Whitney Edwards

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Everything posted by Whitney Edwards

  1. Would be nice if you can make a video on Kundalini energy. Thanks.
  2. I want to give myself extra reward points for doing well in the game. Reward points. 10 reward points today.
  3. I enjoy playing against my husband very very much Hehe.
  4. 2 spiritual practices Chanting A universal prayer
  5. I had a healthy dinner tonight. It's September 19. Thursday. 7.50 pm.
  6. Frigatebird Frigatebirds arefamily of seabirds called Fregatidae which are found across all tropical and subtropical oceans. The five extant species are classified in a single genus, Fregata. All have predominantly black plumage, long, deeply forked tails and long hooked bills. Females have white underbellies and males have a distinctive red gular pouch, which they inflate during the breeding season to attract females. Their wings are long and pointed and can span up to 2.3 metres (7.5 ft), the largest wing area to body weight ratio of any bird.
  7. I just love this makeup.
  8. First tip should be not to have loud background music in your videos lol. 1. Embrace your individual style 2. Practice good posture. Impeccable posture 3. Take care of your skin 4. Develop a signature scent 5. Mind your manners 6. Enhance your hair care routine 7. Wear feminine accessories 8. Learn basic makeup techniques 9. Dress appropriately for the occasion 10. Prioritize self care 11. Engage in hobbies you love 12. Practice elegant speech 13. maintain a positive attitude 14. Be confident in your Femininity
  9. There's both toxic positivity and toxic negativity.
  10. Since being married my feminine energy has calmed a bit. I used to be more combative earlier. Also I began to pay attention to makeup and how I dress much more now than before..
  11. On having a feminine body. My body is naturally more curvy. I don't consider These bodies as feminine. They look very masculine to me. My body can never be as sleek as this. If I were to wear a gown my body would look somewhat like this. My body is like the second girl from left to right in the picture below.
  12. 5 ways to be more feminine 1. Stop swearing. Clean vocabulary. 2. Listen more than you speak. Be mindful of your words. Control your anger and do inner work. 3. Not being combative. I need to know this. I'm more defensive than I'd like to be. Less argumentative. 4. Wearing and investing in high quality clothing. People can tell when you invest in yourself. 5. Being consistently presentable.
  13. Awakening my feminine energy.
  14. Beauty is subjective.
  15. Find a person who is more complementary to your values. It's not a gender thing.
  16. I like how she says at 20:11,if it's not fucking me, feeding me or paying my bills, I don't care.
  17. This is a good channel to get a brief overview of autism.
  18. Maybe spirituality is an essence. Something that we perpetually live in. Maybe it's like resonance. When do we say someone is deeply spiritual. I don't know. I'm yet to figure out. And I want to keep learning. I always wanted to live a deeply spiritual life and one day I'll succeed in doing that. I know this deep in my heart.