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We are all Leo's children
Lmao 🤣
I have developed a keen awareness that I am constantly projecting my own desires onto other people. Now I look at it and I can't believe I was so blind to it before. I'll give you an example.. Some background information is that I'm a dance instructor, I dance for a living. ... I had plans to take my girlfriend out to dinner tonight so I set that all up. But then my dance friends told me that they are going out to this salsa club after work. My deep and selfish desire is to completely ditch my girlfriend and go to the salsa club without her so that I can have fun and practice my dancing. Instead of admitting this to myself, I text her and ask her if she really wants to go out because it doesn't seem like she does. At the time of asking her this, I had no idea that it was me that didn't want to go, no awareness about that at all, I constructed thought patterns in my own head that put the blame onto her, as a way to somehow get out of going out with her. Right after I sent that text to her, I realized that it was my own desires all along being thrown onto her. Fucking crazy that my mind works like this. I will continue to look for ways that I am not taking responsibility for my own true desires and instead projecting them into other people. I contribute this insight to my meditation practice, I can feel myself becoming more and more aware every day. Leo's last video on the psychology of being wrong was also helpful. Look for ways that you project your own desires onto other people. Look for ways that you are not being honest about your own true desires.
I agree. I'm trying to find ways to go deeper though, getting more in touch with the energy fields within my body, having better control over arousal and ejaculation, and studying how to have full body orgasms without ejaculation
I didn't have sex for 29 years lol. You're fine.
Yes I agree. I've done this exercise before where I literally write down every single thought that pops into my head. Its crazy how random and constant and nonsensical they all were. Maybe it's time to give it another try.
It's finally time to journal about my shrooms experience from Saturday. It was me, my girlfriend, my friend, and his girlfriend. We blend the shrooms in a blender with some fruit and take it with us. Our destination,: a beach. We take the shrooms when we are about an hour away. I immediately start to feel a nice buzz, I feel happy. We finally get to the destination and we find a spot and we all put our stuff down. The first thing I remember doing was eating a clementine. I look out to the water and it looks nothing short of magnificent. I felt like I was Poseidon, the king of water. I wanted to get down there and touch it, but this wasn't an ordinary beach, there was no sand, just a bunch of rocks and cliffs. I kept thinking to myself I have to get to the water, I have to get to the water. It felt as though there were only two paths that we could take, the dirt path to the right or the path to the water. I felt that I had to get the water, I kept saying it over and over again. The water was salvation, it was infinite beauty, infinite love, but it was also death. I wanted to swim in that magnificent ocean. At first, we would get closer and closer to the water but I kept saying that I was too scared. It felt to me at the time that the water was infinite beauty, I felt that if I could just get there I would experience something other worldly, I felt that I would experience God or enlightenment, but I was terrified of it. I also felt like the group of people that I was with already knew that the ocean was infinite love and that I was the only one that had never experienced it. It felt like they kept trying to guide me closer and closer to it. Eventually, I summon up the courage and I try to walk over to the rocks so that I can jump into the water, but I end up cutting my toe and shin. The girls grew worried about my safety so they brought me back to the grassy area. We then decide to take the dirt path instead of going into the water. The scariest part of this trip was that I felt like I didn't know anything at all, I knew nothing. I didn't know who these people were that I was with, I didn't even know my girlfriend. I would look at her, and I would feel comfort and see a beautiful free spirited human, but I didn't know her name and I didn't know how she got here. I didn't know that I even had a life outside of this experience right now. I didn't know my own name, I didn't know what my job was, or who my family was. I was a blank slate. We leave our stuff in the grass and we started to walk down the dirt path, where we are going I have no idea. I was BY FAR the least competent individual in the group, I had no idea what was going on and I don't remember this but I kept stopped as we were walking and would just stand there. My girlfriend would come back, grab me and bring me back to the group. She was my guardian angel. We continue to walk and eventually, the girls say that they need to go to the bathroom. I remember I wanted to help them, I wanted to be the man that solved their problem but I literally was not capable. The girls find a spot to go pee and me and the other guy are on our own for a little bit. I miss my girlfriend as soon as she leaves. I remember saying dude we need to pee, how are we going to pee? We could have peed anywhere, but I literally could not comprehend how to pee, I felt helpless. I remember looking at my buddy not as my buddy but as a character, that's who he felt like to me, a very lovable character that reminded me of a father bear. I don't remember what happened next, but we left shortly after this because the girls thought that I shouldn't be in public. To summarize, I cut myself up on the rocks, I kept saying I wanted to jump off of the cliff into the water, and apparently I tried to pull my girlfriends bikini top off (which I do not remember at all). We were there for no longer than an hour. Now we're back in the car heading back home and things continue to get weird. Every time I close my eyes I could see infinite patterns going in an endless loop, like a kaleidoscope. I didn't enjoy this so I would try to keep my eyes open. I remember having the epiphany that I was on an endless ride and that I could never get off, that is all that life is, an endless amusement park ride. It was terrifying. Nothing could give me peace. My girlfriend helped, every time I looked at her I would feel comfort and warmth, but when I looked away from her I was back in the nightmare. It felt like I was in an endless loop and I couldn't get out of it no matter what I tried. I just wanted it to end. Eventually, some rock and roll music came on and I started grabbing my girlfriends face, I would put my fingers in her mouth as if I was hooking her with my finger. The music made me roll, as if I was morphing and I had to do something with my fingers. I wasn't hurting her but I was treating her roughly as if we were having sex. I start to say some pretty outlandish things such as "I got that dawg in me," and "you got a fatty though," I remember feeling like I was everything, and my mind couldn't focus on one thing at a time, it was all over the place. At times, I was enjoying myself, saying funny things and having outbursts of genuine laughter, other times I felt like I was in an endless nightmare and I just wanted to get off of the ride. We are almost home, and things start to get even more eventful. I decide that I want to jump into the black GPS screen that is in the front of my friend's car. I unbuckle my seat belt and try to literally jump into it. My girlfriend pulls me back and buckles me in. I then decide that I want to get out of the car. The car is not moving, I opened the door and again, my girlfriend pulls me back in. I then tell my girlfriend that I can't do this anymore, I pull her in and start balling my eyes out. After the crying subsides, I ask her if she wants to fuck, she says "no thank you" I then say "Id fuck her," and pointed to my friend's girlfriend. Next, I pull open my waistband and I am literally about to take my dick out. My girlfriend looks at me with disbelief and stops me from doing it. I put my dick back in my pants and then I start to piss myself. It felt like such an amazing release. I saw absolutely nothing wrong with this at the time, I was aware that I was peeing, but I felt like anything and everything did not matter. We finally get back to the house and as soon as I step out of the car, I am flattened by reality. I realize that my clothes are soaked by my own piss, I have one sandal on and my toe is bleeding. I look at the other individuals get out of the car and for the first time since the trip started, I saw them for who they were, I knew there names and everything about them. I felt like I got hit by a brick. I wasn't in pain, but the magnitude of what I just did came crashing down onto me. I say bye to my friend and walk over to the passenger seat of my gfs car. She drives us home with her hand on my knee and I stare blank face straight ahead the whole time. She asked me if I'm okay and I say no, I'm in absolute shock as to what just occurred. We get back to the house, I shower and she starts to fill me in on everything that happened. What a fucking trip, I am taking a long break from psychedelics, I'm just not sure if this path is right for me. I literally could have killed myself. I learned a valuable lesson from this trip, number one psychedelics are no joke. If I had been alone, I may have seriously hurt myself. Number two, if you are going to trip, make sure that your life is in order; I ran out of data on my phone, I just totaled my car and it's in the shop, my life was in shambles and I think that contributed to my messy trip.
If you believe in yourself, 100%
I'm just posting things Idk what's going on 🤷♂️
This was supposed to post this morning. I had a fucking trip dude. I will try to post about it tomorrow morning.
I was bored on a Sunday and was snowed in. My best friend gave me a shrooms chocolate bar a couple months back and I've been saving it for the right time. Now's the time. I eat half of the chocolate bar, there's probably like an eighth in the whole bar. I make sure to shovel before trying to really enjoy myself. I've learned in my life it's always best to get your work done first, then you'll enjoy yourself much more after. I start to shovel my driveway and the shrooms kick in, I feel like a beast throwing the snow around with my shovel. Shrooms always gets me more in touch with my animalistic side. When I finish the driveway, I get back in the house, put my headphones on and play my favorite song on repeat, Jeruselema. I dance around my house, surrendering myself to the music, allowing my body to express itself fully. After several minutes of this, I take a look down the hallway and I see a picture frame that my sister made for us. It has a few pictures of us from her wedding scattered around the frame, and in the middle of it, I see the word "Love." I immediately start to sob, something about the word has triggered my emotions. I intuit that all of my life is about opening myself to love, to love as much as a human being possibly can stomach, that is my true purpose here on this earth. I sit down in the middle of the hallway and continue sobbing like Prince Canute does in this scene, starting at 1:45: If you've never cried like this, you should try it. The emotional release that you get is really amazing. I call it a cry-gasm. Now here's where things get radical. I look up at the wall in front of me and I ask God "Why are you putting me through this?" God smiles and says, "I want you to know that I love you." Me: "But I'm so selfish, and I've hurt so many people." God: "it doesn't matter what you do, I will always love you." I continue crying for a few more minutes until I run out of tears. After the dust has settled, I feel refreshed, as if I have filtered out all of the sewage inside of my body.
I am heading to my friend's house right now to do some shrooms with my girlfriend, my buddy and his girlfriend. We are going to the beach, we packed a bunch of snacks. My intention going into this trip is to talk to God. That is all. Let's see how it goes... Id also like to become aware of my own selfishness and biases Self love and talking to God. That's the goal.
Yes exactly, trust in the principle that the hard work will pay off. The plateaus will happen frequently and they don't mean you're not making progress.
Spiritual Warrior replied to HMD's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
A highly developed person sees the limitations of thought and transcends it -
I like to listen to my body. I'll only put the earplugs in when my mind is asking for it. I never put them in out of boredom and this makes for a good balance of receiving content vs experiencing my own thoughts.
For me, mastery was a book that opened my eyes to how much effort and hard work it takes to master something. As a matter of fact, the mastery process is infinite, it is never done. It also introduced me to the concept of "plateauing." This is when you are training a skill and it feels like you're not getting any better. But in reality, in the midst of a "plateau" there will soon be a breakthrough. These breakthrough moments are incredibly fulfilling.
Tier two sex: A multi orgasmic man has complete control over his arousal and whether or not he ejaculates. He ejaculates if and when he wants to. He can go as long as he wants to during sex. He is in control of his sexuality. He loves deeply but is keenly aware of the edge. He teeter totters around the edge, playing with its delicious sensitivity. Adrenaline is rushing now. The young man breathes the energy up his spine inch by inch. Eventually the energy reaches his head and bursts open like a balloon It feels to him like fireworks shooting out of his head.
Tier two sex: A multi orgasmic man has complete control over his arousal and whether or not he ejaculates. He ejaculates if and when he wants to. He can go as long as he wants to during sex. He is in control of his sexuality. He loves deeply but is keenly aware of the edge. He teeter totters around the edge, playing with its delicious sensitivity. Adrenaline is rushing now. The young man breathes the energy up his spine inch by inch. Eventually the energy reaches his head and bursts open like a balloon It feels to him like fireworks shooting out of his head.
Spiritual Warrior replied to Princess Arabia's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
What do you want to get out of the YouTube channel?
"Is it wrong to get into relationship simply for survival reasons?" No, men and women get into relationships in order to survive. None of us are above this.
I've cried three times in front my girl. She loves the openness and vulnerability.
There's an evolution to the work. Finding out that you're wrong is a key part of the evolutionary process.