tolie. There is no value in anything. Everything is completely pointless and purposeless. And that is the most beautiful pointlessness you can't imagine.
  11. @DimmedBulb Very far from a life purpose imo. Life purpose is a way of being, it isn't a "job". Even more so, it is not dependent on others. edit: Harsh truth about these kinds of relationships: What you see in here is your shadow working your mind. Get rid of your shadow, and you will realize the misery you'd be creating. Also, from a place of your shadow, you probably won't be making a big difference in her life, and one of you will get bored of the other one. You literally gotta suffer your way out of this through inner work on your suppressed emotions (shadow self). Meditate, meditate, meditate. And when you feel like giving up, meditate some more.
  12. @Leo Gura Yes that has been obvious for quite a long time to me, however I meant the right brain, left hand correlation! :-)
  13. @Leo Gura Can there be a correlation that in the past my left hand used to shake, and with spiritual purification, it literally calmed down to 20% of its former power?
  14. Heyy. How do you go about this? There are points where it heavily affects my personal life. I tried not meditating for a week, and that didn't seem to do the trick. The only thing that seemed to have at least a tiny impact was exercise. How do you guys go about it?
  15. @Live Life Liam Thanks, I prolly wont tho its not my style =D.
  16. Im just gonna chip in, I haven't read the whole topic, sorry. After I had a deep meditation realization of unconditional love, I kind of realized I can't continue being a meat-eater. It feels like I eat ashes when I do eat meat. ` So Im gonna finish up what I got in my freezer, and then go vegetarian, and prolly slowly transition to vegan. I don't think there is a right or wrong diet. Whatever you are ready for, you shall pursue.
  17. @Live Life Liam I don't think tho it was neccessary to take down the video. Haha, The thing is, most people on their self-actualizing journey will be fucking around with gratitude anyway, so might as well keep it there. Even Leo has a gratitude video. It brings more people to your channel! I sense a grain of perfectionism, or am I wrong?
  18. @Live Life Liam Yo what's up. Cool idea this gratitude. Won't work tho. Even the way you phrase it. "You SHOULD be grateful." Gratitude is a beautiful beautiful thing, but unless it comes naturally to you it cannot be forced. Gratitude, as a practice, can have some benefits, but rather short term. From What I have found is that gratitude comes naturally when you reach a higher state of consciousness. It cannot be forced. You just can't walk up to a bum on a street who is losing himself in vodka and go like "yo man! Gratitude, wink wink, you're not gonna live forever." It can feel nice, when you sink yourself into a mood of gratitude and name out all the things you are grateful for. Definitely. For a couple of hours. Aaand then you back to your old negativity. Exercising gratitude can give you a good taste what it could be like when you do a lot of inner work, but in the end, within of itself it will be just a quickfix. Peace <3.
  19. Ever since I had my experience during SDS, having a peak at unconditional love, I feel very unmotivated. I feel that it changed something in me. Everything seems much more blissful and loving. But I have been feeling extremely lazy lately. As well as very comfortable. I guess it has to do with my motivation coming out of a place of lack in the past. Is this just a phase that's gonna pass?
  20. Heyyy <3. So This was my I think around 3rd of 4th attempt of SDS. I did 60minutes. It was difficult at first, salvia was filling up my mouth as I was attempting not to swallow. Anywho, around 20 minutes into the experience, I started having this strong feeling of love. Prior to that, I was imagining myself as being empty flowing space in which everything was happening. And then I felt it. I felt suddenly unconditional love for everything. Absolutely everything. The nature, sky, terrorism, pain, unjustice.. Trumpland, politics, earth, space, aliens, life... And after a while I realised my own smallness and at the same time my limitlessness. I realised that me, my ego, was just this little tiny teeny molecule in an ocean of infinity. And everyone else as well. At the same time I realized that there is this huge presence, or awareness underneath everything. And I started crying of gratitude for existence. At the end of the session, I returned to my little self, I Am still shaking, and my shirt is soaked with salvia. =D Have a good day.
  21. Update. I have been getting tears of joy for the nature of reality ever since. I feel like I opened my potential for love.
  22. @Leo Gura Haha The first 3 times I did, but idk... feels like I got a boost out of that. It is another layer of "torture".
  23. @Joel3102 Umm... Well if it keeps you going great. I don't feel like it keeps me going. I don't have a goal of enlightenment or so. I just kind of go with the flow. I have no clue what is happening or what is going to happen. It seems all like a funny game of hide and seek, and I am just laughing along the way.
  24. @Azrael Self-love does seem to play a huge role in the process. Thanks for the reminder. I will check out those names. edit: Do have to say though, enlightenment has never been my goal, never thought about seeking it. That changed 20 minutes ago when I had a huge altered-state of consciousness experience.