Whitney Edwards

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Everything posted by Whitney Edwards

  1. I felt shy and sexually deeply repressed when I joined this forum in March 2023. I felt awkward almost scared to enter a male dominated forum like this. I remember having a formidable presence. How could a shy girl like me exist on here? It was merely impossible in my mind. I decided to take up a male username of Buck Edwards and somehow survive on this forum as a man and pretend to be a man. I thought this would be a safer Idea. I wouldn't get much attention or lousy messages from men leering at me. Neither would I have to constantly defend my position as a woman. It felt freeing. It felt I could do this. I did well and thrived for over a year. It felt non threatening. Over time I got tired of role playing as a man and it didn't suit me. I was fed up. I couldn't keep up the facade anymore. I just love being a woman and wouldn't want otherwise. My deepest feelings couldn't have been expressed role playing as a man. So I gave up. My husband was by my side. I felt hopeful and confident. That day I stopped that facade and came to my normal self. Yes it was an identity crisis I was battling with.. It was hard on me. I had my insecurities as a woman. I felt like I would get a torrent of messages from men. I have felt shy all my life. Even boarding a bus full of men frightens me. I can feel awkward around men. It's just how I feel and have been raised. I mostly grew up around females. My dad was the only male member in my family. My dad was a sturdy figure for me. Finally in July I felt liberated. My male pseudo name I adopted for this forum is stuck and that's alright. My name is Whitney.
  2. Yesterday I watched this video by Teal Swan. I must say she has exceptional insights on woman's behavior and psyche and thank God she exists. The video dispels a lot of myths about beautiful women and I relate to it a 100%. Most insightful video I saw so far. A lot of these myths are actually created and spread by men, one such example is your post. Maybe you should watch this video too. Give it a try if you care.
  3. This reminds of the quote: "You won’t find a good wife at a bar or club, but in libraries and universities“ Or men want a woman who is hot and attractive like a porn star but faithful as a good wife. Madonna whore complex that a lot of men suffer from where they begin to pigeonhole women a bit too much. Just like a woman cannot get a great loving husband and a bad boy wrapped into one, a man cannot get everything he wants in a woman. You want a woman that twerks like a porn star but is working in wall Street and has the solemness of a librarian. I mean you want everything in a woman. That's impossible. I have seen women who are intelligent, in academia and very well mannered but they aren't highly sexually attractive, they don't drink at a bar. I mean life can't be that romantic. You men fantasize too much. Maybe Hollywood corrupted you a bit. I blame pop culture for this.
  4. @trenton I think you should share a lot, a lot, a lot as long as you are anonymous This is your only opportunity to grow. Trust me.
  5. Thank you
  6. Wife material is generally a high quality woman. Thats kinda hard to find so I empathize with your struggle. Wife material is like 1 in a million. But such women calibrate and calculate a lot. They are often sought after by many men and they are very selective in the men they want to be with. Because they are perhaps looking for a perfect husband material
  7. Mysterious girl somewhere twerks for you
  8. Maybe they come to the club to enjoy themselves. Or else they sleep with men who got game. I don't know the solution to your problem. Maybe date more. Maybe socialize more. Don't be blackpilled. And romance isn't the end of the road in life. There's way more fun in life than romance, family etc.
  9. Women love sex within the context of a relationship. They want hot passionate sex with someone they develop an emotional connect with. If a woman wants to fuck a random dude, that's usually if he is way too out of out her league and extremely handsome and hot and someone she is irresistibly attracted to, she wouldn't care about his character or money at that point, she wants to be his muse even if it's for one night. Such dudes are extremely extremely rare though, they are hearthrobs and they don't need any game, they are just extremely charming and the woman cannot resist but be sexually attracted to him. However most men aren't this "rare."
  10. I mean most women want relationships if that isn't clear or loud enough. Most high quality women. I am not talking about trashy women who just sleep around with every tom, *ick, harry in vegas clubs. If you mean those women, aren't they easy to sleep with given that they fuck anyone who offers them a drink?
  11. Women are relationship centered. Not fuck centered.
  12. Then don't be surprised when the woman leaves you. Because you couldn't give a fuck about her.
  13. If you think so... If you think women are narcissists, well women are women and not much can be done about it.
  14. I think I'm a hybrid. I mostly ascribe myself to stage Green but I like certain healthy elements of stage Blue as well.
  15. Points from the video — People play mind games with beautiful women Other women are jealous of beautiful women I have literally experienced every part of the video even though I'm not really that beautiful. People assume that she is beautiful and so she should be automatically happy but this is not true. Physical beauty is valued by most men Most things about beautiful women are just myths Generated and assumed by men. Beautiful women get a ton of attention but this is often harmful to her Women also like beauty. There are women specific reasons as well as men specific reasons for this. Painful relationships is a painful life. There are more expectations placed on beautiful woman. A beautiful woman is considered a trophy, an object. There's much objectification of beautiful women. Being a beautiful woman is an intensely isolating experience filled with fragile connections My relationship with beauty
  16. There are certain things that affect my self confidence a bit too much for my liking. In 2025, I should work on my self confidence. In 2025, I should be serious about my development. In 2025, I should learn how to deal with failure.
  17. I never download them. I switch off the automatic download.