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  1. I have a dog problem myself and can't seem to get rid of them they're a real pain in the balls.. Reminds me of this song
  2. That's a bingo
  3. That quacks me up..
  4. Sucks to be a cheetah.. Piece of shit lion
  5. it sucks getting played espically when you know you are but there's little you can do to stop it..
  6. I'm looking for the right thing to do.. I don't know what to do.. It's OK.. I'm sorry
  7. @Bob84 thanks for the advice.. I appreciate it.. In a sense I did I trY to see all sides one at a time and more pieces keep falling before me.. Ive been trying so hard arguing with myself.. Shopping has always lifted my spirits so Ive been collecting all kinds of stuff related to this spiritual journey I've been on, all these symbols that appear.. For example I was collecting charms of the different religions and something told me to get rid of them, so I've removed them from my necklace.. I bought a Halloween mask with simbolics and something is telling me to get rid of it so it's in the trash.. no matter what I do it's wrong.. I feel the best thing I can do and I keep coming back to it is nothing.. I'm just drained.. Ive lost hope.. Thanks again Have a good day
  8. it's not just fear @Prabhaker it's more than I can explain.. But thanks again for your words and the time you took writing them.. I'd tell you more but it will get twisted somehow
  9. @Prabhaker I wish that was true and it probably is for most but it's not for me.. You know some stuff.. Well I have a lot of stuff going on.. I wish I could enjoy your words more they are nice and I appreciate them
  10. @Bob84There's just been a lot going on over the past year and trying to put what everyone is saying together is causeing chaos within.. There's so many "seeds" planted in me as I try to make sense of everything it's all coming out at the same time.. It's like multiple jigsaw puzzles all thrown together.. And I don't know who's helping just to help me I fell everyone is really just using me.. I'm trying so hard to do the right thing and it all just comes out wrong..
  11. Never mind I say to much and people will get mad at me.. I'm cursed to go at this alone.. I just want to do what's right but I don't know what's right anymore..
  12. @Prabhaker I don't know what to do.. I just need help.. People are manipulating me.. I'm all messed up and confused.. If there's a god I don't even know anymore.. I need help..
  13. @Prabhaker how about a master that comes knocking at your door without an invitation and forces himself onto you?.. Selling something you're not even looking to buy and tells you everything you think you know is wrong and continues to ring your doorbell then running away leaving messages at the door proving his point.. Now you're all messed up and don't feel like you belong anywhere and are more messed up and confused than ever before.. I could understand a master (I prefer teacher) wanting you to be committed if you come knocking at his door.. Around here trust is earned not given..
  14. I agree with most of what Richard said mainly the STD's you wanna watch out for.. Oh and really it should be special with someone you love some say wait until you're married.. I lost mine with one of my first girlfriends she was also a virgin.. It was quick.. Shortly after my best buddy at the time convinced me that she was holding me back from good times partying and I broke up with her.. A couple months later he slept with her.. That guy.. Anyways.. I regret taking his advice, I still think about her.. she's happily married with two kids, ironically her daughter and I have the same birthday.. If you must, wrap it up, or you might pick up something that sticks around long after you drop her off.. I almost married a stripper.. "Almost" she liked this song.. I'll never forget her either.. I like the wild ones.. I have bad luck with women..
  15. I just watched it and it was good in my opinion pretty trippy this crowd would like it.. Didn't really answer any questions kinda like I hoped it would have.. She was a good teacher no games or stupid meme's with her and everyone else was helpful. It'd be nice to have someone to talk to about whats going on instead of feeling like a ant trying to solve calculus.. Heck it's not like anything is at stake with how I choose to proceed, I don't know why Im so afraid and worring so much about the future.. Anyways good movie ?? I recommend it..