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Everything posted by Martin123

  1. He penetrates their present moment with his astral instrument of Now.
  2. Hey it’s gotta be his special technique! I bet there are special tools that have been blessed by the supreme godhead, MoojiDick and Babawood. Two ancient relics that have been said to have magical powers. In legends they are mentioned as special genie bottles. Ordinary at first sight, but if you rub em hard enough...??‍♀️
  3. @YaMayka ? Reminds me of a joke, ”Wait it’s not gay if you are the one doing the penetration!!! Well it certainly isn’t gay if you beat them up afterwards right?!” like “it’s not mindless entertainment if it’s about spirituality!!” have fun watching man. edit: you’re female, I am so sorry I make this mistake all the time on the internet.
  4. @Arkandeus that’s well said. But just one thing. -ego-blow is just another name for abusive behaviour. Like for real it’s not OK to abuse egos we all have one, better treat it well, it’s with us till the end.
  5. Hey thanks for the comment, I totally understand where youre coming from and youre right there isnt much evidence in this thread. I dont mean to jump to conclusions or accuse him of anything, I just wanna express a thing that Ive always felt on some level ever since I got soaked in the spiritual sauce. Nowadays it is quite common for a spiritual teacher to gain some sort of a awakening realization, and then use it as an excuse to keep his predatorial tendencies in tact. If you watch some teachers, especially the ones who have the guru status, you can smell it, you can feel it in the way they talk and they relate to disciples. Its a predator meeting a victim type of energy. I went on reddit a read some testimonials of people coming back from the Ashram, and of course it is the internet and it can be misused, misunderstood, they could be lying to undermine him for some reason which are totally valid reasons why be skeptical about it. However I couldnt help but feel the sheer terror, confusion and trauma of the people confessing their experiences in the ashram, and I was so sorry that this has been happening in the name of spiritual evolution. The energy of those confessions was similar to the energy of people who escaped abusive relatinoships, and lived to tell their tale. I dont mean to conclude anything, I dont mean to even create any sort of opinion, I am simply saying that any kind of abuse, especially in the name of spiritual evolution is not ok in any sort of book ever written, and it has to be dealt with, it has to be spoken about and it has to be brought to the awareness, not only the people who are victimized, but as well as all the perpetraitors unconsciously abusing others wake up and face the pain that is driving them to behave in confusing and damaging ways. I dont mean to bash mooji or spiritual teachers, I want an abuse free planet.
  6. @SoonHei Idk he be hittin dem hoes eh.. Yea I just gotta say I dont like that type of thing. ANd not in a way to say that sexualitx is non-spiritual or whatever, or that spiritual teachers must not sex other people. Its totally fine, but theres a difference between liking to sex other people hard and have orgies and wahtever, which youre free to do, and using your spiritual status to get what you want. Its a whole crazy thing where self-awareness is buried in all the pleasure and "power-highs" you get.
  7. Hey Arkandeus! I have to say I totally agree with the sexual desire thing. I truly think any kind of spiritual gurus shouldnt be de-sexualized, even perhaps sleeping with students when its about genuine authenticity and intimacy, I can truly imagine it can be very beautiful. Everyone is different, on a different path and journey and everyone has different boat to float. I dont think Moojis problem is the sexual acts themselves, but it is the abuse of power. It is the predatorial narcissistic way he approaches people. Spirituality cant be used in way that perpetuates abusive dynamics. Unless a spiritual teacher is here to diminish neglect and eradicate abuse from the communities we create, he is just a glorified student who thinks he found his way, but is just as lost as all the rest.
  8. That sounds like the advice for the classic self-help Junkie. "Hey are you tired of your constant addiction to Self-help? Well we have just the thing for you! Less Leo, More Netflix!"
  9. @DavidK oh my goodness that’s such an awful story. I am so sorry about your abusive childhood. They had no right to disrespect you in such ways, and just you being able to contemplate such thing as forgiveness only show how big of a person you are. ❤️ Yes forgive when the time is ripe for you, you deserve all the time In the world to digest and heal this experience, and yes if you feel it is the right thing to do remove them from your life. Please do not perpetuate abusive and codependent relationships behind the mask of family. I wish you the best time healing and growing. Congratulations on surviving that, what an accomplishment. May all the pain of your past inspire safety and joy to flower in your heart .
  10. @LaraGreenbridge I just gotta say there are some interesting things on reddit about Mooji, I had no idea the spiritual community could go off on such a deep tangent, thats a reality check for me.
  11. I love that, and I admire myself for how late I am commenting on this. ? in my experience trying not to be too horny and not mastrubate can only backfire. There will be time when the hormones have been balanced, but until that time your hormones are your hormones and they’re doing their job. I wouldn’t even say “don’t fight it” I’d say try fighting it with all your might, and tell me how it went ?
  12. @DrewNows ego desire: achieve feeling some way through an outcome or avoid feeling pain and adversity through defensiveness natural desire: hey this would be so cool! I don’t rely on it to feel a certain way, yet I would love to see that happen as an expression of my truth.
  13. Daaamn no he didn’t ? what a roast
  14. @DecemberFlower Hey! I think I can clarify this in a simple way. Our ego is essentially a mask that we put on, and the mask is put on for one reason. There are fragmented parts of yourself that have been neglected and rejected throughout the traumas you have suffered your entire life. We put on the mask so we can avoid the pain of the past. Sometimes the fragmented parts of your consciousness (because it is consciousness and it is intelligent) have been rejected so hardcore that the only way it knows how to get your love attention, that it is convinced it doesnt deserve, is acting supermegaultra spooky. Thats why there is such a thing as "shadow" and "shadow aspects" of ourselves. Those are aspects that are in so much pain of neglect and abuse, that they literally have 0 idea how else to relate to you besides being a spooky fucking ghost or a monster. And to those parts of yourself, you have to say, its okay honey, I am so sorry for the neglect and abuse of the past, I am here to invite you in, and to love you, so we can rejoin in wholeness and unity. You can come out of hiding, you are safe to feel now. I love you.
  15. @Artaemis "inserts shia lebouf in front of a green screen"
  16. @7thLetter Actually profound times of loneliness is one of the necessary stages your ego goes through while its being unraveled. :-) Strangely enough, even though it often does, it doesn't need to include social isolation, it can actually be just a feeling of completele loneliness while surrounded by friends, or in a crowd (I have certainly had that so many times).
  17. I would love to find the book to be so incredibly personal and passionate subject to the author that when youre reading youre almost creating a relationship with the author, as if it wasnt just a book giving me information or value, but the frequency of that particular consciousness expressed in a written format allowing me to enrich and enahnce my own perspective by sharing the authors world and energy field. I would love the book to be a road for me to explore what it is that dwells within their heart, and is excited to jump out and share with me its superimportant MissionMessage!
  18. Oh thank god my knight in shining armor <3
  19. WOOOOOOOOO LETS LOVE HARD BROS <3 I Love you @phoenix666 @Sbilko @Outer @Artaemis @Torkys @Nahm @PsiloPutty @Arkandeus @here-now @aurum All love from my heart to yours <3 Since its almost all dudes here I almost wanna say "no homo" but isnt that remark behind which dudes so often hide from emotional vulnerability? So All homo <3
  20. There are some seriously funny phenomena in the spiritual community that make me giggle every time. There is no mind! ....says the mind. I am not the body! .... says the body. I have NO EGO!.... says ego. There is no SOUL!... Says a soul. its absolutely hilarious and I love it
  21. And there I was, thinking that this was a discussion of English grammar DISAPPOINTMENT TO THE MAXIMUM