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I wrote about all of this on another thread where I opened myself up for questions. Technically I am transgendered but I don’t identify as that. For the purposes of a human experience and how to relate and interact within that framework, I’m a man. I was born into a social structure that initially told me that only two existed. A man or a woman and because I definately wasn’t one I had to be the other. My neurology and the gender that expresses through it is completely male but my body contains both male and female sexual attributes. I have a female phenotype but I also have genetic mutation that’s only found in males. the researchers name was prof Swaab Amsterdam university and this study was done over a decade ago! Prof swab has known about sex brain diferenciation since 1989 when he first published about the neucleus in the hypothalamus. hell I had no education at all as a kid and I still yelled at my doctors “ it’s in the brain!” I knew then. that part of the brain is called the bed neucleus of the straii terminalis. as much as I acknowledge the cultural conditioning problem by normalising the condition publicly ( which still needs to be dealt with) it’s equally important to tackle the right wing/ extremist/ religious infiltration using this as some kind of story ( the elites are transgendering your children for whatever bullshit agenda) blowing it out of proportion to the point it dismisses the existence of a genuine minority group and makes it dangerous to simply exist. I see it time and again when there are two sides to something. Each side thinks it is right and tries to destroy the other when the truth is there is half truth in both sides and they need to learn to listen. being cast out of society and watching from the outside has made it all the more clear to see. Any ‘black sheep’ in this group or forum has come to know that little glimpses can push you towards awakening. Of course it depends on your mentality and egocentricity. You can be so self centred and fearful you can turn into a dangerous animal that lashes out in defense of itself or you can become more conscious and endeavour to learn lessons and understand how it got to be that way. this is the professor talking to a podcaster about the issue. I don’t agree with everything that he says. Playing with certain toys is clutching at straws but that’s just the way he sees it.
Adrian colby replied to PurpleTree's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
I would know. I am one. I don’t identify as such though even though I technically come under the umbrella term. -
I’d ask him why he lied to an entire room about being a qualified neurologist during a lecture few years ago and does he know the platforms that fund and support him are actually using him as a puppet to push their own agenda ( extreme right leaning oil industry moguls). Agenda pushing being something that he claims to be fighting against. He seems to understand symbolic association/conceptualisation to an extent but he goes cognitively dissonant when it doesnt support his worldview. I think someone already said it and that is he’s got a very heavy shadow of his own that he hasn’t dealt with yet.
Adrian colby replied to PurpleTree's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
This is not the case. Read the athletics guidelines in relation to athletes with trans or gender related disorders. Individuals are frequently monitored and are assessed prior to being allowed to compete in the category. If they fall outside the normal range of what is female, they are not allowed to compete. this whole thing has been blown out of proportion by people who couldn’t bother to understand something with decades of research behind it. I’m not just talking about the study of trans or anything that comes under that category, I’m talking about the study of entire human sexual biology. -
Adrian colby replied to PurpleTree's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
After contemplating the issue and not knowing directly or extensively what measures are in place for trans athletes I decided to find out. this might be of interest to some of you. https://www.wada-ama.org/sites/default/files/2022-01/TUE Physician Guidelines_Transgender Athletes_Final (January 2022).pdf to summarise: as some of the treatment transgender patients require ie hormone therapy, is banned in sports and trans patients require HRT after surgery to prevent bone density loss, they have an exemption provided the levels do not go outside the normal ranges of the gender category they are competing in. They are monitored regularly where other athletes are not. Trans female athletes are examined to decide if their structure falls within the range of female physiology. If they transitioned and received blockers before masculinisation then they are considered within a female range. If they masculinised before transitioning and the feminising HRT has not sufficiently feminised their structure then they are not permitted to compete. following on from this I decided to look at osome of these controversial figures and found some cases of male athletes masquerading as women in the hope of a medal glory, this quickly led to implementation of guidelines about normal ranges in each respective sex and is monitored frequently so the whole men competing in women’s sports is years old and nothing to do with trans women. women with hyper androgen sensitivity syndrome or a type of intersex disorder began to fail eligibility examinations and got excluded leading to a spate of court cases showing there was no proof to justify the exclusion. Each time a new issue has cropped up it has been looked at and guideline issued with frequent monitoring. So what I can see is trans women who transitioned after male puberty tend to be excluded if they fall outside normal female ranges. There are fully trans only athletic games now started up in Asian countries who have recognised trans as a third sex for millennia. the most recent controversy was from an Indian athlete who came in fourth place lost to another Indian athlete who got the bronze medal. Days after the event she accused the woman of being transgender on social media and demanded people get behind her and support her to help get her medal back. It turns out the bronze medalist is 100% female and the other woman had a Karen meltdown cause she was a sore looser. looking at the guidelines there doesn’t seem to be any justification for excluding trans athletes if they adhere to the guidelines and fall within the ranges.so all the hype is being created by uneducated bigots from what I can see. Further to that the term transgender is an umbrella term that doesn’t just refer to people with biological gender incongruence but also non binary and other expressions. having sat down and looked at 6 decades of research for and against, the biological/ genetic research certainly shows a tangible basis for these conditions although we don’t seem to fully understand what human sexual biology actually is. It’s a complex set of systems that work together eventually expressing as a gender/identity not a single physical feature that determines it. What we are presented with does not reflect our initial beliefs or assumptions of a rigid male/female only binary and what is presented in the court cases cannot support the exclusion of gender variant individuals from sports as long as they fall within the ranges as set out in the guidelines. I hazard to say that the increasing hostility coming from some people is a lack of ability to adapt to an ever changing world. I certainly understand some of the complaints and the way that they are meant is perfectly valid but the instances in sports today don’t seem to exist in the way some people are complaining about it. If one instance of a valid complaint is found and put out in the media, they have a fantastic way of extrapolating it out from one instance to the facade of a global epidemic. https://www.thehindu.com/society/jumping-the-gender-hurdles/article18712766.ece/amp/ this is also an interesting article with changes in guidelines as they have become apparent. -
Adrian colby replied to PurpleTree's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
A woman walked into an emergency department with abdominal pains and they subsequently discovered she had cancer stemming from testicular cells even though she had no testicles and was born fully female ( at least that is what she, her parents and everyone in her life thought). After a number of tests they discovered she had a Y chromosome. The question perplexed the doctors, if she had a Y chromosome, why didn’t she develop into a male? a slight mutation in the androgen receptor gene is enough to throw a persons sexual biology over the other side and it doesn’t just happen fully. There’s an entire spectrum to those mutations giving rise to the myriad of sexual variation in our species. We are under the automatic assumption that a human comes in a rigid binary of male and female but we have originally defined that off what we see externally when the case may be that we don’t actually know what human sexual biology is or what it’s normal state or states may be. There are billions of people on this planet who automatically assume they are the sex and gender they are when no one has ever bothered to test themselves to see if that is really true. I was born with gonadal dis genesis and raised female. Unfortunately they got it wrong. My gender is male and has been so since childhood and persistent throughout all my treatment. They tried to council me into a female gender which didn’t work. During my ‘correct’ treatment I participated in a study in Austria in 2014 that uncovered I had a genetic mutation in cyp17. Mutations in this gene tend toward disrupting sex hormones and growth in childhood development. The mutation in particular that was found in me is normally only found in males. ( people like myself who are posthumously studied also show neurological structures in the male range which one would assume is why I express a gender identity that is male.) so the reality is that while I express myself as male my body contains the biological components of both male and female despite having been born not fully formed but formed enough not to incurr any chronic medical problems. None of it has any effect or standing in my life. No one knows about my condition and I’ve been physically and indentified as male longer than I’ve been known as anything else. I cannot produce my own hormones so I have to take testosterone for the rest of my life. It would be an awful kick in the stomach if I had dreamed of being an athlete since childhood as I wouldn’t be allowed to compete because I’m technically on steroids…. back to the woman I mentioned above. Having all the blueprint in her DNA that should have resulted in a male, she was clearly, socially, sexually and physically female but according to some people’s arguments she should be classified as a man because of a Y chromosome when her life experience and the experience of everyone in her life demonstrate that couldn’t possibly be true. a person who is born with a gender disorder is somewhere in a middle ground on a spectrum and trying to fit into the expectation of a social role of which none exist to reflect their status. Whatever way the neurology of that person has developed is the way they express their gender. The neurology is the biological that overrides the rest of the body because a human is predominantly a psychosocial being. most trans women ( more recently due to the accessibility to treatment) have had hormone blockers at puberty and have not developed masculine bone or muscle structures. Taking estrogen HRT would further prevent that development. This would be the norm so the testosterone argument seems a bit grasping at nothing. Also going back to my own sentiment about dreaming to be an athlete, if a girl who had lived as a female, had blockers and never developed masculine structures, had surgery, and took estrogen HRT… that person as an adult would never have been exposed to testosterone levels equivelent to a man and would have lived their entire adult life physically and mentally female. If they had always want to be an athlete… there’s nothing there that would give them an advantage over any other woman. most people arguing about this haven’t got a clue what sexual biology is ( never mind the complexities of conceptual gender roles) here’s one for the men: if you had even a slight mutation in your AR gene, you would be a fully blown woman! Your Y chromosome is a pretty weak excuse for justifying masculinity. there are more male specific genes than what are found on the Y chromosome so calling the Y SRY or sex related Y is a bit old hat. a female can be neurologically full blown male with a mutation on the cyp17 gene. the question for everyone is if they can come to terms with the wide variety of biology and get their head around the neurological basis for identity expression and realise we’re not dealing with rigid definitions here that don’t translate into reality. the truth is that I’m not a man or a woman. I’m consciousness playing a temporary character while I learn the game of how to relate to self and other and the characters afflictions are meerly a part of an experience to learn from. When you find yourself being excluded and pushed outside of conventional social structures, it’s a lot easier to wake up out of conceptualisation. that’s not a mental illness. That’s a level of clarity that most will never have. -
Uh oh! Just got a B12 shot today….. we’ll see
Adrian colby replied to tuku747's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Absence of light, therefor not a thing. There would only be gradations of light. mentally, darkness would be the absence of any thought, idea or imagination, in other words an infinite void or the still ocean prior to consciousness, where the ‘prior to consciousness’ is the absolute. to me dark is peace prior to knowing. consciousness formed itself from this and became a pool from which to know itself( conscience > con= with, science= knowing) -
Adrian colby replied to tuku747's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Theorist apophasis ( youtube channel aka Ken) seems to have the answer if you can get over his arrogance and stickling for precise words. It makes it difficult to follow but as an avid photographer and studier of Ancient philosophies he somehow merged understanding of the two. He gets caught up in conspiracies allot which is a pitty for such a sharp mind but if you sift through the hundreds of waffling videos, you do find a good bit of knowledge in there. Good luck interpreting it. my own contemplation is that light is equated to awareness. You cannot see light itself but you can see what it illuminates or projects. In the material sense you cannot see light itself only what it reflects off. another thing that I’ve heard said is that objects or mater are light in a standing wave. light itself being an ocean of unseen consciousness and manifesting being energy otherwise described as field perturbation modality ( disturbance in the still ocean or the creation of a wave). Can also be described as a thought in the stillness of an infinite mind. If god is described as light in many religions and light is equated to awareness, this can be thought of as the absolute ( the unseen light that is a still and infinite ocean of nothingness until it is disturbed) walter Russell “ the secret of light” is a book that tries to describe light as a dielectric or two lights. im contemplating and trying to go deeper into this on trips but it’s not revealing any describable details yet or at least I can’t translate what I’ve experienced. -
Adrian colby replied to Vynce's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
I’ve been experimenting with this a lot recently. Once I got the ‘reality is imagination’ part I started trying to dissolve it while maintaining conscious awareness while sober. Shutting down the bodies sense perceptions and replacing them with those that reform in the minds eye, a completely new world, body and senses appear. No distinction between those and the ones from this world. Training focus, concentration meditation helps a lot with this but so does mastering one’s emotions. Too much excitement snaps you back here. the psychedelics showed how and where to focus, now I can do it sober. Just doesn’t happen that often what I like about sober travel is that the reality that forms is more stable and coherent. I do get the mandala fractals from time to time and sometimes cartoon like artscapes and I’ve woken up or should I say become aware in the bright white light a few times too. it’s easier to pop a few mushrooms and let them do the work but I’m getting a great desire to develop the skill sober. it may have something to do with being able to astral project as a child. It was similar but only ever situated in my bedroom or over the house. I’ve been unable to replicate that as an adult I do love when I realize I’m in a less solid world and always… always turn into a dragon ???✨? -
Adrian colby replied to Zedman's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
A little info from uk barrister. -
Decide on the type of person you want to be including the way you behave towards other people. Don’t allow their behavior to affect, change or determine how you behave towards them. Develop personal integrity and stay true to your commitment to be your chosen type of person.
From personal experience with lower chakra stuck energy, it’s earthly desires I hadn’t got out of my system. I have a gender disorder myself so I didn’t get the same degree of experimentation or exploration till I met my wife. After exploring a little I let go of the desire as I noticed it was attached or stemming from a thought. I sat with the thought and let it go and I lost all desire for a few years. There was a sense a peace and self satisfaction with it but I got the root awaken again after a mushroom trip and realised I’d just shut it down. In order for it to fully open and be ok with that energy I had to face my sexual frustration from the disorder, the unrealistic expectations I had developed from watching porn and healing my confidence in myself ( when lacking was leading me to blame my wife for not wanting to sleep with me when my behavior of getting upset when I didn’t get what I wanted or pleading with her out of not understanding why, was pushing her further away) I could have snapped there and then and walked out of the relationship and it would have been completely my fault. When I took responsibility for my own lack of confidence and talked to her openly we discovered a misunderstanding from our lack of communication both verbal and behaviourally. Everything came back up and was worked out in the open. The following week I screwed up once or twice but openly acknowledged it and gained more confidence. I no longer ‘needed’ what I was seeking from her. Our sexual relationship exploded after that as we both felt a sense of freedom from the obligation. It was a connection, becoming one, sharing energy, not a short lived satisfaction. It was more mental and up in the head. there are certainly very hidden traumas there that I wouldn’t have considered traumas so certainly explore the possibility that there’s something there with yourself especially if there is a sexual frustration that’s blocked at the root.
There’s a possibility that cannabis caused some brain damage. It’s not the same plant it used to be and latest study on young people ( below age 25) showing brain damage from prolonged use. looking at various gender disorders and neurological studies of such, the brain requires adequate levels of both testosterone and oestrogen to function properly. For example someone with 46xxy syndrome their testicles don’t develop properly and the individual suffers from lethargy and depressive states regularly without knowing why. Once diagnosed and treated with testosterone, the symptoms go away. One specialist in the condition describes it as the brain being starved of its corresponding balance in hormones what you need to understand is that the body has both oestrogen and testosterone. The breakdown process of testosterone is what creates estradiol( an oestrogen) and is an essential part of your health. If your estradiol levels are high (as you claim to perceive it), you may have a serious problem going on with your testosterone.( it might be worth doing some blood tests during these periods of perceived oestrogen surges to see if you actually have a raised estradiol level) the trans condition for a female trans has a brain that is somewhere between a male and female structure. It’s not totally one or the other where a male trans has a fully male brain. There is also a genetic mutation present. the brain structure is s physical phenomenon but electrical signal imaging of the brains responses, while there are typical male or female responses( cognition), they are so wide and varied it’s not really possible to tell a persons gender from them. there’s nothing to be ashamed of fantasising what it might be like to experience the sensations of the opposite sex and there are plenty people out there that openly express they are fluid and feel more one than the other on a given day. Certainly there maybe a neurological development associated with that just as much as there is a neurological structure associated with a person who is rigidly only one side. if you’re worried about it, I would test for the basic levels and rule out any disorders and then move onto other avenues like your psychology. Don’t get bogged down in it thought. Unless it’s causing serious health or distress issues, just enjoy exploring.
Adrian colby replied to Hardkill's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
Nothing stays the same. It is ever changing. If humanity has a chance to combat climate change it will only be to slow it down enough to give humanity time to adapt to those changes. Mostly through technology cause I think we’ve plateaued physically unless they can figure out how to implement the new discovery about morphic fields/genetic stimulation. -
Adrian colby replied to The Redeemer's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
Everyone has the inherent ‘ability’ to do and say whatever they want. To explore and discover their lives as they see fit… provided they don’t impose upon or prevent others from exploring and discovering their lives as they see fit. Individuality ( within the relative) comes with a bias (choice) and there are consequences to choices. That is what moves us through the life experience. Our choices should prompt us towards decisions that are beneficial individually and collectively (cooperation) but often we keep making the same choices because we identify with the pattern of behavior instead of recognising the harmful effects that cause problems for others and eventually isolate ourselves (entropy). The problem with hate speech depends on whether it is derived from a majority trying to silence a valid opinion pointing at something that is actually happening that threatens the identity of the culture or whether what is being said in opposition is based in a lack education/ignorance/ pre conceived or outdated beliefs. ( if you can step back you notice that it’s both) Hate speech and hate speech laws have risen in the past few years out of the chaos as one faction of society has tried to claw back the power of the narrative that determines what our truth is. It’s still the case that much of society doesn’t understand that ‘difference’ is the strength of multiple perspectives working together to get a clearer view of relative truth and so they treat difference and different perspectives as wrong. There is a balance between opposing forces that creates our human story. The question is if you fight to destroy one side that ultimately makes up your whole, when do you realise when it is gone you’ve inadvertently destroyed yourself too? So what is hate speech? It depends on a persons individual perspective. It’s better to listen to that persons perspective and determine whether they are talking about an opinion or their own lives experience. What they say will always have a half truth, even if it is buried underneath language that sounds like total fantasy. -
Adrian colby replied to Anon212's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Need to read this thread several times. Lots of great information and perspectives. -
Adrian colby replied to Anon212's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Would it help to be recognising or clarifying terms for example: the reductionist process is seeking to concentrate one’s experience back into a singularity which people describe as the empty space, void, bliss and nothingness which is one in the same as ‘awareness’ unto itself. As opposed to the expansionist process of awareness decentrating itself out into distinctions or attributes. Things that it ‘does’ but are not it itself. so we’re looking at a principal and attribute. Awareness or infinity and what it does to know itself ( consciousness). The word Consciousness means ‘with knowing’ so the godhead is somewhere between awareness and consciousness where an ability to split into two by making distinctions ( a single idea that becomes the dream of relativity that expands out into the stories that justify its existence through imagination. while the relative or dream is made of consciousness, consciousness is also the projection of the awareness, through the godhead into the dream to have an immersive experience to know itself by becoming everything that it is not ( or by creating things in order to know itself by its attributes or what it is capable of doing) because it cannot and never will have the ability to see itself. when a person chases enlightenment they find emptiness. They go back and forth from the state or sometimes get stuck in that cycle but getting over that means realising the exploration of the dream and all the possibilities because in the emptiness there are no possibilities only potential. Consciousness work is the exploration of infinite possibility and infinite states. Reaching beyond the human state is what some would refer to as raising consciousness, expanding consciousness or ascension? This is a further stage beyond realizing awareness as infinity or the Self. It’s moving on to the exploration of infinity as conscious states within the relative ( by relative im not condensing that to just the earth or our perception of physicality but I include all possible realms that can be explored) so you’re exploring different states of knowing on a spectrum that concentrate back to the godhead? You’re exploring the godhead or the construction of the dream. You’ve already become infinity itself as the absolute so knowing that requires exploring its attributes ( consciousness) ? -
@Leo Gura and to everyone learning and growing through cycles and phases. I understand and would like to express this by singing to you. As time goes on I speak less but I write music, sing and I dance more, to express my experiences and understanding from a place of pure feeling. Its meaning will be different for everyone. It means what it means to you and that’s all that matters in the moment. It’s sent with love.
Would have to guess but based on a lot of opinions I’ve heard, it’s down to two things. 1: make something and make it available to everyone creating a point of no return where no one can do or live in modern society without it ( potential for abuse). Steve jobs himself while very driven and successful wasn’t an honest person. He had plenty of things to hide and people he dismissed even though those things didn’t really matter. 2: apple is a plug and play product. It’s technically idiot proof as a closed system so it’s grand as a day to day gadget or tool for the creative production industry ( music video graphics) but it can’t be tinkered with like pc’s. There is a limited amount of alteration you can do but it is ‘limited’. A pc system can be coded, moduled and added to which is preferred by gamers, developers, electronics coders etc and allot more programs are compatible with the system. I use both but I prefer my apples. I’ve had them from the first Mac classic in the 80’s predominantly for music production because those are the machines with industry standard programs I find when walking into various studios. I can and have synced up my pc system to run with them but I find more often than not the pc system to be unstable and crashes alot. My macs generally don’t and my most recent Mac, which I’ve pushed quite hard on processing, hasn’t crashed since I bought it.
Weirdly just standing here becoming conscious of simultaneous past and present time….. Triggered by a piece of music. Don’t even know how to describe this… don’t even know why I’m trying. There’s no one to descri…….. Oh fuck! No one else is awake………… No…. one else……. Is …….. NO ONE ELSE IS AWAKE! ?♂️?????????? I get it! ??????? God’s fucking mental! ???? It’s insane! There wasn’t a master throwing their head back and laughing uncontrollably when they ‘realized’ or ‘enlightened’. It was god pissing itself laughing at the absurdity of its own insanity remembering what it had done to itself because there was no master to awaken. No one is awake! Leo’s not awake, Adrian is not awake Only I’m awake There is no one else. ????? I keep getting caught up in my dreams and forget. I’ve no one to blame but myself. It’s fantastic! Wooooooooow!!!
There comes a time when the driving instructor must hand the wheel over to the student and a time when the student becomes the sovereign driver simply by driving alone. How else will they learn to drive the car if the instructor is always validating every manoeuvre and decision. It is the students decision to decide that they have learned and been guided as far as they can be guided. The instructor has no way of knowing if the student is ready. Only the student knows when they themselves possess the confidence in themselves to truly be the driver. There is a period of uncertainty between leaving the safety and familiarity or fallback of a person validating your every move and the point where you assume full responsibility. That chasm must be crossed alone. great is the day a therapist sees his client walk out the door after telling him he doesn’t need him anymore and he will never see his client again. He has passed on the tools for his client to now manage his own mind and discern for himself how to approach a situation.
Adrian colby replied to Adrian colby's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
? weeee! -
I think it’s down to how deep you contemplate a subject without getting attached to it as some kind of rigid justification. 5MeO is such a drastically different experience to when you sober up that the ego tends to backlash big time and Co opt the experience. I notice this happens to a lot of 5MeO users in the beginning. If you are capable of moving past it by watching how the ego behaves as you come back into the relative and evermore subduing it till it doesn’t take over when you come back, you can have a better time of integrating the experience without projecting bias onto it. What we realise maybe found within the experience itself or the act of realisation when we are in relativity consciousness but then we go on to use it to justify all the minutiae. I had the opportunity to do 5MeO under the care of Ollie Martin of ( 5MeO movie where 3 guys from Britain/Ireland went to the Netherlands for what could best be described as soul searching in a midlife crisis). He did very well by respecting my request not to interfere in any way with my trip but he projected onto me afterwards. I found him to be very fear based, judgmental with pre conceived beliefs and stuck in conspiracies. He was also still struggling with basic familial childhood traumas that should have been addressed by now. Watching how your own mind works and continuing to observe it during day to day experiences is a vital part of integration but also practicing changing the patterns that are causing problems. That really needs to get out of the way so you can get down to the nitty gritty, philosophical, hyper logic and reason deconstruction of relativity so you can have a chance at really understanding these profound experiences. I read martins book and it waffled on for ages. While I can’t dismiss what he’s saying ( that’s his perspective and how he understands it) I can’t get over a facilitator getting so intoxicated to the point of throwing up on a client when they are meant to be sitting and being responsible for the care of the client. While I understand that the infinite doesn’t care about such things, they don’t matter at all, there is a certain amount of responsibility someone should hold up within themselves while conducting themselves as a human.
Adrian colby replied to Slipper's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
it’s not the human person making the claim. It is the mind using the appearance of a person to communicate what the mind is doing when the idea of the person and its environment dissolves. That is not a claim that the ‘physical’ person is capable of magical feats within this reality. It is what the mind is capable of when it projects itself into a less finite reality and what it is potentially capable of if it were shed of all its limiting beliefs here. Again this is referring to the mind, not the human personality or ego or even the electrical sense perceptions of the body we mistake for thinking. Electrical signals are purely representations of information passing from an external environment to an internal mapping system based on Baisian inference. The whole thing is being hallucinated. Most neuroscientists claim the brain hallucinates its reality and still not sure of how it works. If I were to dissolve my reality and go and have a full blown sensory experience elsewhere, my physical reality would no longer be taking place within my awareness. I am no longer a brain or a body. If you are in the room with the body you could be mistaken that I am still physically there with you because you are experiencing and perceiving the body. The body is only taking place within your experience, not mine at that point. You are the one imagining that body. It’s part of an extension of you. I don’t see mind and matter as separate. I see matter as metaphorical representations or manifestations of the minds thinking process as it tries to know things. Knowing, direct experience is what I refer to as consciousness ( con ‘with’- science ‘knowing’) it is in itself a formation of a mind derived from infinity( awareness). Everything that occurs within awareness is not awareness itself but an attribute of it… something that it does. The godhead or mind is self created from infinity and is the part that knows. All things that are thought whether original idea or materialised as form are made of knowing/creating ( consciousness) All realities, all consciousness, all form and relativity are a part of the observer( awareness/ infinity) but not the observer itself.( it itself is formless and never changes) It’s parts or imagination is an attribute or something that it does. It’s not something that it is. I would hazard to say that the godhead is therefor also a part of that imagination and thought process which may seem infinite to us but may not be. Or even an infinity pulled from infinity. Our own individuated mind could also therefor be an infinity pulled from infinity and in the process of developing and maturing just as the godhead created itself. it would not surprise me if some one had a mind that was capable of comprehending itself as the infinite and capable of loosening itself of beliefs that keep it anchored inside only one relativity to the point it was able to step outside of it. from my own experience there is not much to be learned from the void as nothing happens there but being awareness so all the exploration and learning takes place in relativity ( some rigid like this and some less so like dreams). So while it is understood that matter has no substance to it, it’s all imagination, I do not dismiss its importance. im aware that people who go on this journey who realize that “life is an illusion” often react to that insight by dismissing reality altogether but that’s because they don’t explore further and get the point of it and why it is here. we fall into the same trap when we zoom in on the little details that we argue about ( often from a materialistic perspective) and loose sight of the bigger picture. so I’m not saying that a human ego is making a claim that it can manipulate a rigid reality as The rule set that holds it together must remain coherent for god to continue to deceive itself enough to remain in it to experience form and relationship. When it believes itself into existence as other forms, it forgets itself till it wakes up out of its dream again. What I’m pointing at is that a mind that drops the belief it is ego or personality or even a body, can step out of its reality and form a new one albeit temporarily. It can be done with psychedelic as the easiest method but it can also be done by entraining the mind using other methods like meditation, binaural beats, amongst others. It is not something provable or evident to any ‘other’ as there is nothing to see or experience from their perspective to tell them that unit of consciousness is no longer experiencing the same reality. We can’t even do that with psychedelic. All we can do is tell stories about the experience when we resolve back into this reality or encourage someone to try it and see for themselves. The result is always subjective but metaphorical for that individuals understanding.