Whitney Edwards

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Everything posted by Whitney Edwards

  1. To have a conversation with them, they should at least listen. They are not that type. They just like to sit still, observe and then say something preachy to me. They are cool but impatient. They wish to wrap a moment quickly so a conversation seems impossible. They are dismissive too. It doesn't seem like they want to take over me. But they want to goad me. It happened so spontaneously that I didn't even notice it until days later. It was like someone was sitting in the living room watching me the entire time and only now I'm suddenly aware of it. I can be quite lost and absent minded a lot. It can take me days to be aware of something odd
  2. They literally scoff at me. Scold me. They are angry at my immaturity and pestilence. They don't like me when I do wrong and they constantly correct me. They act puzzled at each one of my behaviors and they look at me steiaght in the eye and tell me not to do bizzare stupid things. They look at me with skepticism and want me to grow up. Another key observation I forgot to mention - they are very very disciplined. Quite opposite to me. They like things organized, spic and span. And they do not tolerate my tardiness. They do seem to care about me. They constantly look at me. Sometimes with confusion. Sometimes with suspicion. Sometimes clueless. Sometimes pissed or miffed. I don't feel bad. They help me. I don't detect negativity. It seems their agenda is to help me. Although they use the stiff approach. Was I channeling?
  3. Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Not only that... They're faster than me, in the sense, they catch up with stuff faster than I do. They are a bit cool but preachy. I feel intellectually inferior in their presence, they know better than me feeling. It seems their agenda is to preach me and boss me around. I don't mind it. But they are heavily in my head. Dictating. Their intelligence and maturity is far far beyond mine and I feel crouched in their presence. They can outwit me. I think I shouldn't anger them and just be an obedient puppy and they'll be fine. I don't like being fooled by appearances but they seem extremely wise to me. If they're putting on a gimmick of wisdom for me, that would be disappointing. They're definitely wiser than a fool like me. They can't be fooled. That's the vibe they give me.
  4. The accent of the downloaded human/soul is somewhat Midwestern/Southern. Like a combination of these because I cannot find a perfect match, so these are the closest to the sound of the voice I feel(I don't hear any voices and I don't have schizophrenia, I just feel the voice trying to speak at me. Not to me. At me. Here's the list of the best accent matches I could come up with.
  5. There is no point in hurting onself imagining the universe will gift me. Will destroying my ego cause me to hurt myself or completely lose myself? I don't see spirituality in this. The only spirituality is self love. Your opinion? You are hurting the greater consciousness family by hurting yourself. Why can't you see that? Change comes from change in consciousness. I feel like I'm hurting someone unconsciously.
  6. I imagine that a spiritual yogi/guru should punish and torture me harshly, very very harshly so that I'm disciplined. Should I give away my personal authority to a spiritual guru so that they discipline me and punish me and make me more selfless and pure and disciplined? Because I have lost self discipline and my morality is skewed. I hope to improve.
  7. What kind of spiritual practice will cause me greater alignment with consciousness?
  8. Is this simply my imagination? Am I deluded? Also how can I punish myself spiritually so that I may learn a lesson?
  9. Elon Musk.
  10. All power only lies in thought. What else.
  11. Truth is all there is
  12. Guys, I have tried psychedelics (not hardcore, my first has been the hawaiian baby woodrose) and I get good results on it. It feels like I'm mixing into space around me. But I'm yearning for more ego death experiences. I want to know what other things you can do besides psychedelics for ego death. Cheers.
  13. What does this super human cognition do?
  14. Yogananda goes into Samadhi.
  15. Koti Koti pranam Conch shell shankh Beads Quartz Talismans Sarpa Sutra Mala Figurines
  16. Objects that you've used in your spiritual practice. Shiva used Damru.
  17. Fellas, typing this in a hurry, doing some errands on the side so please bear with the typos and shit. They say when the kundalini has pierced the last chakra, a person enters into a state of bliss, also known as samadhi. I read a poem by Rumi a while ago and it seems to allude to these states of bliss (tell me if you already feeling the tingling). In Intoxicated by love, Rumi writes Because of your love I have lost my sobriety I am intoxicated by the madness of love In this fog I have become a stranger to myself I'm so drunk I've lost the way to my house In the garden I see only your face From trees and blossoms I inhale only your fragrance Drunk with the ecstasy of love I can no longer tell the difference between drunkard and drink Between Lover and Beloved I've been exhaustively exploring eastern spiritual tradition and concept these past couple days. According to Eastern spiritual traditions originating the kundalini resides in the last bone of the vertebral column. These days I'm studying kundalini yoga guys.. And yes it's kinda insane. I really don't know the effectiveness of it, just exploring as much as I can. That state of pure union is what the mystics of every spiritual path reference, a rose is a rose by any name. There are different names to these but I think it all comes down to that one specific experience shared by all. It’s what Buddhists refer to as Enlightenment, what others call a spiritual awakening, or what Teresa of Avila, the Spanish Carmelite nun, refers to in her text on the seven mansions. As seen by its appearance across spiritual disciplines, a kundalini awakening can happen to anybody at any time on any spiritual path. Have you felt it too? I'm just beginning to gather bits of it in my regular practice, still not fully incorporated it. You don’t have to practice Kundalini Yoga, for instance, or recite a particular mantra to have your kundalini rise. The only commonality among kundalini experiences is the feeling of intense devotion or love for a Higher Power. Hopefully that made sense. When you have a deep longing for the divine, when you want to feel a sense of union with something greater than yourself, that’s when it’s said your kundalini has awakened. That can happen from walking in nature, reading a book, attending a lecture, learning meditation, having a dream – the list goes on. However, the kundalini doesn’t have to stay at the base of the spine – it can travel up your spine to pierce seven energy centers or chakras. At each chakra, the spiritual feeling is different and graduates from, “One day I will be one with Source energy,” to “I already am one. There is no difference between me and the creative energy that powers the universe.” Have you ever experienced something familiar? Just wanna know if someone here felt that intense boost of energy in the spine. I've even heard that kundalini can be dangerous but I really don't know yet. This is just my foray into these subcultures whereby I'm learning strange tantryc practices As I was meditating through space, and feeling the collision of energy and time, I began writing my thoughts in the form of a poem. I titled this poem as — A TRIBUTE TO KUNDALINI. A tribute to kundalini Both joy and love bring the world closer. No beginning and no end. Just a ray of light. The journey is long, the battle isn't over Glistening and wet, deep in the distance We look at this world with curiousity and myth Kundalini arises, it's never relinquished. Rises like a tsunami, it will always flicker in hope And come to you when you need it the most. Sometimes I imagine the kundalini might peirce through the different chkkras on the spine but sometimes I wonder if the kumdalme Let's see. I believe kundalini is the fusion of masculine and feminine energes. The Kundalini process moves dormant kundalini energy along the spine. It is waking up the divine feminine spiritual energy, known as the Kundalini serpent, that lies coiled and locked at the base of the spine, also known as the root chakra, one of the seven chakras that run along the spine to the crown chakra (seventh chakra). Kundalini chakras covers the in´s and out´s of kundalini and chakras. My symptoms included feeling like reptiles crawling over my lower back (spinal cord)and then ascending towards the neck where they meet at a center point right at the back of the neck. I even looked up some advice from Sadhguru regarding these practices. What kundalini did for me? It made me more creative. It does bring intense energy. Also my emotions are more charged when I'm feeling the energy coursing up my spine.
  18. You also get to hear bells along with shankh in this one.
  19. Removes negative blocks