Whitney Edwards

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Everything posted by Whitney Edwards

  1. I try to avoid the word solipsism as much as possible.
  2. Does your creativity stem from love?
  3. I've invented a term based on your post. "Emotional arrogance" - the bad habit of dictating how someone should respond or feel without asking them how they actually feel. Your post is a good anti-dote to classic red pill. Much of red pillery is an aftermath of such thinking as displayed in your post. I'm thinking of a vital point from Leo's video - think before you speak. A lot of people don't do that. Also take into account IQ factors. Most people who are into rigorous philosophy and academia do not think like that because they are very analytical. Most people who think this way have average to low IQ and are generally pumped up, lack emotional logic, are into sports or conservative politics, agenda driven, use instinctive perception rather than awareness perception, do not care to listen or are low on the openness index of the Ocean 5, are usually oriented to shock value and click bait content generation and produce sensational content without homework. They are also very primitive. Classic immaturity. They fit in all paradigms of immaturity in Leo's video. They penetrate mainstream media with that Joe Rogan hustle ethic. I would also say such people lack real experience and fortitude, and are incapable of extra human capacity. What I would call Para sensory. It's not easy to have a deep understanding of things without a psychic-intuit empath ability. It needs ginormous emotional capacity/EQ(another point from @Leo Gura video). A combination of genetics, cognitive development, environment, culture, emotional maturity or lack thereof and arrogance, throw it all together and you get those numb skulled people Unfortunately a lot of these are infesting social media. And they're oddly successful because shock value sells better than academia and Analytical reasoning. Like Leo said, our ancestors would be appalled at the way ideas are spewed in the current socio political spectrum. Nobody wants to put in emotional labor.
  4. If you are exhausted, then I don't know what would happen to us mortals. Also there's no real tripping if it's just a dulling experience. The end goal of tripping should be able to gain some insight that will aid contemplations and not just a bunch of hallucinating. Lately you've been on a ride though, always tripping.
  5. Your cards mean - You're too enthusiastic for a romantic opportunity. You might attract someone you desire. This might take you on a ride. There's no indication of a soulmate. You're dreaming a romantic relationship. This means you can be easily disappointed. Keep your hopes low and have a practical approach. You're too dreamy and heady, an invitation to problems. Let love come to you organically without you putting effort into building untrue illusions.
  6. It's all good. Just imagine that you donated your awakening. Now that makes you the bigger one.
  7. Out of every thing in my life, this by far is the hardest. It's not being rejected at the get go. I'm usually likable. But I usually get dumped after loss of interest. It's not much different than being rejected outrightly. Yet abandonment and rejection has been my greatest battle. Not getting the validation from the opposite sex. Not getting sex period. Not having romance. I find a lot of people desirable but nothing sticks for long. It gets boring after a while. The problem is not not finding someone. But finding someone who seems perfect at first and then being rejected by this "perfect person." It hurts like a million knives cutting through skin. Not even having that whiff, that slice of hope of finding someone romantically compatible and then it working out to some stable degree to a level where I'm content with how things panned out eventually and not feeling bitter anymore. Just knowing my youth is sorted out romantically. Maybe I'm too desperate and needy for human connection. I'm not asking much. Just one successful relationship is all it will take for me to feel that awesomeness, that wholesomeness I keep craving for, (maybe validation I don't know), but that one thing where it would feel like true sustainable love that lasts at least for a year or two. I know asking for a lifetime relationship is a bit too much. Nobody does that. But a year would be awesome. A year with a person I really desire to be with. All it takes. Humanity. I would not even complain if they dumped me for good. At least I got some validation. Rejection is awful, period. Why can't we have nice things? I know I sound like a baby whining for candy. What perspective helps?
  8. Shiva mantra I choose this mantra - Sada Vasantham Hrudayaravinde Another Shiva mantra.
  9. Energized mantras. Aum/om mantra Buddham Sharanam Gacchami or Bhrahmam Sharanam Gacchami. Sounds of Isha