Whitney Edwards

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Everything posted by Whitney Edwards

  1. It makes everything human seem banal.
  2. @Marcel watch this.
  3. This is great news. Hooooooooray!!
  4. Thats good news, Brazil handled it better than US.
  5. We still have them. They're called alternative news.
  6. If Trump is comfortable with an interview, you already know it's gonna be a softball interview.
  7. Descartes' "Cogito, ergo sum"... This Latin phrase, meaning "I think, therefore I am," is a foundational argument for the existence of the self. It suggests that the act of thinking proves one's existence. You think and so you ARE. Kant argued that the self is a transcendental unity of apperception, meaning it is a necessary condition for experience.Existentialists emphasize the individual's freedom to choose their own meaning and identity in life, often highlighting the absurdity of existence. You make out of your existence what you want to. That's how it is.
  8. Women are attracted to more masculine men. I'm myself find masculine men more attractive over feminine men. Just like men are attracted to feminine women. And this is biological instinct. There's nothing progressive or regressive about it. It's simple biological fact. Go ask women on the street. Some women like feminine men. Most women don't. You can't change much about it. Although nobody denies your personal self expression as a man but don't conflate it with attraction theory.
  9. I love this makeup
  10. Woke Germany. The amount of fines can possibly solve global poverty.
  11. Got a scam FedEx call. https://www.quora.com/I-got-a-call-from-FedEx-saying-some-illegal-item-shipped-from-Mumbai-to-Thailand-Is-it-possible-to-use-my-ID-and-send-it-without-my-consent
  12. This video brought me to tears.
  13. Oh wait. We need politicians who can be good engineers. Screen them all for an engineering degree.
  14. Found a cute money meditation that my husband recommended to me.
  15. I think a woman's Femininity is also tied to how men perceive them. And you perceive and measure our femininity on a regular basis. Why should it be different for men? Kinda biased from a female perspective. Just my perspective. Don't take it offensively.
  16. I woke up. And I had a nightmare about deportations. I feared being deported from my own country.
  17. Everyone wants to have things their way. That's the problem. I'm more into myself. I'm recoiling in annoyance. I just don't want to think about anything. I want to be a shut in. A hermit. Spirituality really makes more sense now. I forgot that my goal was ultimate kundalini awakening.
  18. I think political campaigns need a lot of funding and donations aka support.
  19. I feel the way a person feels after a brain injury. It's that bad. My IQ dropped by a great margin. I suffered brain injury in some way and that contributed to my autism too. I wish I could undo things somewhere along the way.. I wish I hadn't suffered serious trauma.
  20. I think spirituality is all about integration. Sometimes I agree with Leo's version of post modernism.