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Everything posted by Martin123

  1. You peaked my interest. Could you post a link about the 666 you talk of?
  2. @Ilya Mmmmmmm... no. You'll have to watch it to see for youself x).
  3. I dont know. BAdum tss im funnyyyyyy crowds go nuts maartin maartin maaartin
  4. Thats not the most helpful way to think about this. How do you not live in the present moment? The present moment is all there is. You cannot NOT live in it. This happens all the time. As insights come, and you evolve, your body is trying to energetically catch-up to ground itself in the energy of the higher paradigm. This may look like illness, exhaustion, loads of things. You can look at it as going through an upgrade, your body needs a little time to install the new software, which requires it to run a little slower for some time. It's normal, you might as well get used to it. The cycles of integrating new energy will become more and more frequent as you go on. Especially after things like psychadelic trips or intense changes in your life or perception. But as it was said before, if you feel like you need to see a doc, do it. Edit: Btw don't be afraid to give yourself a break when in this phase. No, the spiritual-police will not come if you bingewatch a TV show chugging on ice-cream while hugging a pillow crying out how lonely you are. It's okay. x) Give your beloved ego some chance and comfort to integrate.
  5. I dont wanna challenge what the Majestic ape is saying here I just wanna give another perspective. Before I knew anything about enlightenment or spirituality, I just looked up meditation and I sat down and had a spontaneous kundalini awakening, it took me on a journey I am still on where my daily life is basically a low-dose psychadelic trip with energy movements and difference in perception, and I am continusouly being emptied of a personal identity, and energetic release of ego is happening without any sort of enquiry, contemplation or meditation. I am sure that for many self-enquiry and mindfulness practicess, and grounding in the grand I-am, is a must. But from my personal experience, self-enquiry never did anything for me, one day I just realized that the "God-self" has always been there and I felt it from the moment I was born, I just didn't realize what it was. Then it was kinda like "Oh this is what everyone is talking about. OH yeah taht makes sense." And every time I get more grounded in awareness, grounded in the ocean of existence it is as a result of a major energetic release, after overcoming of emotional attachments. Not because I was sitting on my bum being like "Yo what am I".
  6. You can check out Matt's "The Karmic return". If you resonate with Matt it will resolve your question.
  7. @Arkandeus Idk if this is helpful but yesterday I had a very beautiful realization that allowed me to finally accept and celebrate the rejection I couldnt help but feel from every single person who shut me down. It is not that they are un-enlightened. It is just that their GOD-self has a different preference than your GOD-self. If they reject you, they are only saying "Heyy we are not gonna be home for you because we prefer something else. Please do not waste time with us and go home we cannot bring forth for you what we are not." If others have a different lifestyle, if it contradicts yours, they are only guiding you home. They are the universe going heyy we are not ready for your lifestyle, get the hell out of here so you can be the most fullest most fulfilled and most joyful Self you are capable of being, for we are not just yet. I watched Matt Kahns newest video and he said something along the lines of "You look at your past, and it says I dont understand, what are you doing? It is making me uncomfortable. And you reply I know, thats okay. But it is time for me to go home."
  8. I really dont think that is in any way unconditional love. Unconditional love is not a feeling, all feelings are under the umbrella of love altogether. When you love someone only when you feel a certain way you are creating a condition. I can love you uncoditionally and shoot you in the face. The only condition, which youd consider a zero condition, is existence. Therefor unconditional.
  9. @John Iverson Its a calling of your repressed emotions pointing out the judgments you use against yourself and you call meditation. Treat the voice with kindness and love. Let me give you an analogy. For the sake of this analogy there is going to be you and your inner child. As if you existed as a parent to the child for your entire life. You havent been paying much attention to the child for many years. And suddenly you find out about this thing called MEDITATION woooo. Now im going to be a superman! I will meditate and I will have FUCKING 0 THOUGHTS AND FUCKING 0 EMOTIONS AND ILL BE A SUPERMAAN WOPIEEYOO OK. . let me just sit in pretended silence where I judge myself for doing everything in a non-superman like fashion, that is the way to get there. The inner child sees this and goes: lol, ok. Let me just make your life hell and put horrible thoughts and judgments and emotions into your system, until you start paying attention to me, instead of your ideas of becoming a superman. Your mind: All is one, thoughts come and go Inner child: Fuck youuuu Mind: Only love is real Child: Lol ok, youre worthless Mind: I am not my emotions Child: Waves of insecurity, anxiety, depression and existential crisis.... why would you care right? You are not your emotions... When the voice comes, answer it with the most sincere and deepest love-statement you can think of. Beloved inner child. I am so sorry for ignoring you and neglecting you. I will spend the rest of my days making it up to you. Please tell me whatever it is taht you need. I only exist to serve you. I am sorry. I love you. I am here with you completely and forever. I will never abandon or neglect you again. Let you and me merge into a union where we go through life achieving our highest potential, where I become a conscious and loving parent to you, and together we will become what we are, for the benefit of all.
  10. @Joseph Maynor Why would you not want to accept your thoughts? You accept all these other parts of you Your arms legs Chest Head Hair beard eyes . . . Poor thoughts, leaving them out of your acceptance party. x(
  11. Hey dear you. Thank you for taking time to read this. I have something very very important to tell you. Are you ready? It is big news! Groundbreaking! Never heard of! Ok take a deep breath. Here goes... You are very very beautiful. You are so perfect. Oh my god I love it so much. Thank you, you are being you perfeectly now and forever. And gooddness it is graceful and valuable. Thank you. I love you!
  12. @Angelique Love is what comes forth when judgement disappears. But it is not because of judgement being the opposite of love, even judgement is under the umbrella of love. Love is, love is pure perception. The more whe add layers onto love the more we perceive love-less-ness. But it is only out of love. Love so pure and so infinite, that it doesnt care if you perceive it and honour it. Love is You are But a ray, one of infinite rays of expressions of love. I love you and you love me. Forever-until eternity arrives there will be a never ending soul-mate relationship between you and I and all beings. Love is the primordial field, love is the onenness of all, and love is you and you are me. Love is.
  13. That is very well said. Thank you sir you be epic.
  14. @Dodo youre being retarded and you know it very well my dearest friend. I can tell by the use of your "haha" emojis. Just drop the act relax your mask relax your life and your eagerness. And thank you because even if you dont I will alwayd relax forthe both of us so really... yourr all set and done, only one day you will wake up and wont know what happened for the past several years of your life. So truly... you just chill homie. May you be blessed with so much love and wisdom that your heart bursts into pieces that will nourish and lighten up galaxies and worlds, as all beingd ascend in your almighty beauty givinh honour and respect to your god-self, which is all.
  15. @John youre using meditation as another layer of judgment you hide behind. Piece of advice. Try doing something else. How about going out and getting some beers as well? Dont havr to stop meditating, but cutting it down could bring more energy into your stagnant practice. What if you meditated just for 20minutes? How bad could that be? Meditation is not king, total and complete embracement of oneself that is the shit. Embrace your judgements, embrace your need to escape, embrace your defensiveness. Embrace change, embrace diversity, and embrace new things in your life.
  16. @Sevi oh careful there not to turn this into a weeb forum
  17. @Sevi Sure Im in. Can we just switch to Anime? Im much more psyched about that!
  18. @Joseph Maynor I am confused but please Accept my apologie.
  19. @Joseph Maynor why would you consider everyone interested in spirituality a Buddhist?