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Everything posted by Martin123

  1. @Nahm Nevermind Nahm I derped out, your answer makes sense.
  2. If you define desire based on lack then truly there is no desire. But why did Gandhi did what he did, he surely must have had a desire for love. Why does Eckhart do what he does, when he is desireless? Why doesn't he just derp around. Let me define these 2 points. LACK based desire - illusion, incomplete, needs to be dealt with INSPIRATION based desire - the expanding driving force of the divine. The most creative expression, the art of life. "This question comes from the EGO". Don't all questions come from the ego? Doesn't also ego come from the divine? Isn't ego itself divine as well? Now, tell me please if you have such answer - what is an ego? What is an ego from your experience? And more so, why do you dismiss the question of intention? And to be fair, I will define what I meant by the intention. By intention I mean a "genuine" desire. "genuine" desire = will to experience, sort of "oh this is cool let's do this" @Nahm IF meditation serves no purpose then why you do it. I am genuinely asking for the answer. Why?
  3. @PureExp There's this notion that advanced spirituality is desireless, desire=suffering. NOP lack based desire = suffering in other words, lack is the problem, not the desire.
  4. @abrakamowse Let us pray to the orange god
  5. That is a disgusting generalization, that is quite groundless. In your "default" position, when you're born, you dont have an ego. The ego is developed theough people pointing at your bod saying " hey its you, this is You John". It is only when a seed of fear is hammered into you where you start dwelling on beliefs
  6. @Thanasi So Martin is at level 3, Rali at 2.5, Exkhart Tolle at 4.5 and Donald Trump at 12
  7. @Afonso past trauma being released. Very very good shit
  8. Additional point - the trauma is processed through the root chakra, your survival mechanism (the lowesr point of your upper body)
  9. 1. Is there a distinction between enlightenment with the ego present, and complete permanent ego-destruction? 2. Martin hammered a lot the idea of body-language. This got me thinking that it perhaps could be useful to integrate this into a meditation habit - vulnerable body language?
  10. @eskwire This calling you speak of can easily be awakened as you progress. Your sole existence in this world at this time is a proof a desire for some sort of creative action. Be it family or business or book or a garden. Creativity is the most inherent human quality. There is a creative intent behind everyone's existence.
  11. @eskwire trust me, monastery is the pussy way out. If you truly resonate with it then by all means go. But there is a reason why life is so diverse rich and beautiful. Why there is fun, joy, excitement. Sex, food, music, arts. Relationships, communities, culture. All these things are the expression of "your" infinite nature. After all you are limitless, then why limit the limitless into the monastery.
  12. dis. FUck it and go for it. Also FUCK the FUCK IT mentality and do it the smart strategic way.
  13. @Leo Gura What is your opinion of different people resonating with different methods? I have been finding myself not really benefiting from self-enquiry, but rather resting in the infinite presence that is always there, sort of relentless mindfulness. I might be just throwing excuses at myself though, I will see how I progress.
  14. @ExtraAwesome From my experience mirror exercises open up different layers of your ego, and the whole experience can become one big integration session.
  15. @aryberry Check out the movie arrivals! =D.
  16. @Live Life Liam The hedonistic lifestyle doesn't make you unfulfilled, the problem is lack of fulfillment in the first place. In fact there is no reason not to be fulfilled by the miraculous phenomenon of being alive. The rest is just a preference.
  17. Bo its not about that, you gotta burn down the whole pattern. Takes time, just be patient
  18. @eskwire Transcend romance, create a lifestyle that fits your authenticity, unnecessary to restrain oneself with labels such as celibacy or monogamy etc. Do what you find fit at certain period of your life. You might later find out that your desire for permanent celibacy right now is coming out of place of fear, and can be easily transcended, and then you simply won't like the idea anymore. Or maybe not.
  19. @Psychonaut The carrot and stick conditioning. Just gotta purge yourself out of that.
  20. @Malelekakis I have a bipolar friend. straight out - Nope
  21. @Arman What I would say intuitively is that there's still importance of the dream to be experienced, however "readiness" for aeakening is rising slowly but surely.
  22. So at this point I can feel into the "awareness", into my higher self if you will, presence. It is very sweet, yet when I do so I feel torn between 2 worlds. 1. Higher self sweetness 2. Emotional purification and catharsis going on in my body. The reason for this is That I find the catharsis brutally important, fixing my neuroses has been my goal since the beginning. So I will just continue on with purifying, and wait till I clear up more mental space for awareness.
  23. @Arman You are right, but I do find myself in theis stage yet where Im like "even if I were liberated I'd wanna heal these". Also there is a certain feeling of urgency with it, so for now I'll go with that.
  24. @aryberry for me thought is just a sensation in my head that I express through letters, as if Im writing in my own head.