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Everything posted by The

  1. I should have been a rapper. Maybe it's not too late?
  2. If you go back to the beginning of "this" thread and see where it all started it doesn't look like Mathew was the first one to rub someone the wrong way here. I'm sure it was the days leading up to this event that got him banned without warning.I thought the guy might actually let a couple cats out the bag. I was excited. Now it's gonna go back to the same old nothingness. I could share a bunch of good links to some truth but I won't. I've watched 100's of videos and I finally think I got it all figured out.
  3. I don't think he deserved to be banned. He had some good stuff to say and wasn't afraid to say it. He got me interested in this community again. Shame.
  4. A good breakfast for me if I eat it at all is a egg mcmuffin meal.. usually it's 3cups of coffee.. I'm skinny, barely eatting once a day.. I'm never hungry.. not eating may not be the healthiest method to lose fat but eating is was got you the fat in the first place.. burn up those reserves