Whitney Edwards

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Everything posted by Whitney Edwards

  1. You can use Nivea.
  2. I'm grateful for this life despite its ups and downs. I feel great. Some days are nice and hopeful. Other days are depressing. Whatever happens happens. What's the point of thinking too much. I blame myself too much. But maybe I should begin bashing myself a bit. It's not okay how I do certain things. I especially problems with procrastination. I do that a lot.
  3. Thank you for the response.
  4. I feel a bit anxious about passport work.
  5. First thing to remember that you deserve love all the way. Deep down I think you think/assume you don't deserve it. You are looking for external validation through gambling. This will be dangerous when you lose money. So it's a good thing you didn't win. God always has a way to help us without us realizing it. Practicing self-love is a journey, not a destination. It involves cultivating kindness, compassion, and acceptance towards yourself. Identify the negative thoughts and self-criticism you direct towards yourself. Write them down. Question the validity of these thoughts. Are they truly accurate or helpful? Most likely they're not. Treat yourself with the same kindness and understanding you would offer a friend. Acknowledge your struggles and offer yourself encouragement. Your struggles are completely okay. Don't think that you're losing. No matter what happens, stay strong. Eat nourishing foods, get enough sleep, and engage in regular physical activity. Make time for hobbies, interests, and activities that bring you joy and fulfillment. Practice mindfulness, meditation, deep breathing, or yoga to reduce stress and promote relaxation. Identify your limits, recognize what you can and cannot handle. Assertively communicate your needs and boundaries to others. Especially if they're taking too much of your time. Respect your own time and energy as well as money. Say no to things that drain you or don't align with your values. Develop positive statements about yourself that challenge negative self-beliefs.Repeat these affirmations daily to reinforce positive self-perception.Regularly reflect on and appreciate the good things in your life.Write down things you are grateful for each day. Even if it's a small thing you enjoy or achieve, celebrate it by being happy about it and liking yourself for it. Main thing is to like yourself for who you are. No matter whatever makes you feel disliking yourself, you are worthy of all the love in the world. Just like yourself no matter what. Make a commitment that you will drop addictions.
  6. If I have to choose between friendship and time, I'll choose time. Friendship has its own place and it's beautiful and all. But it can be a distraction too. Sometimes friendships can get messy. Sometimes it's hard to be friends with someone and then break up with them. The kind of drama that I don't have time for. And I'm a bit like Leo. Fed up of humanity sometimes. I see all the bullshit, all the judgement. Lack of understanding of reality. People being selfish just like me, at least I own my selfishness, they don't. And the anger and frustration I feel. I'm not trying to be a good person and I don't want to. I just want to live from my heart. Did I ever miss friendships? From my school times, I had few friends. I don't remember very close friendships. Some friends acted like bullies. They would say bad and hurtful things to me. They were selfish too. They would only come to me if they needed something from me. Growing up a lot of people made friends only for money. If someone threw a party, they would be nice to them. I didn't have much money to spend in parties. So they wouldn't talk to me. I used to feel discriminated. Because they were extremely rich and they only wanted to be friends with other rich people. Now I realize that most of humanity is this way. There's no point in complaining. I came from a harsh environment. Now I used to be mad at some people on this forum as well for how they treated me. Not anymore. I perfectly understand where they are coming from. I felt demeaned, disappointed, depressed, insulted even. But those feelings are gone. I understand why they acted that way with me, I acted the same way with others. Everyone is entitled to their own views and thoughts and feelings. They also have some goals. And I probably would have interfered with their goals if I had been their friend. They are on a good path so I'm happy they are doing well in life. I don't have any grudges with them. All these things are childish. Maturity comes with following one's path and wishing everyone well.
  7. I think my mom messed up my routine a bit. I don't know how to deal with her. She doesn't give me room or space to do my own stuff.. She will never ask for my permission and do her own thing. Then all my self development plans get messed up. Yesterday she did something against my will and now I'm suffering the consequences. I feel sick and ill. I don't know why she keeps breaking my boundaries.
  8. Alpha mindset lies in shunning away any negativity.
  9. Sometimes I feel shamed when someone is subtly shaming me. How to get rid of this? Just don't take it personally. Let go. Such manipulators will always exist. You do you. Just be yourself. Just stick to your honest feelings. It's frustrating to deal with people who either don't value you or don't understand your feelings. Note to Whitney — I understand you. You always wanted therapy. You always wanted understanding people. You always wanted to be heard.
  10. I don't agree with this. Number one reason being that factory farm meat is much cheaper than grass fed and sustainably raised meat. Unless the prices are reduced, most people (especially low income groups) will stick with factory farm meat. They simply can't afford it sustainably. In the long run veganism might collapse as an elitist option because mostly rich people can afford all the organic options and if veganism has to win, then prices of grass fed sustainably raised meat need to be sufficiently lowered to appeal to low income groups. I saw the prices on organic grass fed free range eggs. And I was put off by that, although they taste better and are even healthier and I would have loved to get them, but I switched to my cheap regular white farm factory eggs to maintain my budget and I eat a lot of eggs to keep up my protein. Not to say that I don't eat vegetables. I do. But I like a balanced diet so I incorporate all kinds of things, both veggies, fish,chicken, eggs and whatever I can afford. So instead of being angry (and shaming) at people who eat farm factory meat, maybe vegans can support their movement by focusing on how to make organic options more cheaper and sustainable for folks who can't afford it. Shaming is not the way. You understand it, but it's not ethical to shame or bully a non-vegan. It will backfire badly. I get that I might be contributing to animal suffering but I don't wish to sacrifice much for it, not due to lack of empathy, but for concern for myself and I don't find that selfish and I don't care about what Vegan science says because their science might be agenda driven so difficult to trust and if better options are available I might switch to them as in cheaper options in the future.
  11. And the entire time I'm thinking you're a vegan. Facepalm I eat a lot of chicken and fish, it's my primary diet. I had low iron and hemoglobin levels and my doctor had advised me to incorporate meat and fish and eggs along with iron pills. Even though I might not need anything nutrition wise, I will still continue to eat meat, eggs and fish because I generally get the feeling that my health and mood are better when I eat them versus not eating them. I walk better, faster, I can do my work better. The animal protein helps me. There's a huge difference in how I feel if I have to say from direct experience. Regarding vegan diet, it doesn't fulfill me, I feel sloppy on it despite taking multi vitamins and I found that it's kinda expensive to maintain it in the long run, even options like free range eggs or grass fed meat, these are not cheap things. The moment anything is labeled organic it's expensive.
  12. @Sugarcoat what kind of meat do you eat (if you eat at all)?
  13. Women have strong egoes. Depends on their circumstances.
  14. Where I live, I don't have a problem being NON-VEGAN. Big big big relief. Thank God. I don't have someone shoving their vegan propaganda into my face. Thank God most people are tolerant, understanding and don't have such strong moral egoes. This was troubling me for a long time. I think at the time being, it's best to completely ignore Vegans and their vegan propaganda. I mean just imagine walking into a restaurant or a store to buy chicken and someone shouting and yelling at you and saying that you abusing animals. That's ridiculous. It generates so much fear. It feels like being persecuted and crucified. I know this can be my own paranoia but I think my paranoia is shared by many people. They probably think the same way and that's why they are posting how ridiculous vegans are on YouTube. I personally feel disempowered and frustrated by this. Nobody likes to be insulted. I don't like anyone being shamed. Even shaming vegans is not a good idea. But vegans do engage in some overt tactics to get attention to their cause and these overt tactics make them appear a bit over the top. I understand their frustration. But cruelty is a part of life. Dictatorships are cruel. Lot of things are cruel. Even dating is cruel because a lot of people get rejected. School is cruel too because of homework. Should we just stop everything? Activism is good but activists need to consider both sides of the issue. Eating is not a crime. And my non-vegan diet supports my health.. My vegan diet gave me several health issues. I thought that I opened the topic for a good reason. To make people reflect on their own moral biases. Why their approach is not right. I think the same can be applied to gun laws.. Some people are attached to their guns. They probably seek safety in their guns. Maybe their sense of safety is shattered if guns are taken away from them. I used to think bad about gun owners. Now I understand how they must feel. It's difficult to create a world where everyone is on the same page. The majority needs to be considered. Some people will need to sacrifice their opinions for the greater good.
  15. I don't need anyone to tell me anything. I don't need any advice. I just want my own peace. Peace.
  16. I feel a bit angry at my mom today. She watches me all the time and it makes me uncomfortable. I want to fucking breathe without her watching me intensely. She just doesn't understand how bad I feel. Why do some people give birth if they don't know how to raise children? Imagine looking and talking to you non-stop all the time. It's so exhausting. Like let me breathe. She is like a police. I want my perspectives heard. I feel suffocated. My family was never supportive. It feels awful. Today I got out of the elevator and she was standing there watching me. I cannot even leave house in peace.. Then she will ask me a thousand questions. If I don't answer them, she gets angry. My conversation with my sister went well. At least this time she wasn't barking at me. I'm hypersensitive. I don't like someone watching me when I'm busy in work. If I'm outside, my mom constantly interrupts me with phone calls. It distresses me. Then she will constantly ask if my husband is okay. I'm a normal person but she drives me neurotic and makes me nervous. Even my psychologist told her to stop this behavior. My mom was diagnosed with bipolar disorder.
  17. Everything on this forum is about a giant moral ego. And I want to live authentically. So I don't resonate with the forum's moral bias.
  18. Are you a vegan personally?
  19. Aveeno shampoo. Really changed my hair quality.
  20. It's okay. Don't worry too much about stuff. Just be on your own. Just short notes.