Spiritual Warrior

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Everything posted by Spiritual Warrior

  1. The masculine vs the feminine A man wants to please his woman. If he doesn't feel like he is pleasing her, he will leave. A woman wants to feel desired. If she doesn't feel desired by her man, she will leave.
  2. I broke up with my girlfriend because I wasn't getting enough sex. It's really that simple. I want more sex in my life and I will find it elsewhere.
  3. Exploring the Masculine Entry #1 What is it that the feminine wants out of the masculine? That's what this journal will be about: Let's start with what a woman wants from a man in dance: Strong frame, one that a woman can feel taken care of in On the dance floor, the woman needs to feel protected, especially if you are moving around the dance floor. The woman should not need to be looking over her shoulder, worrying about crashing into somebody. She should feel protected, cared for. A woman wants a man to ask her to dance with confidence, comfortability, totally non threatening A woman would like to be escorted onto the dance floor by a gentleman, have her grab your arm and escort her to where you would like to lead her. A man has to make the decisions on the dance floor with confidence A man has to give the woman the necessary signals in order to lead her through the next dance move, this requires a vision of what you are trying to do. A woman wants the man to make her feel like a woman, i.e. beautiful, flowey, in tune with emotions, a mother like figure, like a beautiful flower that should be shown off to the world, one that blossoms with the most vibrant and magnificent colors
  4. You've seen others do it. Now why don't you believe that you can do it?
  5. The first time I went up to her: I walk into the room and say hi to everybody, I give everyone a hug, then when I get to the girl, she's sitting down on her phone. I say Hi ______. She doesn't even hear me lmao. My friend says "dude you have to be louder" Then she looks up at me and says hi, then I didn't know what to say and looked away. A conversation then unused between the rest of the group there and it wasn't awkward. Now that I am single, I'd like to date this girl. By the end of 2025. This means that I will have to turn into the kind of man that she would be attracted to. It's not that I don't feel attractive, its more so that I don't feel like i deserve the girl, I can tell myself that I deserve her all I want, but until I truly believe it it doesn't matter. In order to believe that I deserve her, I will need to convince myself that I deserve her. And I can't do that without killing it in the looks, career, and financial department. This is what pushes you to be a better man. It's sex. Everything is geared towards sex.
  6. I want an inground pool and a fenced in, private backyard. I want a porch with a walkway that leads to the pool. I want a bar area that has kombucha and beer on tap. The house doesn't have to be big, it just needs character and good vibes in the inside. I'd like an entertainment area that is very open, lots of room to move around. I want a lot of windows so that I can look out into the backyard. I want a king sized bed so that my girlfriend and I have lots of room to roll around while we sleep. I want a modern kitchen with stainless steel appliances and granite countertops. The living room will be carpeted, the kitchen/ dining room hard wood. The road that we live will be tucked away but easy to find. Neighbors will be friendly but keep to themselves.
  7. Nice list
  8. I did the exact same thing, I was in he corporate world for a few years and hated it so I started traveling off and on for a couple of years hoping to find my life purpose. Eventually, I exhausted the desire for travel out of my system and came back home, but I hadn't found my life purpose. A few months later, I walk into a dance studio to learn how to dance, they like me and end up hiring me. I've never loved a job more. I have now found my life purpose. Funny how life works.
  9. 1. Society sets us up for a mediocre life. Main stream media is not pushing us to self actualize 2. Instilling hard work and discipline into your life is difficult, especially with all of the instant gratification that is right at our fingertips. 3. Some people have serious trauma from childhood that has given them worse pain than anything you or I can even fathom
  10. Of course not! I found mine at 28 Life has its way of unfolding the chapters for you at the perfect time
  11. I experienced ego death while I was on shrooms a week ago and it was terrifying. I am posting this is as a point of reference and as a warning. If you use psychedelics recklessly, you could quite literally kill yourself. I took shrooms with four people, my gf and my friend and his gf. When the shrooms started to peak, I entered a dream like state in which I didn't know that I was a human being, I didn't know my own name, I didn't know what my job was, I didn't know that I had any sort of life outside of what I was experiencing right now. I didn't know who these four people were that I was with, I saw them as characters that's energy made me feel a certain way, but I had no idea who they were or how they got here. I could not comprehend how to pee. I didn't know anything, I was a blank slate, but my mind was not quiet, it was very messy with so many random and sometimes terrifying thoughts. The scariest part of this experience was that it felt like the shrooms were trying to push me towards jumping off of this cliff and into the water, which would have been extremely dangerous. I would get closer and closer and closer, but I kept saying that I was too scared. The ocean to me in the moment was eternal love, but something inside me must have known that it was also death. If there weren't others to stop me, I might have summoned the courage to jump off because I didn't think that anything mattered, I was just this floating ball of consciousness with no past and no future and jumping into an ocean of eternal love sounded very appealing. I did many embarrassing things during this trip which include trying to pull my girlfriends top off, barking, crying, trying to literally jump through the cars GPS screen, saying that I'd fuck my friends gf, and peeing my pants. ( I was fully conscious while peeing my pants, I just could not comprehend that it mattered.) It was funny, I was FULLY immersed in this trip right up until I stepped out of my friend's car. As soon as I stepped out, the trip was over. I look down at my clothes and they are soaking wet with piss, my toe is bleeding, and I have one sandal on. The reality of what just transpired came crashing down on me all at once. My ego is back.
  12. We split a quarter between four people so no more than 2 grams. My life was extremely unorganized at the time as well, which probably added to how messy the trip was.
  13. Thanks for normalizing my experience, it makes me feel better Thanks, yeah I guess it was
  14. It wasn't even that much, it was a quarter split between 4 people. And everyone else's trip was calm, I was the only one bugging out. I think intention is big when taking psychedelics and with life in general. About a year ago, I made a goal for myself that I would have an enlightenment experience on August 18th, 2024. This ego death experience occurred on August 10th, 2024. This was the closest thing that I was able to manifest I guess; a very messy and terrifying taste of ego death.
  15. One cannot truly love another without first truly loving oneself
  16. Then it's not the right method for you
  17. It seems like you have a very unique lifestyle of disciplined spiritual work. I respect it a lot. This is not my life, mine is very social, I'm very much involved in my friends lives. I honestly think I enjoy the drama of it all. Maybe one day I'll be like you and prioritize mediation over social group drama. My meditation would certainly go a lot deeper if I wasn't always around my friends. For you, I think you need to think about your overarching goals in life. Are your spiritual pursuits so important to you that you're willing to miss a best friend's wedding? Maybe they are. Or will you regret not making time for the loved ones in your life? Maybe you will. Let go of the burden of deciding and let the universe decide for you.
  18. I'm honestly shocked by this post. I remember watching your infield video a few months back and I was truly inspired and impressed. Ive never opened a girl up that smoothly. I believe it played a role in my recent success with women. I also relate to your height issues, I'm 5'5". However, I started dating a girl taller than me, either 5'6" or 5'7" back in January. Nowadays, I actively pursue taller women just for the challenge of it. What happened? Why couldn't you use the momentum from that approach in your video to catapult you into the life that you want? You can fucking do it, keep pushing yourself, find a way to make it work.
  19. Ive only had sex 10 times in my life so far, and with only one person. And it has been very underwhelming. My best orgasms have also been from my hand. I may look back at this post and agree with everything that you have said, but as of right now I need to have sex with multiple people so that I can see for myself what it's all about. Counterintuitively, if you stop focusing your attention on getting sex, and you put all of your focus on building yourself up as a man, as a human being, the sex will come.
  20. What an absolute dick head
  21. I'm going to talk to her on Wednesday I'll envision her farting right before I walk up to her lol