Whitney Edwards

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Everything posted by Whitney Edwards

  1. Maybe you're an intense introvert like me. I generally avoid people as much as I can Because I find it draining. Yet intimate conversations don't tire me. The only solution is to embrace your nature. You can limit outside socializing. I've noticed that it not only drains me but is a huge waste of my personal resources, not wise to invest my time in it anyway. . Maybe you feel you're missing out on something but it's not real. Just social conditioning. Most people are drama and stress. Little gain, too much waste. Try expanding your circle gradually with 1 extra person per 3-6 months. Introverts sadly cannot handle a lot of people. You gotta do what's best for you. And going for something that's out of character for you is not a good long term strategy. You aren't cocooning yourself, trust me. There's enough social media already. We consume a mountain, we actually implement a molehill. You're good as you are. Just try exploring slightly a bit more than your typical niche zone but take it slow. And you're not wrong in feeling drained. It's exhausting even for out and out extroverts and like I said before not wise.
  2. And there goes the comment of the centuries.
  3. Something like meritocracy within the democracy is better. Although it lends to discrimination based on intelligence. You cannot want intellectual accuracy as well as moral uprightness at the same time. Both do not mix. It's like oil and water. You'll always have one at the expense of the other. Mutually exclusive. Democracy is right morally.
  4. Thank you. God bless!
  5. Yes. Stoicism definitely helps. Do you recommend a proper book?
  6. Cool. Lately I've been into lofi mixes too.
  7. So here's the link to the post by @Carl-Richard
  8. First look for someone who you simply get along with, that alone is a tough job as it is. Don't start with fantasies. You'll be attracting some wrong kind of people that way. Our fantasies are not always in line with what's best for us. You can fulfill those fantasies during role play. But the very first requirement is always safety. Look for safe people and that will be the greatest advice anybody will give you. After your most basic needs of emotions and security are fulfilled, you will automatically fall in the right gear, I can tell you that even these fantasies won't matter at the time because once you find that cherished person, you'll gaze at them with absolute joy and thunder, the spark that is inextinguishable and spending time with that special person alone will be your greatest fantasy. When you start with a checklist of stuff you want in people, it usually alchemically attracts the kind of people who are weird and who are hiding parts of themselves you don't wanna know. Start with the fundamentals first and then move upwards. Any person who looks perfect to you as per your checklist of desires would be the farthest from perfect and you would end up in a mess. It's not what we desire, it's what blends with us. And that means hardcore values like commitment, someone ready to be there when you need them. Even if you find someone the way you desire, it will be gimmicky and they will fly away before you wake up. Look for character, not charm. Charm is intoxicating, yet misleading.
  9. Maybe he likes someone else.
  10. Looks like a personality recipe found in bdsm dungeons.
  11. Me looking at this meme and an oft recurring theme of this forum is also an imagination and perhaps it's time to get over it.
  12. @Schizophonia well most mental illnesses start that way. Either genetically or because of brutal parenting that brings permanent changes in neural connections, pathways and overall worldview. Mental illness is a complex brain process. I like what Carl Richard said the other day about people's struggles the other day. He was on point. Will link his post later.
  13. Meds usually prescribed for bipolar disorder - Anti-psychotics Mood stabilizers Mood enhancers(natural) Anti-depressants
  14. @Princess Arabia Will do once I return home.
  15. Van Gogh style photo editing
  16. @Princess Arabia this forum is ridiculously great. Awesome.
  17. I think what you need is a trusted friend you can share things with. It will offer a different perspective to life. Find someone who can sit with you and get to know you.
  18. Love that. Surreal.
  19. Canned food can contain too much acid. Not good for gut.
  20. Have you tried seeking help with a relationship counselor before?
  21. Seems more of a food addiction than money addiction.
  22. Sometimes what we think of others is a reflection of ourselves too.