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Everything posted by Martin123

  1. That’s a rather interesting interpretation of my words. Thanks for sharing.
  2. While there certainly is a difference between awakened and unawakened beings, it has nothing to do with the term enlightenment, it is more about how the awakening changes the way that person moves through and navigates life. Enlightenment isn’t actually about knowing yourself as god. If you still have the need to know yourself as god, or proclaim it in any way, it is a rather immature and unintegrated stage of awakening that can be a huge sticking point. Thats for a couple of reasons. firstly, only something ‘other than god’ would need to proclaim itself as being god. Why would god need to say ‘I’m god’,.. I mean... should I write it in my resume now that I’m enlightened? Do I get a free parking spot at selected restaurants that says ‘reserved for god’? Secondly, If you’re proclaiming that you are god, you can only say that to god. I mean think about it, why would you need to say ‘I am god’ and by the way, I won’t even say that you’re speaking to yourself, because that’s another trap the ego likes to hide in, but it just simply implies that you consider the person you’re proclaiming it to something other than god. Such energy can only perpetuate arrogance and entitlement, which are sticking points of ego, not enlightenment. tldr: saying ‘I am god’ is the most unenlightened thing you can ever say, you’d be probably much more spiritually aligned by sharing about how much you love bagels, as opposed to how deeply you know yourself as the divine. ps: bagels are amazing I haven’t come from an American culture and didn’t know how much I was missing out.
  3. @DreamScape I'd also wanna suggest to you because you're so young and because of the type of journey you're on and the kundalini awakening, don't think too long-term in this. There will be moments where the wisest thing is to distance yourself from your mom, and then there will be moments where talking it out and actually being truthful about how you feel will be the right decision, it really can't be an 'all or nothing attitude', and when it is, it's usually temporary to have space so you can actually integrate and heal to a degree where you're safe to re-engage in that relationship from a safe and empowered position, where you're not a doormat of anyone's abuse. This realization can provide a great comfort that even though there are parts of you that are scared to take this leap, there is always an opportunity to re-engage if and when you feel it is right. This is simply due to the reason that all the ancestral patterns and cellular memories you're buffing out is what you've taken on from your family, therefor the dynamics of your relationship with them will change drastically as you heal, and through certain shifts in those dynamics the greatest healing will be allowed to enter your body. Strangely enough, all the empowered choices you need to make on your healing journey, are the exact empowered choices your parents didn't make in relationships with their parents to allow themselves to heal. So everybody always wins, even if they don't see it that way.
  4. @Anna1 I know I really didn’t mean to jump into it like that, it’s just that when this happens the universe suddenly gives me an impulse to channel and this really vibrant light enters my nervous system and starts doing things to the person I’m talking to where I’m really not in charge of anything that’s happening, so no worries I wouldn’t really know haha xD. It’s a mystery to me.
  5. I think this could be a lovely sharing here. Take it in, there's healing energy contained in it. Whenever we are as children victims of abuse, there's an underlying tendency to become 'enmeshed' with the abuser. It is a subconscious strategy saying 'If I befriend and become close with the abuser, I will not be the target'. This is the real reason why so many toxic relationships are so difficult to break. It is because on a subconscious level, it still is a comfort zone. It takes working through all the layers of pain, one by one, until you are clearly and firmly able to say no without any negotiation. It's okay if you can't say the no right away, there is no reason to judge oneself, but every feeling pushes you further towards that moment, where your reality will become abuse free. From that space, feeling victimized is actually a gift and a pleasure. Feeling victimized says 'I no longer act as an accomplice with a Stockholm Syndrome towards my perpetrator', and so I embrace the victim within me as a way of ending the cycles of enabling abuse, and being my abuser's accomplice. Feeling victimized almost becomes a joy of being reunited with that innocent child within you that can finally process its hurt, after a lifetime of denial.
  6. @DreamScape It’s a pleasure
  7. @DreamScape thanks and good for you! I’m proud of you. you’re going through a lot of things I’ve gone through on your ascension path. Makes me nostalgic and proud, and honestly pretty impressed by how gracefully you move through it. Well done.
  8. Just fyi, I've had the same thing (or similar). My mother, relied on me as her son for emotional support her entire life, wasn't able to stand up to father and I'd pay the price. Sorting this out was one of the most impactful decisions on my healing journey. I had to go through the reality of what had happened to me, and that was that I never really had a mother, I had someone who in her highest consciousness the only thing she could do was to make me responsible for her, and for me in turn have no-one to rely on. When I shifted that, my entire life changed from scratch. It is quite incredible, and I assure you the pay off is way worth it.
  9. @DreamScape Saying no to your mother's manipulation and immature communication with you is what will heal you and her, no matter how unpopular it is going to be with her ego. You might feel resistance to it, you might feel like you're being a 'bad child', but ultimately it is the right thing to do.
  10. Hey Sina, this is a great question and touches on one of the greatest imbalances plaguing this planet. There tend to be two general forces in life, the divine feminine and the divine masculine. The divine masculine is all about the non-dual meditation, Zen Buddhists, silence retreats self-enquiry and such. The divine feminine is the force of emotion, healing, it's the inner artist and the innocence of every heart. It is the entertainer. It tends to be the case that the majority of people lean more towards the masculine energy, finding themselves repressing the divine feminine qualities within them, and generally looking towards spirituality in the same fashion. While the realization of non-dual consciousness, that many spiritual teachers talk about, is very real, until it is tempered with the divine feminine it will ultimately be incredibly impractical, rigid and perpetuating avoidance and the denial of personal agency and autonomy. In a sense, it is a rather manipulative way (while likely unintentional) to go about life. At the same time the artists who lack the discipline and groundedness of the divine masculine, might find themselves lost in codependency and people-pleasing, and generally struggle to bring their inspired ideas into actualization.
  11. @Ambalams That's fantastic, so excited to have you on board! Here's a link to all past Project resolution replays - word of caution: while all of them are available at once, I would recommend pacing yourself, maybe pause between the calls for several days as the energy can take time to integrate!!!
  12. @AwakenedSoul444 I love Thomas, have you heard empire of Angels? It’s such a good one ! although I am surprised to see him in the romance department, would have never see it that way.
  13. @DrewNows I would like to inform you that I've mastered the art of blocking people. I don't wish to block you because you seem like someone who is wonderful and whom I appreciate. So let's just please end this conversation, thank you.
  14. @DrewNows Look man i appreciate your interest but please stop dissecting my healing process according to your own beliefs. Not helpful, thanks.
  15. Wow! What a powerful story, thanks for sharing that @DrewNows! Thanks for the support and your involvement, I appreciate it. It is not the case that I would hold a grudge or alienate him in any way. It's simply a matter of the fact that within me there still lives a traumatized archetype of a victim who was abused and trashed by overly insensitive masculine energy. One of the main ways a victim is reformed is by reclaiming their voice and saying No! The problem wasn't the advice, nor its legitimacy, the problem was that I did not ask for it. And since we already brought 'Moo-man' (thanks for that name I'll remember that hah) into the conversation, I recall a situtation with him where a former lover who he discarded was complaining about her treatment, and her complaints were dismissed as 'you were just too attached', and I was handled in a very similar way, where my concerns about the use of nonduality as a way of manipulating individuals who are in pain, and perpetuating patriarchal conditioning, was dismissed as a projection and so and so. It's not a projection, it's a very real thing that happens every day. As much as I would love to be complete and healed enough to brush it off without saying anything, I am not. I'm still vulnerable, raw and in various degrees of pain from what has happened to me in my life. I am on a very intense journey, and whenever my journey is disrespected by others, the only option is to speak up. It's very simple. It's an opportunity to heal, as a way of informing my nervous system that its safe to speak up, and if met with consequences, I can always ensure m own safety. It's very important to honor my own process, and so I shall.
  16. @Ambalams Hey Ambalams. You'll love this. It's a monthly call focused on raising the vibration of the planet and targetting specific issues that need the attention of consciousness.
  17. @Raptorsin7 Thanks for the feedback and letting me know how deluded I was, I think that's what I needed to hear today. Sending love your way. PS: If you have information on how to block people don't be a stranger and let me know. edit: figured it out
  18. Hi @Amandine ! thanks so much for the input. I truly appreciate your concern for me, and take it as nothing else as being caring and concerned for me. I wish you don't take it personally that I don't take your advice to heart, also unfortunately because you accused me of having 'unconscious projections', you're blocked now. edit: I apparently can't block people, or can't figure out how, so just politely asking you not to spend your time interacting with me, I don't wish to engage in that. If that is not an option for you, I might really delete this account or something. Although there's not really an option for that either, gosh setting boundaries on this forum is really not an option huh lol.
  19. @DrewNows No worries Drew it's all good. Love and compassion are always important to embrace, but it must be done in a safe environment that is free of abuse. On a similar note... I would like to confront @Nahm As someone who is a survivor of childhood abuse, and while in recovery, the recognition of manipulative and abusive cycles has become just way too clear. As someone who has experienced self-realization, I can honestly clarify that it does not excuse the behaviour Nahm has been exhibiting. Here I was raising valid concerns against Nahm's advice and conduct, however everything I had said was turned against me and I was accused of projection, not seeing things clearly, and adding things onto what he was saying. gaslight /ˈɡaslʌɪt/ manipulate (someone) by psychological means into doubting their own sanity. Such behaviour should not be tolerated, certainly not under the umbrella of spiritual development, especially from someone who is a Moderator, runs their own spiritual guidance business, and a great number of people likely look up to. If Nahm is unable to change the quality of his conduct, I will ask him to stop interacting with me on the forum altogether (Would blocking him do the trick? I've never blocked anyone before). Frankly I would love for all the individuals on the forum that I care about to be safe from this as well, but that is not within my power.
  20. Abuse of power and sexual misconduct have nothing to do with love. Nor does the kissing of guru's feet. It's spiritual oppression, not too far from the abuse of religious hiearchy. Its borderline middle ages behaviour. I really don't understand what you mean by that, would you mind elaborating please?
  21. @EternalForest Thank you! I love feeling appreciated! Haha
  22. @Serotoninluv I just remembered you're a guy I am sorry You just have very feminine and gentle nature, it confused me a little. Sinbad is the best indeed, what I loved about him is his decisiveness, the divine masculine energy that I've been called to embody in the past 1-2 years.
  23. @Serotoninluv I can feel the tangibility of the relief and healing that you've written about. That's wonderful! Thanks for sharing that, and I'm sorry for the authoritarian attitude of your dad, on behalf of all males who yet haven't found the safety to relate to females in an intimate way, apologies for the harm that was done. May you find the freedom in embracing your boundaries as a tangible blueprint of reminding you how safe you truly are.
  24. The allegations are concerning for sure. It's in-tolerable to be quite honest, there should be no negotiation or patience around that, and it should be swiftly brought to an end by any just means. But in terms of attachment, a person who is fully securely attached will have no chance of conducting any sexual harm as they will have full understanding of their own boundaries as well as respect for the boundaries of others. Of course it is quite significant to realize the relationship you have with the knowledge of attachment, there are individuals whose ego-structures can use such findings into a perpetuation of victim hood. This has to be acknowledged and brought to the surface, and some letting go strategies can be introduced to such individuals, which typically the non-dual community seems to be pretty consistent with (letting go of thought, attachment etc.). However the double-edged sword of this is using non-duality at the exclusion of everything else. That's what I am essentially speaking up against and won't budge an inch no matter the disagreement of others. It's okay I will not argue, but I won't budge. Exaggeration of letting go leads to forms of spiritual oppression and gas lighting. It's actually pretty serious.