Whitney Edwards

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Everything posted by Whitney Edwards

  1. I've done some contemplating on this topic yesterday and this is my conclusion about it. The main difference between a bypasser and a serious spiritual seeker is that the true seeker will go deeper and deeper in their search for truth and never cease to contemplate and look for newer levels of awakenings. You could tick any of the four boxes or all - Box1 - You do spirituality to satisfy your ego Box2 - you do spirituality to escape/solve your issues. Box3 - you do spirituality because of neurotic attachment. Box4 - you do it because you are passionate about it. For me it's the last one but also a bit of everything else. I'd be seriously bullshitting myself if I denied my own ego. I'm looking forward to some serious spiritual seeking.Yo. I don't guilt myself. I realize that a bit of zen devilry (the dark side of spirituality) can be an inherent dynamic of spiritual circles yet I shouldn't fall prey to the usual traps of devilry. (including spiritual narcissism) Whats up!
  2. Being involved in dirty political campaigns. Breaking just laws expecting people to buy you things or to do work for you because you don't want to do it yourself and you're just looking for somebody else to do it for you. That's the list. Let me make a few points here about Society at large. If you're spending a lot of time online on YouTube on social media, on forums, observing politics and so forth. And even entertainment this whole online, sort of YouTube, Facebook Tick-Tock Twitter, ecosystem, Reddit ecosystem, if you're anywhere near this, Which you probably are, If you watch me, then you have a lot of examples of immaturity going around today, social media, influencers, celebrities and so forth. These people are demonstrating some of the most immature ways of behaving. Which is very unfortunate and if you're a youngster growing up, this can really twist you up. There are a few mature Role Models out there for you. Our culture right now, celebrates stupidity and immaturity? Look at the rise of Donald Trump and Tate, the stuff that's going on with Elon Musk. This is the celebration of immaturity. And online platforms, tend to reward this kind of immature Behavior. Drama arguing, fighting name-calling, bullshitting,gossiping, ego, narcissism, fraud, these crypto scams, all this is rewarded by these online platforms and in our politics So some of the most successful people are the people who are the most immature which is rather perverse and twisted. Don't you think?
  3. Of course, as I said already, immaturity is the inability to let go to let go of what thoughts people arguments ideology perspective, agenda, you're just so attached to it. It's a clinging kind of energy. You can't let it go. There's a thought that just keeps going through your head and you just can't let that thought go. That's what that's what emotional immaturity looks like. And it's an inability to be at peace to be calm to be gentle. Peace is the fruit of a mature life. A life devoted to cultivating maturity. Immaturity self-deception fantasy illusion falsehood. Immaturity is materialistic living maturity is Spiritual Living. Of course, immaturity is synonymous with foolishness unconsciousness, a lack of intelligence. And ultimately, immaturity is just selfishness. Of course, what else would it be? So in the end, when we boil it all down and it gets very simple You're either devoted to a life of selfishness and immaturity or a life of selflessness and maturity. Here's a list of examples of immature Behavior. Get your mind jogging. Abandoning your child. Lying, cheating, scamming and defrauding theft in all of its forms. Why do immature people gravitate towards theft at all? That's why there's that. There are a lot of very subtle forms of theft, which I will talk about in my episode called future one called the avoidance of hard work. That's coming soon I'm going to talk about theft, their theft is so much bigger topic Than People realize. There's so many different forms of theft and all of them are perpetrated by Immature people. Why is that? That because like I said earlier the immature people don't want to work hard therefore you know if you're not going to work hard in life but you still want all the goodies which of course immature people all do, the only way you can get that is through some form of theft. A lot of these forms of theft are not called theft and immature people actually think that know that they're not thieves just because it's not called theft, there's a lot of stuff That's not called theft that should be called theft. We'll get into that in that, in that other episode. Another example of immaturity, is losing your temper. Getting offended upset. Easily, getting triggered in a debate or a flame War. Trolling, other people taking Glee in someone else's defeat, or suffering, getting morally, outraged bragging. What color is your Bugatti? Counting. How many girls you've had sex with and bragging about it, calling women, sluts and Whores manipulating someone into giving you Sex and Money calling people pedophiles. All this is a, this is a doozy, this is a favorite one today. This is so popular, accusing people of being pedophiles is like the most immature thing. You know, it's just the Hallmark of an immature mind defaming and smearing people's reputations. Seeking validation for your success, seeking social media attention. Avoiding emotional labor leeching off of your friends and family. Wanting to take all the credit for yourself manipulating friends and spouses exaggerating, not being truthful or accurate. Bad faith, lack of intellectual honesty. Taking Joy from inflicting suffering on others, only behaving well when others are watching, taking advantage of naive people throwing objects and slamming doors, whining, and complaining without taking action. Watch out for this one. Especially in the political realm. A lot of people do whining and complaining in the political realm but they take no action.
  4. Immaturity is pretentious and posturing bragging needing to take credit acting entitled and spoiled arrogance. Fraud criminality exploitation theft and cheating. Consider the difference between mature. Masculinity versus immature Masculinity. We have a bit of a masculine crisis. I would say right now, in our online culture, a lot of young men are growing up and they don't know how to be masculine. They look for role models and what they find online, is a lot of very immature men teaching men how to become men and it's this Tate shit. It's this pickup artist shit. Extremely immature. Comically immature. There's a lack of good Role models of mature masculinity. I tried to address that point in my series how to get laid part 1 part 2, part 3 where I try to teach pick up in a more mature way. So compare that to some of the less mature ways in which pickup is taught most of the time by pickup coaches and judge for yourself, The difference Immaturity is not considering the impact of your actions on others in the world. Willful ignorance of externalities. A lot of corporations are very immature. See this doesn't just apply to people. It applies to organizations collectives Nations and of course, Corporation. Business can be done in a mature way or immature way. Most business these days is immature business. In a hundred years from now. The way business is done, it's going to be so much more mature. These kind of gross externalities that are standard business practice on Wall Street These days is not going to persist a hundred years from now. We're going to mature and grow out of it. But for now, a lot of companies, what they do is they just push the externalities of their business onto onto the public sector or I mean on to Society at large, on to the commons tragedy of the commons sort of situation. You know, some of these well companies gas companies Pollution companies and big Pharma companies is so so forth with the externality and I want to underscore this this, this key term, willful ignorance. This is very good term. We were discussing immaturity immaturity, you could say in a nutshell is willful ignorance. Its aggressive ignorance. And a lot of these, Trump supporters are aggressively ignorant than are just ignorant. They're aggressively ignorant, their willfully ignorant. They're proud of their ignorance. Immaturity is a lack of understanding of situations because you are too. Self-absorbed bias on truthful, avoidant and reactive. To understand the properly to understand a situation accurately. Requires truthfulness honesty, lack of bias, ability to see multiple perspectives and to deal with difficult truths and to be control in control of your emotions. If you're lost in a haze of chaotic emotions, you can't understand anything. And then you pay for that. And then your lack of understanding doubles down on itself. The errors, keep increasing. The reason you're in conflict with other people all the time, because you can't understand them. Because you're too self-absorbed, to understand. Immaturity is an inability to execute long-term plans, of course, because you're out of control and a control person Cannot go to the gym consistently per month. Impossible cannot do his homework consistently for a month impossible cannot show up to work on time for a month impossible. Which, of course, interferes with your success. One of the most important qualities you need to be successful, is to be able to execute consistently on long-term plans. So immature people tend to have a lot of money problems, a lot of relationship problems. And so on problems at school problems with their boss problems with their family. Especially financial problem. Immaturity is a lack of understanding of what will lead to your own well-being. The immature person is fooling himself about what will actually serve him best. Which is why immature people tend to destroy their own health. The immature person is at war with himself. In contradiction full of contradiction, the mind has more contradictions in it. The mature mind understands that eliminating contradictions from itself is an important aspect of the health of the Mind. Whereas, the immature mind is so full of Illusions and bullshit and contradictions, and it's at conflict with itself at odds with itself and ultimately, at war with itself, And destroys itself in the end. Which is of course, What Trump has done to himself... all of Trump's Antics will lead to his ultimate self destruction as of course, they should. And it's completely obvious to a mature person that it would work this way. Only to someone who is foolish and stupid As Trump or a trump supporter. Can they think that that that you can just get away with this? But the universe will allow you to just get away with this kind of behavior. Over and over and over again without any consequence. This is preposterous absolutely laughable. The only way you can get away with this kind of behavior is just through luck, it's a matter of time and, you know, Trump had a lot of luck. He's already very old and he's got away with a lot of stuff. So he's had a lot of luck. I would say. He's been more lucky than than you will be if you act as foolishly as he has in his life. So he's a very lucky guy but I think his run his, his luck is running short. As we're seeing. I would not want to be him right now.
  5. Next I'm going to have an episode on that in the future called conscious communication. So search for that if you're watching this Sometimes after I release. And of course, An important corollary to this point is the ability to listen maturity is the ability to really listen. Most people don't know how to really listen. Therefore, you know, they don't know how to communicate consciously either. To be able to really listen to someone. You have to step outside of yourself,your agenda, your perspective. It can't be as selfish and egotistical as you are and be a good listener. And this is a very deep point. Maturity is the ability to let go and to surrender. The ability to accept things as they are. See my episode called The Power of letting go. The immature person is unable to surrender. Let go of things. To the point of being driven OCD. Driving themselves crazy in their mind, they're not even able to let go of a certain thought certain destructive thought immature person can't do that. And lastly maturity is wisdom, of course, go see my episode. What is wisdom where we discuss that in great detail maturity is at the highest level Consciousness and intelligence of course? And of course ultimately maturity just boils down to being selfless. Of course, there's nothing more to maturity but ever higher levels of selflessness, that's all it is. Of course. Why would it be Anything else? And now let's cover a maturity. Now, I've already been covering, you know, because they maturities just the inverse of maturity, so we've already covered many of these points, but, you know, just a little bit of a different angle here. What is immaturity? Its first and foremost shirking responsibility, avoiding responsibility, through evasion, manipulation and trickery. Immaturity is in a nutshell, all the ways that Donald Trump Acts. What does Donald Trump's Chief problem? He's just, he's immature. He's a child. He's a man-child. And what makes Trump so immature, he does things for such vain reasons. Just look at the reasons and the motivations behind his actions. I mean it's Preposterous how child how childish he is. And the fact that this is not clearly spelled out in obvious In the media and to half the American population is just it's Preposterous, it's absurd. It's a, it's a fucking farce is what it is. One of the things that annoys me the most about commentary about Trump is that especially like people in mainstream media like on CNN MSNBC they will they will speak about Trump and his actions as though he's a mature person and then you know they will treat them him as though he's mature and they will just kind of like have a try to have a conversation with him or just trying to treat him like every other adult politician which is which to me is is a completely preposterous. Because you're ignoring the elephant in the room, right? Like, like, for example, if Trump says something they will, they will give him the benefit of the doubt that what he's saying is true, but that this is not how you deal with a character like Trump. A character like Trump, the way you deal with him is you completely call out on his immature childish horseshit. You don't allow any leeway in terms of.. he is a child. This is how you speak up. You speak to him like a child. You treat him like a child, that's what he is. And anybody who supports him seriously is a child, you called him out for being a fucking immature. Child. That's what they are. That's what every Trump supporter is.. They are children. Trump is completely out of control. You see? That's his whole problem. He doesn't know how to control himself. He cannot even. Control himself to not eat a cheeseburger, that's his situation. That's how big of a child he is. This is not partisan. This is not political. It has nothing to do with politics. His, his policies and his politics are irrelevant. It's all about the fact that he's a child, he laughs, total self-restraint. He's completely spoiled and entitled. This man is not equipped to lead anybody. He cannot even lead himself. He's a utter narcissist, an egotist. And this is the only conversation that mainstream media should be having about Trump. The only one not about his policy about the wall or about this thing that he did, or that thing he wants to do or his political Ambitions is like, no, let's talk about the fact that you're fucking child and that's where it ends until you stop being a child. We're not going to move on and talk about anything else. You might say Leo you're so biased. No, it's not biased, it's that, I mean yes I'm biased. But my whole bias is that, my job is to teach people how to become mature and selfless, that's my job. So of course, I'm biased in this regard. Compare Trump's level of maturity to Obama's level of maturity. Obama was a good example of mature. He was careful. He was deliberate. He was in control of himself. That's the difference. He wasn't spoiled. He wasn't entitled. All it is is a difference in selfishness and selflessness, that's fundamentally what it is. See what is Trump's number one quality, is that? Well first of all he has no respect for the truth whatsoever. And he takes responsibility for absolutely nothing. There you go. That's the Hallmark of a child. He throws tantrums. He's unable to say no to himself. You can't have someone like that leading the country. If That's not obvious to you. There's nothing more to be said. Maturity is self-restraint. Which is the one thing that Trump completely lacks. He has no sense of self restraint. He wouldn't even appreciate why self-restraint would be something one would want to cultivate. Immaturity is impulsiveness impatience emotional outbursts. Throwing Tantrums having an inconsistent chaotic mind and behavior. That, of course comes from that mind because chaotic Behavior comes from chaotic mind, obviously immaturity is being needy. Desperately clinging for approval, validation attention, Fame Glory power, love money or sex and immature ego chases after these things. Because it is deficient in them and doesn't yet see them as traps and doesn't know how to fulfill these needs of of its some of these are legitimate. I'm not saying sex is wrong or anything money is not bad or anything but like it's how you go about it, how you relate to it, that matters. And you can pursue these way these things in a way where it becomes a trap and in ways which are healthy. So the ego doesn't distinguish these things and Falls into all these straps. immaturity is running around seeking pleasure and fun to be driven by sex and other kind of Cravings to make your life about that immaturity is to fight to argue to blame to name-call. Rather than doing these things, the mature thing to do is to reflect on your own behaviors. Immaturity is getting stuck in Conflict, the inability to avoid argument and conflict. An immature person simply doesn't know how to avoid argument and conflict. Because they're so stuck in their own illusions. They can't step outside themselves and their agenda. Immature people resolves things through brute force and domination through authoritarianism, which of course, has another feature of trumpism Authoritarianism. Why does Trump like authoritarian leaders around the world like Putin Kim Jong? Because an extremely selfish person doesn't know how to resolve conflict in any other way, but through domination, so, They see domination as the prime strategy. What I got to do is I just got an out dominate others. I don't need to learn to listen to them. I don't need to learn to communicate. I don't need to learn how to restrain myself. I don't need no need to learn how to control my emotions or any of that. I just need to know how to dominate others more that will solve my problem. Have you noticed that the less developed a country is the less mature it is and the more of an authoritarian government, it has And then these governments had to be very cruel and violent. And they tend to have not to have free speech, they don't have a good dialogue. There's not a lot of dialogue and going on in these kind of countries but that what happens is that as the society evolves, eventually the size Society, we should certain level where authoritarianism becomes impossible. Whereas, before it was the only means after some point it becomes impossible. Why is that? Because the center of, gravity of that culture and Society has shifted and developed to a more mature point where people are not going to tolerate you. No other mature. People are not going to tolerate that kind of immature Behavior, which is what Donald Trump is finding out. The center of gravity of American culture is actually above where Donald Trump is. Which is why a lot of his Antics and so forth. Don't work very well anymore. They worked in a short term before people really caught on to his level of immaturity. See, a lot of people were caught by surprise in 2016. They didn't really know Donald Trump very well or they kind of assume that I would, he's just kind of a normal guy. And it wouldn't be that big of a deal. I mean, it was obvious, it was going to be a big problem and that it was obvious. He was a child from very beginning. If you have any sense of what maturity and immaturity are but We do a lot of people are not very psychologically adapt and aware. So they didn't know the stuff that I'm talking about here, but so Trump was able to kind of like sneak his way in the door as it was closing. But now people are caught on to his tricks. Now, it's very obvious, how immature he is to most people. not to everybody, not to as many people as it should be obvious to you know, maybe thirty percent of the population in America Still doesn't Understand because they themselves are immature but you know, to appreciate maturity you have to be mature. Look at the founding fathers of America. Why is America a great country? Look at the founding fathers, they were very mature politicians. They weren't your typical politicians. Very mature, Thomas Jefferson, Ben Franklin, George Washington. Who am I forgetting? There were a few others in... Madison. So forth. John Adams is such like Very, very wise, very, very mature, politicians that thought. Deeply long-term were not impulsive or not, power-hungry were not tyrannical, we're not authoritarian. Basically, the exact opposite of trump. If the founding fathers of America, Had the maturity of Donald Trump. Today, we would be living in a dictatorship. This is not obvious to you, I don't know what else I can say, your politics are shit.
  6. I'll be talking about Politics here in a moment because there's some great examples that I just can't resist. You probably know which ones but okay. We'll get there in a minute. See also the ability to compromise. Like you'll see that the most senior senators and politicians in Congress. They're pretty good at compromising compromising whereas the new ones, there's like a lot of sort of like, radical, especially on the right wing in American politics. There's a lot of radical new senators and congress people who came into power in The Last 5 Years, let's say in this Maga era and you look at these people and they're just, they're very passionate, they're unwilling to compromise and they think that by doing this that they're somehow being like champions for for conservative values or whatever. They believe they're defending God or country or whatever. But you can tell that these are the most immature, the most green, the most ignorant these people don't know a thing about government. They don't know nothing about serious politics. They have, they have no understanding of history, how societies, develop, they have no understanding of History. Just utterly ignorant. And they're the most unyielding and inflexible. coincidence!!!! I think not. Another, sign of maturity is taking care of your health. Valuing your health. Requires a lot of maturity not just valuing it but acting out on that value. Because what does it mean to Value Health that? Well, that means you have to make sacrifices in terms of the junk food that you will no longer eat. You have to make sacrifices going to the gym. You have to make sacrifices going to the doctor when maybe you would prefer not to getting certain procedures done when you would rather put them off. See health is one of those things that you take for granted when you're young, if you're in your teens 20s, 30s. For most people their health is pretty good. They can eat junk food. They cannot exercise. they can engage in drugs in this kind of stuff recreationally and and it feels like they can get away with it. Well, they're being immature, they're not thinking long-term they're acting impulsively. So the more someone takes care of their health, the more mature they are because that's not easy to do. Especially in our modern culture and Society, where on every street corner you have junk food that it can be difficult sometimes to get, High quality Whole Foods, organic foods, vegetables and fruits. And so forth raw foods. And it's more expensive too you have to work harder, right? Some people say well, Leo, but I can't afford healthy food, right? Because see, it's not, it's not really that you can't afford it. It's that you've got. You don't see any of that, you have to Value it so much that you're going to do, you're going to work harder, to be able to afford it. It's a sacrifice. Maybe in order to afford it, yet to start a business which means you have to work a lot harder than you would work otherwise. But then once you get that business going after a few years now, you can afford all the health food you want and not worry about it. Whereas immature person will just say well I can't afford it and I'm not going to take responsibility for starting a business because that's too hard and I'm kind of lazy and I want to avoid work and so therefore I'm just going to keep eating junk food and I'm going to keep complaining and making this excuse that. Well I would eat healthy if I could afford it but I can't. And then for the rest of their life, they're going to live that way. See that's that's very irresponsible, immature behavior, and not taking ownership over the situation. If you can't afford something in life, that means take ownership of it and figure out a way to work harder and make more money by starting a business or getting a promotion learning, some new skills that will make you, you know, allow you to get hired for a higher wage or just work more hours. Maturity is also experience and familiarity with all of the common traps so they no longer seduce you. People are easily seduced by traps like Fame, sex cheating, lying scamming exploiting manipulating. These are all traps to the mature person. It's obvious that these kind of things are traps and that therefore you should say no to them. But to the immature person, it's not obvious. That heroin is a trap, believe it or not. I mean, like to a mature person is so obvious that heroin is a trap that there's not even the desire to try heroin but to the immature person they can't see that heroin is a trap. Or that cryptos a trap. Full disclosure disclosure, I do own some crypto, but the majority of crypto. Let's just be honest. It's just, it's just it's a scam. It's a trap. And the reason people get trapped by it is because they lack experience. It takes a lot of life experience to be able to see the counterintuitive nature of all these traps go see my episode, The counterintuitive nature of life where we talked about that pattern that dynamic. That traps a lot of people. Life is very counterintuitive you need a lot of life experience falling into these traps to know how to avoid them. And also, I have another episode called exposing yourself to massive experience. I believe that's what it's called. Something like that, massive experience search for that term. You'll find it. And this actually answers that earlier question we ask, which is what does age have to do with maturity? Well, this is I think the core of the answer is that.when you're born Young, you're born so ignorant. So inexperience that you don't know, you don't know that walking off a cliff is gonna kill you. You don't know that yet. And but for your fear of heights, you would jump off a cliff that's how stupid a child is. Such to a lack of experience, a child doesn't even know that sticking his hand on a stove is going to hurt that takes experience to know that and then just, you know, there's a lot of examples of these are just very obvious examples, but there's a lot of much more subtle examples. You know, a child doesn't know that crypto is a scam or as adult, you should know that, for example. But, you know, there's a lot of adults who are children, who don't know that, or at least what we can say, is that more accurately is that they're Financially immature. There's a lot of financially immature people. Most are that way. That's why most people are broke. A lot of it is financial immaturity. Capitalism has some issues to do with it as well, but but you know, a lot of people if you gave them if you gave a million dollars, they would lose it within a couple of years because they're so financially immature they would invested in crypto and other stupid shit and lose. So yeah. Generally speaking the more you age the more experienced the more life experience of course you have the more traps you have fallen into the more mistakes you've made and you learn not to make those mistakes again. So that's why the older you get. The more mature you tend to get although it's not it's not guaranteed. Maturity is the ability to anticipate problems and address them preemptively before things, get out of hand. Maturity is the ability to make long-term decisions based on solid principles, immature people don't have any principles or even if they do have some principles, it's just purely theoretical, they can't actualize, or embody their principles or act out their principles because that requires consistent action taking, which they cannot do, because they're so emotionally out of control, that they can't even show up to work on time. For a month straight. So what principled life can they live? Even if they wanted to, they couldn't be honest for a month straight because they will tell themselves what they want to be honest. And the next day they would break their own word. It's not just that they betrayed, they betray others, they first and foremost, they betray themselves, they can't control themselves, they're out of control. Maturity is long-term thinking versus short-term thinking, The reason the immature person engages in short-term thinking this because what's the point of them even doing long-term thinking? Because they do long-term thinking means you have to then act in alignment with long-term thinking. But if you're so emotionally lost and out of control, that you can't even act consistently for one month and do one thing Consistently for one month that you've set your mind to, like, let's say, you set your mind to go to the gym for a month straight and immature people cannot do that. Therefore for them long-term thinking doesn't make sense because what's the point of it? They can't act on it. Because they're run by their emotions and their impulses, like an animal. Maturity, very importantly, is taking ownership of your mistakes. The ability to apologize to admit mistakes and to take criticism. And when somebody else points the truth out to, you see the key difference is that the immature person gets annoyed, upset offended and threatened. It takes it out on the messenger shoots the messenger whereas the mature person is thankful that somebody pointed out some sort of difficult truth to them. Even though it's not pleasant to hear somebody criticizing you for example, but there could be truth in that criticism in the mature person understands that it's more important to face that truth. And to incur, the temporary emotional, you know, labor and pain of that suffer a little bit. But in long term, you win out whereas the immature person, can't handle that. Can't handle the truth. That's why they can't handle criticism. Very well, and they will shoot the messenger. That brings truth to them, which means people will stop at some point bringing truth to them. And then that's perfect for these immature people because that just allows them to get lost in their own bubble of Illusion. Because when people bring truth to you, that's them trying to help to bust you out of your egotistical solipsism, we might say. We might say that. Everybody is lost in a bubble of ego solipsism. And one of the most important functions of other human being serves you is that they can help you to offer, perspectives and feedback, help you to bust you out of your Ego solipsism. But if you shoot everybody who tries to come help you at some point, people will know, not to come help you anymore and then that allows you to just get very comfortable in your ego solipsism but... There's a cost that comes with that. Maturity is to act in alignment with a clear sense of values. Maturity is integrity, being principled. See my episode? What is integrity? Maturity is being self-directed, the ability to lead yourself rather than rather than conforming and just following the mob and doing what everybody else is doing as part of some herd. maturity is being non-ideological, not bias non-conformist thinking things through from first principles for yourself, Maturity is having your ducks in a row, taking care of yourself. See fundamentally the immature person is incapable of taking care of himself and then he or she becomes a burden on to others because they need others to take care of them. So the immature person needs the mature person to take care of them. Especially when all of their illusions... Fail to work out. Then the immature person comes crying for help to the mature person. Looking for a bailout And then the mature person having compassion and so forth. Often times can fall into the Trap of that sort of idiot compassion and bailing them out. When really a lot of times what needs to happen is that the immature person needs to learn from the suffering of their lies, deceit, manipulations and Truth avoidance. They need to feel the suffering of that and then learn those lessons. But of course they don't want to learn those lessons. So they're always looking for some kind of bail out. And in this way, the immature person could abuse and exploit the mature person. If the mature person isn't careful. Maturity is understanding that your words and actions serve as a role model to others. So how you behave influences How others behave when you behave in an immature way? That leads to a climate Of immaturity. And then that drags down the average center of gravity of the organization, the family, the corporation, the country, the whole world, Humanity. The mature person takes on the responsibility of being a good role model to others. It's part of what being a parent means. Being a good role model for your children, but being a good model is much more Beyond goes Way Beyond, just being a good parent. Maturity is the ability to communicate consciously to resolve disputes and disagreements without using Force. Immature people are always in conflict. The more immature someone is the more violent they are. Again, they're out of control and they don't know how to handle or resolve differences in perspective through conscious communication.
  7. Next. It is the Hallmark of a mature mind to relinquish all of these. You say no to emotional manipulation techniques, you have higher standards for yourself and you don't allow yourself to use these to navigate life. Now, that means you have to Forfeit and surrender, certain benefits that come with using these emotional manipulation techniques, The mature person doesn't demonize strawman and misrepresent. The mature person is non-judgmental and non exploitative. See, the immature person will exploit any opportunity because it's just a, it's a survival mechanism. We've talked about survival go, see my two part series called understanding Survival, part, 1, part 2 or we go deep on Survival but or bring that topic in here and connecting it with this is that when you're just running on survival all the time, then you're the easiest way to do that is just to be very opportunistic and if you see an opportunity to exploit someone especially another human, you do it. Mature person says no to that. Even when an opportunity presents itself to exploit someone, you just you aren't even tempted by it. An immature person under takes a commitment to not manipulate people, whereas immature people are always manipulating other people to get their needs met. Whereas the mature person finds higher-quality ways of getting his needs Met than through this kind of manipulation and emotional manipulation that we talked about earlier, Now, this usually means that this kind of mature person has to work harder. Because he can't just manipulate and exploit somebody real quickly, you know, to steal some money, or scam them, or whatever, or to get some sex out of them. You have to actually like, put in effort, see an immature person, just manipulate somebody to get some quick sex but a mature person has higher standards. They don't allow themselves to do that. That means they sacrifice the quality of sex because they have to actually work in a towards building, a high quality relationship before they will get the sex. It's not some kind of easy manipulation likewise in business. The difference between an immature business person, a mature business person that they the image represents prison person will just find the fastest opportunity to scam somebody out of some money. Whereas the mature person is interested in doing business that way. it's not that he can't he can it's just that he has a higher standard and he doesn't want to do business that way. So now it's harder is harder to come up with a with a genuine business where I'm not exploiting people because that Means I have to generate real value. Generating real value takes a lot of hard work whereas just scamming people is a lot easier. It's pretty much explains the whole crypto industry, right here. Crypto is immature people looking for a quick profit? They're not interested in working. This idea of not wanting to do genuine work. This is a huge point, right? Try to understand. It's not just about, like, oh, I don't want to have a job or, you know, I want to optimize my work. It's like, there's a whole attitude that people have of living in a way where they try to avoid doing work and not just work, but really it's emotional labor, that you're avoiding. That's a, that's a more General thing. I've talked about that in actually my life, purpose course in my life, purpose course we focus on this issue. Ooh, of avoiding emotional labor and how this is really tripping up in life. You can't live a good life without taking on emotional labor. And that doesn't just apply to work per se. It also comes up in relationships and and it comes up in this next point, which is this is also, you could, I mean, it's hard to say which one of these points is like the topmost point, definitely that responsibility. Point is up there as number one maybe and here's probably the next one is facing truth. The mature person faces truth. And the mature person sees the importance of facing truth, all throughout life. Whereas the immature person is avoiding difficult truths, because they're inconvenient or they impinge on one's fantasies see, the problem with truth is that it impinges on your fantasies. It destroys all your fantasies about yourself about the world, about others, about religion, about politics, everything, see my episode called Why you avoid the truth? So, that ties in here. But I want you to contemplate this this is, this is so essential and fundamental to maturities facing truth. And you know, Most people don't give a shit about truth. Which immediately tells you why? Most people are immature. They don't care about truth. They don't take truth, seriously? They think they can just kind of, like, skate their way through life, without taking truth seriously. Seriously, how people can, even how people can do that to themselves, This, this kind of mindset, I don't even understand. Truth was important to me since I was a child, but that again, I was a pretty mature kid, but I want you to kind of ask this question, why is it immature to avoid truth? What is the relationship between facing truth and maturity? Why are those connected? It's not some arbitrary thing. There's, there's a deep relationship. What is that relationship? contemplate That. To be mature as to be deeply rooted in the reality of things rather than lost in wishful, thinking and fantasy. You see, human mind is so prone to spinning its own versions of reality, and avoiding truth and fantasizing and justifying itself and then getting lost in various kinds of ideological, Bubbles and different, worldviews and Cults and religions in this ideology. And that philosophy, right? This is what the human mind is always doing. this is what much of my work is about is helping you to avoid these kind of self-deceptions of the Mind especially when it comes to epistemology. But you see The more immature person is, the worst their worldview is. Their worldview is not truthful, it's not accurate. They're living in a fantasy of some kind and then the reason they're acting out So immaturely is because they need to somehow maintain that fantasy and usually that's done through lying cheating stealing, Defrauding scamming exploiting manipulating acting out, emotional outbursts, drama, all this shit. The more untruthful you're, the more these sorts of emotional manipulation mechanisms, you need to survive through life. Maturity is about deep understanding of situations because the deeper you can penetrate a situation with your understanding. That cuts through illusion, see it cuts through illusion. So there is a relationship between illusion and immaturity. Immature People are under a lot of Illusions because they don't value truth and because they avoid truth and they think they can get away with that. One of the Hallmarks of immaturity is thinking you can get away with untruth, with falsehood. Mature person understands that. Truth is such a serious issue. That you're really a fool, If you think you can just skate by through life bobbing and weaving your way, deftly avoiding the truth and thinking that you're just going to get by. 80 years, you can do this and get by without consequence. This is to the mature mind, This is preposterous, this is a Preposterous way to live. Immature Minds actually believes this is a good way to live and then actually it's winning at this because you can do it for a short period of time, for short period of time, for maybe even 40 years or for a decade you can you can do this. And then the immature mind gets convinced or fools itself and falls into this illusion, that it has spun for itself, That actually, this is gonna work. You know, it's like I've cheated a few people and I've made some some money and I'm going to keep doing this, it's going to keep working. This is how the mind thinks. Or it's like, you know, I've manipulated a few of these women to sleep with me by lying to them and cheating on them. And it's just gonna continue. I'm just gonna continue this and it's going to keep working. The next point on maturity is epistemic humility. Epistemic humility and not knowing understanding the power and importance of not knowing go see my episode The Power of not knowing. You know, a lot less than you think, you know, the mature person understands that, the immature person does not, the immature person does not have epistemic humility. I've talked about that a lot in my past episodes on epistemology. Go check. Maturity is being honest versus lying and cheating. Maturity is to be able to see outside your own perspective and agenda to see from others perspectives. And immature person is too selfish to see outside his own perspective and is lost in Self Bias. Go see my episode titled Self Bias and another one called understanding bias. Very important episodes. Also that relates to truth, you know this issue of bias. Why is it so important? Why do I talk about a lot? Because again, it relates to truth. Because the less truthful you're, the more illusions you're under, the more biased you're bias is illusion in a sense and your own perspective and agenda your own Survival agenda, that is your primary source of bias. Another point on maturity is to be respectful of the sovereignty of others to understand the importance that I talked about that elsewhere, the sovereignty of others. What does that even mean? I've explained it elsewhere. But basically, it means understanding that every human is a sovereign individual, sovereign consciousness. And needs to be treated as such. As soon as you stop, treating people in that way by manipulating them and trying to control them and push them around and so forth, dominate them. All hell breaks loose. So respecting other sovereignty means not trying to control others. Not trying to impose your agenda on them and your perspective and not trying to Get everyone else to live the way that you live. Understanding that you don't need to impose yourself on everybody else. Appreciating that people have unique needs values, strengths weaknesses, personality types, and everyone has to live their own unique lifestyle. So, what's an example of an application of this like this? Like if you're an immature parent, you're going to try to get your child to on, to obey, basically your agenda, you're going to overlook the sovereignty of your child as an individual Consciousness and you're going to say you know your child might come to you and you might ask that your child is. So what do you want to be when you grow up and your child says I want to be an artist and you says you say an artist, No. That's that that's nonsense. You're going to be a doctor or a lawyer or an accountant you know a real profession or an engineer like this and your child will say no, I you know I really have some artistic abilities and I don't like accounting and Engineering. I'm not good at that, you'll say no to hell with that. You're just going to become an accountant. See, this would be. An example of immature, parenting, whereas mature parenting would be actually listening to your child, evaluating your child's unique needs, strengths weaknesses, passions, and privilections and personality type. And understanding that if your child is not passionate about accounting, he's never going to become a good accountant in effect. He'll probably quit and he'll blame you for it. Whereas you know, if he's got some passion for art, it's your job is to see. The challenge of being a mature adult parent is that like you have to set aside your own agenda, and what you want for your child, because your child might want things that Are antithetical to your personality type. You might think that the things your child is interested in are stupid and you have to set that aside and say, you know what, for the good of my child. I can't just it doesn't really matter what my personal judgment is about what he's doing is stupid or not. It's like there's a higher aspect to all this. See that requires that's what That's how immature parent would behave. Usually as a parent the trap is that you're going to want to like impose all of your values on the child, your values, your personality type your lifestyle. And then that's gonna create a lot of conflicts. Of course, your child has different strains with this is personality values and lifestyle than That is ideal for them than for you. You can't just assume that are ideal lifestyle is their ideal lifestyle. That's real difficult to do because you got to step outside of your agenda. A lot of people are so selfish that they literally cannot do that. And then that creates a lot of Family, conflict relationship conflict of course. Maturity is also the ability to compromise. The ability to be flexible to change your mind. See, immature people think that compromises the bad thing a Dirty Word. Especially like in politics. You'll notice this that the most mature politicians understand the importance of compromise in a democracy, the most immature politicians and political actors and activists. They view compromise as some kind of evil, they want to get everything their way and they want to defeat the other side. They actually believe they can do that, you know? Some conservatives actually believe that they're going to, you know, destroy liberalism and some progressives and leftists believe it, they're going to destroy and put an end to conservativism. See some of my videos about conscious politics or you know, I discuss about the you know there's a deep immature in our political climate right now which is playing itself out very, very immature. In fact, I'm shocked at how a maturity it is its cartoonishly immature.
  8. There is an intense flow of energy that goes through the spinal axis of the body. The energy is intense. I thought at that point that kundalini awakening would be an important part of my spiritual cycle. It's a collapse of negativity In fact kundalini for the past few months became by biggest armor against psychic attacks. Which they call the serpent energy. It flows through different points.
  9. Empowering leadership decisions through data. Full video here. https://youtu.be/f0T_wZC8jhc
  10. Leo's video on being a strategic MF. Is everything alighned to what you want? If not, then you aren't on the right track. Your destination is only right around the corner when you're on the right track. So what should your purpose be? You might have a lot of conflict going on in your life right now. But that's okay. Life is about balance. The ultimate key is a set of keys and you gotta know how to juggle these like a professional juggler. The lock is a dynamic lock. It's gonna change every few seconds. You need to know which key to fit into this lock in the present moment. Leo talks being a strategic motherfucker. That's what you need to be. But to be a strategic motherfucker, first get your principles right. Your goals firmly aligned. Your virtues and disciplines in place. Now act accordingly. I know life cannot be too formulaic. You have to be adventurous. Once again only when it's really time for adventure. Other than that, any risk you ever take can easily be a nail in the coffin, take you miles away from what you wanted. Be on the lookout.
  11. First, I want to clarify that I don't thinking studying can replace enlightenment work/meditation/ mindfulness. However, I suspect that studying can aid the process. To seriously study anything requires very intense concentration and willpower, similar to intense enlightenment work. Even though the two processes have a stark contrast in conceptual content, one being more thought oriented and the other more awareness oriented-- I believe that the two pursuits do not necessarily have to interfere with one another, as they can cultivate similar temperament, thus making the individual more suited to following both paths. I anticipate that there will be a strong backlash against rationality to those who are pursuing spiritual truth, but I believe in a harmony between rationality and post-rationality, a complementary relationship. I urge against simply abandoning it, rather exploring both rational and spiritual. I think rational thought can be a good way to avoid traps when seeking post-rational truths, so as to not mistake pre-rational thinking for post-rational truth. Also, being able to view things from the rational perspective helps model reality. You may believe that models are completely useless when you can directly access the Truth. However, I am suspicious. I think models can still be useful to those who have transcended to higher consciousness. EDIT: The issue is not so much the presence or absence of thought activity during meditation. Rather, the issue is the degree to which ones thought activity is driven, unconscious and fixated. The great majority of human beings are literally addicted to thinking. Even the most wretched substance abuser can go a few hours between "fixes," but most human beings cannot abide even for a few seconds without some sort of "thought fix." If there's nothing significant to think about, we fill the void with fantasy and trivia. Simply stated, meditation breaks the addiction to thinking. One is then in a highly desirable situation. When you want to have a complete experience of hearing and feeling (for example as you listen to music), you can do so without being compulsively pulled into thoughts which are not relevant to the music. When you want to have a complete experience of tasting and feeling, as when enjoying a bite of food, you can likewise do so. On the other hand, when it is appropriate to think, you find that your thinking abilities are vastly improved. This improvement in thinking stems from two causes. The first is easy to understand. The second is a little subtle. Breaking the compulsion to think simply means that the thinking process is no longer scattered by distracting forces. So when you turn your mind to some topic, you can penetrate that topic with great clarity and vigor. To draw a metaphor from the physical world, when thinking is no longer at the mercy of scattering forces, it becomes like a penetrating beam of coherent laser light. I'm quite convinced that this aspect of meditation makes a person a better student and problem solver and may actually raise ones IQ. Now for the second, more subtle way that meditation improves ones thinking abilities. Here once again a metaphor may be helpful. When a person works through a compulsive eating problem, they certainly don't stop eating. In point of fact they are able to taste and appreciate their food in an entirely new way. Analogously, when a person works through the compulsive need to have answers, the answers begin to come in an entirely new way. The thinking process becomes spontaneous and intuitive. Personal and spiritual insights well up effortlessly of their own. At this point there is no need to stop the thought process in order to be in a state of meditation because the thought process itself has returned to being part of the effortless flow of nature. Because this mode of thinking is so dramatically different than ordinary congealed thought, each of the major spiritual traditions has a technical term for it. In Christianity it is called sophia, in Judaism, chochma, and in Buddhism, prajña. TL;DR: Study of rational subjects doesn't have to be an obstacle to enlightenment. It can help, but not replace consciousness work.
  12. THANK GOD dude. This is what I needed. I'm suffering in eternity and I wish to untangle all the cords. Get rid of my past karma for good forever.
  13. Finally found a prayer on YouTube that is non religious and feels closer to heart Chakra. I felt blissful and relaxed after listening to it. It was creating motions in my brain. Just pure sacredness that is very rare to find. Wish I could compose my own set of prayers like this. 5 min guided morning prayer. Bliss out. Peace Malaga Enli.
  14. I've noted your answer and feedback in my journal. Thank you!
  15. We are a void that experiences itself through the human body. It's within human nature to not want the bad and only seek good, however most experiences are a mixed bag and in order to seek the good, we sometimes have to experience the bad as well. We ain't that lucky to have everything just laid out on a silver platter. (We are a void that experiences itself through the human body.) Just one person's perspective isn't gonna help you. Because we're all one big family. We all have something to offer. To infer that a single individual is enlightened of them all, is really endorsing the notion of a hierarchy in spirituality, it again alludes to notions of spiritual bypassing and spiritual narcissism, the messiah complex, the ultimate rabit hole of spirituality, you'd do better if you learned from a group of spiritual thinkers, each marinating their own perspectives and bringing that wealth to the table, try not to falling into this trap, the other trap being blind worshipping and completely surrendering your faith and belief to one leader/guru and this has the potential of not only staying ignorant of other multi-dimensional perspectives but also being ripped off and broken by the person you firmly trusted(happened to me), when the mask of the spirit guide comes off, it can be a terrible feeling of betrayal, lastly don't judge a book by it's cover, lot of people pretend to be spiritual although they must have probably hurt someone in their personal lives and done nothing of the sort they preach of. Only mega solution being is to keep all eyes and ears open to whatever and whoever, soak in the good and forget the bad, your best chance in the maze. Goodluck bro.
  16. @ChrisZoZo a lot of people are just spiritually bypassing even if they follow Leo. Don't take anyone too seriously. Take everything with a grain of salt.
  17. To be honest I don't think such people lurk on forums.
  18. Compilations of different spiritual practices in light of recent awakenings.
  19. This is something I need to work on.