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Everything posted by Martin123

  1. @DreamScape there’s no such thing as ‘non-relationship based trauma’, that is simply because any trauma we carry in our body is created by the negative relationship we have with the experience. When we feel an emotion and create a judgement about it saying that it is bad we are storing trauma in our subconscious mind repressing energy that needs to be healed under the pressure of self-judgement. When we enter a relationship it is an opportunity to obsolve ourselves of judgements, by meeting every experience with love and openness. However where this first needs to take place is in a relationship to ourselves, and until we meet ourselves with love and openness, we cannot hope that we will be able to do the same for another person, nor will someone else be able to do that for us in a way that satisfies the way you want, because unless openness and love are familiar to your subconscious mind by repeating love and openness to yourself on a regular basis, it will be registered as foreign and/or a threat to your nervous system and it will cause you to either lash out, or delete it out of your perception.
  2. @ajai sure. That one word in my entire post is the big difference we’re making here... you truly mad a point sir!!! Ps: Sarcasm alert.
  3. Hmm... to call an addiction you have and label it as art is a genius way to rationalize why you should keep doing it this is getting Charlie-sheen like... you gotta ‘party’ responsibly!! Winning!!!! no, there is no such thing as ‘responsible porn’, not because porn is bad but because if you use rationalisations why it’s fine you’re manipulating yourself to keep yourself from the inevitability of change. porn isn’t ‘bad’, it’s just not helpful. And it doesn’t even matter whether you watch it or not, it matters whether you’re rationalising it as something that’s fine or ‘art’ because that’s a manipulation to keep yourself from feeling bad about the addiction you have and therefore a form of avoidance. Is masturbation bad ? No it’s wonderful. Is porn bad ? No, but it’s an addictive pattern that recycles old energy in your field and allows avoidance to be perpetuated. Are you bad for watching porn ? No, you’re not bad, you just have an addiction or a tendency towards an addictive pattern. There’s no need to feel bad about it, but there’s also no need to label it as anything BUT an addiction because then you’re out of touch with reality. Is porn art ? I mean sure... but using it as a rationalisation why it’s ‘good and totally fine’, is manipulative. It’s one thing to manipulate yourself with saying that to yourself, it’s another thing to manipulate other people by trying to convince them that your addiction actually isn’t an addiction. ‘I am not addicted to cocaine, I just create beautiful spiritual mandalas on the table with this godlike white powder and then in honour of the Buddhist tradition I destroy them with my nose... it’s spiritual artistry.’ ... you wouldn’t say that, but you do use the same defence mechanisms with pornographers. I think that’s the last thing I have to say aBout this, I expressed all that I wanted to. Love to all!
  4. @erik8lrl It’s only a perfect story to avoid addressing the issue properly and dismiss it as our and everyone else’s problem, rather than Leo’s responsibility for what he be saying here.
  5. @Leo Gura I can't get behind the notion that in a 'consciousness raising community dedicated to enlightenment, self-actualization and self-development', the one person virtually almost 99% members look up to is advocating for porn, which is an addictive substance causing damage to people's brains and relationships. There are people here who have severe porn addictions that are significantly impacting their lives, and your advice of enabling porn and labeling it as not harmful is simply irresponsible. It's a pattern of enabling addictions. If you wish to keep your stance on porn so be it, I just hope there will be enough free-thinking individuals to call you out on it.
  6. @Name Thanks for the share! I had no idea there was such a dark side to it, and while I haven't fact checked any of it, if even a grain of those things is true ( the issue of porn runs much deepere than altered brain chemistry of consumers, but the unimaginable horrors of sexual abuse and sex-trafficking.
  7. @SamC I think it's important to differentiate between the consumption of pornography and masturbation as an expression of your sexual energy. Pornography is not helpful or to be strived for, it is an addictive thing, that alters your brain chemistry and affects your energy in a way that creates more stagnation rather than expansion. This doesn't mean that we have to beat ourselves up over having the addiction, but also be aware that the only reason we would ever watch pornography is to build up enough consciousness within us to go through all the withdrawal symptoms and eventually transform that pattern and quit completely. Always with compassion and love towards ourselves, with love that says 'I won't give you porn because I understand the negative consequences.' It is a dependency on an external substance to 'feel good', and to avoid the discomfort of not having that. IT is drug-like energy, where perhaps not as severe as heroin addiction, but in the similar boat with substances that aren't okay to use at all. It's jus that porn is socially acceptable (just like many other addictions like smoking, vaping, shisha, emotional eating...). This is not to be seen from a moral stand-point of saying 'porn and sex are bad', not at all, but porn can only be addictive, the only difference between 'regular' masturbation and 'porn masturbation' is the fact that it alters your brain. So justifying porn comes always from a place of unconsciousness. Masturbation is lovely, I really love how there are women who use masturbation to 'explore their bodies' and to 'expand their inner power', with men it often isn't like that, yet they too have this capacity. Through orgasms I have released gallons of tension from my abdomen and hip areas where gallons of trauma were stored in my body, and it aided my healing process well. But of course even with masturbation we can come from the mindset of escaping discomfort and chasing pleasure, which again is a pattern of addiction. I have also overcome a severe porno addiction that I had since I was about 12 years old, and it took a long time and a lot of healing to finally get to the other side of it, but it eventually happened. And it is a very freeing feeling to know that I no longer am addicted to something that dictated whether I felt good or bad.
  8. @blankisomeone a question is never fulfilled by an answer, but by dissolving the question. The truth of who you are becomes so unshakable anchored in your being that asking questions seems ridiculous.
  9. @Matt23 I wouldn’t go as far as to differentiate partners regarding their feminine and masculine (ying/yang) energies. we all have both, masculine is the energy of action and execution, feminine is the energy of emotion, creativity and intuition. It’s more about balancing these two energies within ourselves and that for the most part means allowing the overly masculine ego structure to be balanced with feminine energy. the masculine is the energy of the mind. If you’re looking for balance, you need to lead with the heart and with your feelings. You would surrender understanding into the knowing of your intuitive emotional guidance, and then allow all your understandings to be reborn from your newly refreshed emotional perspective. Understanding would then be a byproduct of your most embodied emotionally mature healing, and not a way to try to achieve a goal or avoid a painful outcome. when we try to understand, often what we are doing is trying to manipulate ourselves or our reality as a way of achieving what we want. But that’s not the way of surrender. Surrender says ‘lead with feelings first, and allow all understanding come to you when it’s time.’ if you’re looking for a relationship, instead of trying to figure out how to get one, surrender into the desire and worthiness that you want and deserve one, and allow the universe to sort out the rest. all the best!!
  10. @Matt23 Hi Matt! Depression just like any other state is a stage in your journey of emotional evolution. This means that contrary to popular belief, when you are depressed you are not failing anything, you're not doing anything wrong, and the depression isn't a result of any bad choices you imagine yourself doing. Depression, just like any emotional state, is a pivotal stage of healing that needs to be befriended and experienced by your consciousness. Depression is a stage of incubation, where the old patterns that were running your life have lost their momentum, and you are participating in a transitionary period of the dying of the old, and awaiting the arrival of the new. In this way, being depressed is actually a crucial and important rite of passage that in time allows more space to be created for the renewed gifts to be received in your life. To harmonize with depression, as daunting as it might seem, all that needs to be done is in the following words. When I am depressed, all I need is more rest. The more rest I will get, the better I will feel about my depression, and allow it to dissolve on its own time. We don't have to be 'depressed about being depressed', we can actually be grateful for our depression. Thank you depression for ushering me into a stage of incubation and furthering me on my journey of healing. Thank you depression, thank you.
  11. @Lyubov I used to do this thing where on my way to get groceries I'd see a homeless person, and I'd just ask them what they want. I wouldn't even try to make it healthy just whatever they'd ask I'd bring it. One time it was coke and donuts. Another time I actually had him come with me and he'd pick something out. It was quite a thrill ride. PS: They actually don't want healthy things for the most part. It's not what they're used to so they might not really like it. I just made the choice to let them decide no matter how horrifyingly chemical and sugar-filled it was. It is their decision and I can't make that for them. I can only offer them something they can't do on their own, I won't be deciding the outcome. I had to abandon this habit as I had found that I had patterns of over-giving, but in that stage of my life it was actually how I got over my scarcity mindset, meaning if I can give money and provide for someone who is less fortunate than me, it can only mean I am abundant, and that's how I reprogrammed my subconscious mind. Now I feel and am actually quite abundant without needing to try hard to get more. There just always seems to be enough, actually more than enough.
  12. Really? Only sometimes? I think that all the time
  13. I'm sure you're speaking from the abundance of loving and intimate relationships in your life where you've created long-lasting harmony with a partner, right Leo?
  14. @latch this is a good one as I know that as I speak about it I transmit the energy of it so others can benefit as well. Eversince I was a child I’ve had this vision in my head of this ‘snowey/foresty landscape in my mind’. Fastforward to my 4th year at university December 2019 where I am 4+years into my kundalini awakening. I was lying in my bed listening to The newest Matt Kahn’s Angel Academy call live. It was about angels and ascended masters. The distinction he had made was that angels are the beings of the highest purity, while ascended masters are the beings of the highest wisdom. I heard the word ‘purity’ and it was as if something had woken up inside of me. I’ve always had an attitude of purity within me that I haven’t learned from anyone in my life, it was just there. No matter how I’ve ever behaved in my life, the attitude has always been completely pure. And it was as if this call had given me the opportunity to own it. the energy I was feeling in that moment became so thick around me that I suddenly felt as if I was surrounded in this field of white glimmering light, that it looked like white snow. I realised that this white snow is the ‘snowy’ landscape I’ve been aware of since my childhood. It is the fabric of my soul. It is one and the same as the kundalini life force coursing through me. in that moment it was the most sobering and definitive moment of surrender. I had tears pouring down my eyes, completely in awe of what I was feeling and seeing in my mind’s eye. I realised that I all ever want to do is to give my life over to that. There is nothing I am not willing to sacrifice for -that. Because it was the ultimate definition of what it means to be ‘holy, what it means to be ‘sacred’ and what it means to be ‘pure’. And that is what I am. Me and that sacred space are one. I am also aware that when I channel healing energy and insights for people, it is that sacred space that I now know myself to be speaking through me, making itself known in the world of form and spreading its vibration on earth as a way of assisting humanity to ascend into the highest timelines of earth’s ascension. that experience has come and gone several more times after that. Like right now, the energy is here. It’s so pure, so perfect and so holy... can you feel it too? Because I sure as hell can, and I want everyone to have a taste of it. may you too find the angelic holy and sacred purity that you are. love and light ❤️
  15. It’s only because you carry PTSd-like patterning that caused you to behave in hyper vigilant ways and disallowed you to effectively regulate your emotions. you are right. Once you get into a relationship it will inspire the necessary openness needed for your growth ahead. Just approach it gently and consciously, knowing that there will be many trigger points and rites of passage, but it will be only for your growth. make sure you become aware of your patterns, and commit to resolving them within the relationship. ps: form the channel I sent you on YouTube, find fearful avoidant attachment style and learn all there is to learn about it. all the best !!
  16. @StarStruck it’s not a matter of forgiving your parents, it’s a matter of recognising the traumatic and abusive cycles you’ve experienced and allowing yourself to work through the horrors your nervous system still remembers. its not that you’re a fuck up, it’s that your nervous system is protecting you from the trauma you carry that is associated with close intimate relationships. As you heal, you start feeling safer and more whole in your body, and all that once needed to be protected, will become a fertile ground for intimacy to be bred, cherished and cultivated with each interaction you have.
  17. @StarStruck Instead of telling stories and assigning meaning to her behaviour, merely realise that what your mind is telling you is only because of your past experiences of abuse and betrayal telling you that this relationship will be the same as the relationships you’ve experienced as a young child, which I could imagine were horrifying, but the present is always different from the past, no matter what our traumatic history suggests. deep down If you really feel into it there’s a part of you that truly wants to trust her. Bring that forward and let it lead the way. It knows what to do.
  18. You’re looking for reasons why it won’t work out and sabotaging a relationship that might be a great opportunity for your evolution. set your fears aside, and meet her with the openness that only good can come out of what happens between the two of you. It this way you’re making sure that no amount of potential disappointment will sabotage your opportunity to grow and evolve!
  19. Dear Shan, One of the greatest things we can do for our self-development and our spiritual growth is to overcome patterns of avoidance. What I hear you saying isn't 'I am afraid of not having enough time for self-development', what I hear you saying is 'I am afraid of commitment.' The greatest practice for you is to make your family 100% priority, this will be the most effective spiritual journey of surrender and growth, where the love that is so instinctive for your highest consciousness, will be cultivated in the relationship with your partner and your children. If in time another child comes to be, it is only to deepen this relationship. The main point I am communicating to you is - It is not that your child is stopping you from self-development, it is that your child IS the greatest opportunity for self development there is and ever will be. May I also point out that if we make our children feel like they're not our 100% priority, we are creating wounding within them, where they will feel insignificant and like they don't matter, and we are creating a childhood environment from which they would eventually need to recover from once they reach a certain age, rather than a childhood that prepares them for a wonderful and fulfilling life. This also goes to address the anger you mentioned. In very simplified terms (this is actually one of the things that was valuable for me when I was studying for my counselling degree), anger is a cover emotion for hurt. Make it your priority to address this anger, and through feeling through it find what is underneath it, perhaps it is only another wound of 'I don't matter that much, and I am not important', as that is the situation you are facing right now. Make it known to yourself that you and your emotional body do matter and are significant, and from that healed and renewed space, approach your family with an attitude that makes it known that they matter to you tremendously, much more than any idea that you make your 'self-development' to be. May I also address the fact that if 'insignificance' is the wound that is causing the anger, it is only your need to feel significant that is causing you to be attached and driven towards self-development, that is saying 'Once I actualize and develop enough, I will finally matter enough.' No... You matter now, infinitely and absolutely. Your value and significance are untouchable and undoubtable in every moment, no matter the circumstances of your life. Good luck, I know that if you apply all this, it will completely change everything for the better.
  20. @hamedsf I wouldn't know! I am not American, yet I know who and what trump is. There is truly nothing that compares to that level of narcissism. In Czech republic, we too have quite a narcissistic president, but he is no Trump. Trump is the poster child for all narcissists. If all narcissists were to accuse someone of being narcissistic, they would probably point to Trump. If there was a 'narcissistic meeting', Trump would probably be forbidden to join for his excessive narcissism. If narcissists were to vote as to who to excommunicate from their ranks, they would vote out Trump because his level threatens their levels and it's just way too much... I think I got my point across haha
  21. Wouldn't you think that it's more because of the election of Donald Trump being one of the greatest wake up calls in the modern history of Humanity?
  22. @StarStruck @StarStruck Learn about your attachment style and work through your emotional needs and core wounds. If I had to guess, given your focus on logic and mindbased rationalizing, followed by the description of 'bottomless hole', you might be dismissive avoidant attachment. Take an attachment style QUIZ! Edit: Now that I think about it you're more of a fearful avoidant than a Dismissive avoidant, but I couldn't know for certain.