Whitney Edwards

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Everything posted by Whitney Edwards

  1. This is so wrong it makes me cry. I can't get it out of my head. She made Mariah drink alcohol while she was pregnant. Pathetic level of peer pressure. It's just awful to do this to someone, it makes the hair on the back of my neck stand up. It's so infuriating. To have a platform and use it to peer pressure someone into drinking is absolutely horrible. I was peer pressured into sex with a guy online and I felt traumatised by that and I suffered for months just cutting my self over and over in the bathroom in a fetal position. I mean he pressured me into seeing his dick. At the time I repeatedly told him that I had a boyfriend, this was 2.5 years ago. If this would have happened to me, I would have suffered some level of shock because the alcohol would have been harmful to the foetus.How come the producers at the show didn't tell Ellen to just quit and f**k off. How come Ellen wasn't just fired? It's so upsetting. People rarely discuss how people are peer pressured into non consensual sex or drinking at a party and this regularly happens in dating circles and parties.
  2. Much of my self development work occurred through my interactions with people on the forum which has its pros and cons, pros overweighing the cons,something that's simply not going to be replicated by AI.
  3. Maybe he doesn't have good connections. Even if he fails his goals, he will have something to learn from it that could be applied elsewhere that give him more coverage and accessibility in terms of career. Nothing is truly wasted when one shows hard work and commitment.
  4. Also.... You made a good post in a while. So kudos for that.
  5. Too tok is a breeding ground for toxic trends, that's why I stay away from that place. That being said, there's an equal amount of misandry and misogyny in this world. You see incel, rape apologists, red pill filling up the stock of the internet. Both groups exist. The whole manopshere content paraded on YouTube, the list goes on and on. Solution - yes toxic stuff exists, especially on the internet and yes it sucks. Just don't consume it and be a high conscious individual and stay away from it. Regarding how society is impacted by it, it's their karma and lack of maturity that they choose to internalize that. If they can't separate the wheat from the chaff, they will in turn see how it all pans out in the end, low consciousness individuals invite the karma onto them, there is no net benefit in low consciousness, it only serves as a distraction from real growth, and leads to chaos, indecency and disintegration and moral decline. If they choose such a path and decide to be a jerk, it's their path and freedom and our free will cannot be imposed on them. Return to your purity of path and continue. This is the best spiritual insight I could come up with, nothing more to say.
  6. Researchers generally classify meditation techniques into two different categories: concentrative and non-concentrative. Concentrative techniques involve focusing on a particular object that's generally outside of oneself, such as a candle's flame, the sound of an instrument, or a mantra. Non-concentrative meditation, on the other hand, can include a broader focus, such as the sounds in your environment, internal body states, and even your own breathing.
  7. Serpents help me connect with the masculine. Crocodile energy. I'm not joking. Satan meditation. I love that kind of music to accompany my practices. It triggers my kundalini energy. Hoping to achieve that. Spirituality has always been weird to normies.
  8. No joke. One of my friends (who is a guy), ate a cup of lentils everyday for a month and they had a 5 kg increase in weight. So it's possible.
  9. I liked both maps. But I prefer the complex map even more because it focuses on purification and understanding of human character. It's tough to do but worth it.
  10. There are so many videos on YouTube that start with — "best reading books." You could search for those videos.
  11. So is it suffice to say that Coral is just an illusion and therefore pure baloney, a new age cooked up BS?
  12. Carl you should have said how Coral is baloney. Because nobody ever gets it.
  13. Wait. Where's the punctuation? Correct it immediately or you're getting warnings.
  14. Umm. I like serpents. That's why I asked for more.
  15. If your narrative is going to be that most men are interested in women only to a superficial degree, isn't that already deeply offensive to men? I'm sure most men want something more in a woman than looks, as in they want the whole package, of course looks tend to hold priority for men, but they want a great personality and character along with looks. That's the vibe I'm getting from their posts. And even if they're superficially attracted to a woman's looks, it's mostly for casual sex or FWB one night stand kind of hook ups. Men who want a serious gf or a long term partner screen for much more than just looks in women. When you look at men with a reductionist lense, you end up generalizing them.
  16. I think most men on the forum like a woman for more than just her hair, lipstick or handbag. I don't think it's that shallow. This is just my observation. Nowhere I saw them talking about wanting women in a shallow way. I think men on the forum and in general deeply crave feminine energy as it tends to be lacking in their lives when they are weaned of their mother's caring as they grow older. In society we expect men to be super confident and independent at an early age and many men experience isolation and loneliness and a lack of feminine figure in their lives. They want that deeply loving caring nurturing graceful feminine energy.
  17. This sounded like serpent energy to me. But it's fun. Do you have more of these please?