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Everything posted by Martin123

  1. If it’s about me then drop your expectations of me and leave me alone thanks bye.
  2. But only focusing on the mind is like sitting on the moon while being afraid of the whole sky. mind is one energy Center, then there’s the heart and then there’s the gut. If you’re solely mind based, you are avoiding two thirds of your being, and will be in conflict with those who are based in other centres. I personally am on a journey integrating my energetic awakening into the alignment with an awakened mind, it is as if I was going in the opposite direction, hence the tension I feel when related to only from the mind.
  3. I addressed this on the first page of the thread. Before making this about me and going full on with accusatory statements about me, please read at least what I’ve written first. thank you !
  4. because you think that being related to from a mind space is actually affectionate and kind, not realising the fact that while doing so you’re neglecting, overlooking and minimising your emotional body, feelings of unworthiness, and imprints of emotional neglect and starvation of affection. that is one great explanation if I do say so myself!
  5. So basically they either people please... or they don’t. just like everyone else on planet Earth. okay
  6. @Preety_India I’m a Taurus, I used to be an extreme people pleaser.
  7. You’re right. But you’re also under the impression that intellectual understanding is relevant. Overemphasis On understanding is a coping strategy to deal with uncertainty. Simply because it is scary not to know. This is just untrue. Arrogant people are arrogant. Those who recognise their arrogance posses the ability to discern the qualities of consciousness vs. Avoidance. Arrogance is present in fear of intimacy. It is ‘love avoidance.’ So to say arrogance is in the eyes of the perceiver is to massively downplay what it actually is.
  8. That ! Haha yes. Yes indeed, Indeedyes.
  9. Also as an HSP and someone who’s gone through 5 years of an energetic healing and awakening. I can feel the energy Leo emits through some of his posts, especially in this thread (perhaps because there is great genuineness within them). Its lovely and certainly very charged, at the same time it’s very raw and unrefined, as If ‘yes the awakened energy is there, but it hasn’t truly settled into the body.’ that is why the insights may be very masculine oriented, but deny the feminine in a way that to those of us who are more comfortable with the feminine can feel abrasive and insensitive. The imbalance is that the masculine will always seek greater insights, because seeking is a masculine energy, and the feminine will then integrate and receive the consciousness that was discovered through seeking. Without enough emphasis on the feminine energy, the endless seeking won’t be balanced by healthy receiving and embodiment. Simply because the masculine only knows how to seek, but doesn’t have the ability to fully receive. Only the feminine can. and there in lies the struggle. If I could summarize my feelings in one sentence, it would be that I haven’t felt well received by Leo. It surely isn’t my responsibility to convince you Leo about the importance of the feminine receptivity, and it also isn’t up to you to cater to my own feelings, for those are for me to reconcile with. yet it seems very healing for all of us to acknowledge this. We would all benefit by becoming better receivers, because what if the world becomes globally better, environment improves, politics improve, and then we will sabotage it all because we haven’t developed our capacity to receive the new world fully ? wouldn’t that be the tragedy of the century.
  10. @Nahm Sorry I didn’t even notice your comment in the flood of comments here. Apologise? Asking someone to apologise for speaking up is yet another victim blaming mechanism, and that just ain’t gonna happen. I think I clearly expressed that picking apart a victims fearful reaction is only a shifting away of responsibility from the persecutor. Panic attacks aren’t controllable. Please consider that speaking to others in a tone where you talk as if you were an authoritarian parent of theirs is extremely rude and uncalled for in all situations. ‘Have you considered apologising you rude young boy ?’... maybe apologise for treating others the way you do, id love to see that. One other thing, the only reason the two of us are speaking on the forum is because you’re a mod and I can’t block you. Just to be super clear.
  11. Try saying these words Out loud. ’I acknowledge the I was emotionally neglected, hurt, betrayed and disrespected by my father. As a young child needing to feel close to my parent I had taken on his energy in hopes that the more like him I Become, the safer and more loved I will feel. In taking on his energy, I have also taken in self-blame, shame, criticism and self-hatred, for those are the issues my father has never been able to reconcile himself. In knowing this is so, I allow all the energy I’ve taken on from my father to be cleared out of my field completely. May my father be forgiven as I let go of the toxic patterning, knowing that every authentic moment of feeling my emotions with honesty and openness, is a moment of forgiveness, that benefits me first, and my fathers evolution equally. And so I forgive myself, for thinking Of myself as less-than and denying myself, because those are only the familial beliefs I’ve taken on. But I am ready to be different than my family. And so I am healed.’
  12. I felt the nudge to channel something for everyone to stop identifying with the patterns of darkness they carry in their nervous system and become more aware of the light that they are, that is simultaneously the light of all that transmutes the darkness into its original form, which is the light. You can see it as the darkness being a lost sibling, where its older sibling - the light - rescues the darkness and takes it back home to source, because that is how healing happens. The light is in all things, this means that the light is even within the darkness. So why do patterns of darkness perpetuate themselves in cycles of denial and abuse when they in fact are the light? It is simply because the only activity through which the light can expand is through remembering itself. This means that at a certain level of development, the light needs to condense itself into patterns of darkness, only to build up the necessary pressure to explode into the expansion it has always desired. This means that every pattern of darkness plays a necessary role (be it a cycle of addiction, abuse, manipulation or victimhood), that over time creates enough momentum for the light to expand into greater capacity than ever before. Every moment of darkness is only a preparation for the expansion of the light. This gives us a greater opportunity never to blame ourselves for moments of anger, frustration, confusion, loneliness, sadness, abandonment, betrayal and pain. If we can shift our perspective and look at those patterns as necessary catalysts for the light's most miraculous expansion, we are honoring the light within each pattern of darkness, and allowing it to transform and transmute in the quickest possible way. And so please say these words out loud in order to transmute patterns of darkness back into the radiance of your most luminous light. Please comment bellow with anything that arises within you, whether they are points of clarification, emotional responses or thoughts, just share what you feel and think and I will respond to anchor more of the healing for you specifically, just so we can take this to a whole new level. Thank you for taking this in. Light be with you! <3
  13. @neutralempty you’re welcome. if you allow me, here Is a personalised mantra for you for whenever you feel you’re in a ‘negative trap’. Whenever you feel negatively, merely say the words ‘What I am feeling, is just a healing taking place.’ In this way you take away the edge of judging uncomfortable emotions as negative vs positive, for all negative emotions are moments of healing that are infinitely important in the journey of your evolution. ’What I am feeling, is just a healing taking place, and therefore isn’t it then quite okay that I’m feeling this.’ ... and yes, yes it is quite okay, and yes it is quite courageous to feel this way. Yes! Yes to all of it. all the best !
  14. @neutralempty I almost forgot I did this last night, thanks for the reminder Neutralempty, glad you found it pleasant! Also sorry about your spider that I read in a different thread you posted, I applaud your conscientiousness towards all life.
  15. @SamC If you were to think of a parent, which one would it be that made you feel ashamed and criticised for who you are? Equally so, which one of your parents had a relationship with you where you felt like you needed to hide and suppress your emotions? If the answer comes, allow yourself the possibility of forgiveness, and recreate a new healthy relationship with what you learned to deny in order to please an ego of a parent whose love was taken away from you.
  16. With this attitude you're going to make yourself into an emotional and an energetic punching bag where you're going to take on other people's emotional patterning and energy, in the name of healing, but the only thing it will do is recycle old patterns, and you will need more toxic people in your life to prove to you how 'well you can heal them', while simultaneously being their victim, instead of saying 'What you're doing is not okay, I am leaving as a way of letting you know that if you want the healing benefit of my light, you first need to find the awareness and self-responsibility to be aware of your own light and never to take out your pain on another being no matter how hurt you are.'
  17. It helps understand that you took your gun that was given to you to serve and protect others and you ended the life of another human being. THe only understanding necessary is the understanding that this has to stop. That's all that we need to understand. You say you're not, but you are. Sometimes people do this thing where they say 'I don't wanna justify' and then they do. They say 'I don't wanna be dismissive' After saying something dismissive. How misleading! It's just to soften the blow of what you're doing, but if you have to soften the blow of something that is destructive, the solution isn't a 'softening', it is a 'full stop' to that behavior.
  18. what GF was doing is probably quite irrelevant. The idea of victim shaming is that you were treated in some sort of an unfair or abusive way, and something about YOU brought it about. But see that is the whole 'take 100% responsibility for your life' idea, that gets twisted. Yes take responsibility, but it is equally irresponsible to take responsibility for the things that aren't really your responsibility. In this situation, to 'be responsible in your attitude', you should never EVER take responsibility for being shot. Because you are not the problem, the shooter is, and if you take even an inch of responsibility, you are taking away the pressure that shooter needs in order to go through a reformation process and went from a role of a persecutor, into the role of a hero and a saviour of the day. We need victims to renounce every bit of responsibility, and villains to take all of it, in order to restore the right relationship that has been distorted with abuse of power on this planet.
  19. If my spouse was a daughter of Donald Trump, I would say that until she is engaging in any type of toxic relationship with him I will keep my distance as I am not interested in leaking that type of insanity into our relationship. This is a really nicely crafted sentence, I love it! This is just a deflection, it would be irresponsible of me to even be a cop because I am not wired for it, therefore what I would do is a moot point because I am not a cop, and hopefully will never be. If you shoot a black man in this situation, it is also likely irresponsible of you to be a cop. @AtheisticNonduality Alright I giggled
  20. There was something about fear being a self-fulfilling prophecy and had he not been so scared cops wouldn’t have shot him. you can’t blame a person for being fearful or having a panic attack, if we could control our fear then none of us would ever be afraid. The truth of the matter is that fear is a spontaneous eruption of emotional healing that is an agent of your emotional body initiating you into a level of healing, and if someone is Thrown off by your fear to the degree where they feel the need to suppress or attack you for being so overcome by emotion, it is the person doing the suppressing that is controlled by their own fear, therefore the one ‘fearful’ wasn’t George Floyd, it was the cop, it’s just that George represented and expressed the fear the cop has decided to deny and run away from. George reflected his unconscious shadow, and the cop could not handle the contrast in his perception and attacked. that is my perception of the situation (I must admit I don’t know many details).
  21. Here’s a nice analogy of why this is problematic. Im actually afraid that by voicing these concerns I’ll get banned. If you compared this to a relationship dynamic, having a partner with whom you’re afraid to share your honest feelings with, is one of the greatest red flags signaling a toxic relationship.
  22. @No Self you are absolutely right. I wouldn’t want anyone to believe a leader or a teacher needs to be perfect. Nevertheless there is a threshold for tolerance of what is acceptable level of ‘imperfect’ and what’s no longer tolerable, and I Am figuring that out, and allowing others to find this threshold themselves by being open about my process of healing and transformation, as well as being clear about the issues that can no longer be overlooked.
  23. Wow, you can truly be proud of yourself for overcoming such hardships and trauma and having the courage not to shut down and heal. I LOVE IT! Thanks so much for sharing! Well done! I am sure your healing journey will guide you to great things as you become the greatness you were always meant to be.
  24. Well, you're free to have all these beliefs, it's just not how it works. PS: please don't manipulate your body energies, that's what you would call self-abuse, and I don't think you have a need or time for that anymore.