Whitney Edwards

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Everything posted by Whitney Edwards

  1. This is hard to understand.
  2. I think you're being too simplistic about it. Would you risk not having casual sex just because someone might accuse you of rape? That's like saying don't drive because people die in accidents everyday. Everything in life is a risk. How would you know how the woman is going to react in the future if you reject her and she is not able to take it well? That's not written on her face. You talk about trust the person. On what basis are you supposed to be trusting a person? What makes a random woman more trustworthy? The consent form is a good idea in general. Regarding bad behavior later, you gotta learn to play safe. Don't consent to a strange guy to begin with. Do some background check on the dude you wanna consent to. Get to know him better. Carry a pepper spray. Meet him in public first. Have sex where you can easily escape, like a car. Not a hotel room. Learn some self defense moves. Have the cops on speed dial. There are options to stay safe. If you are open about the idea of your sexual rendezvous to be public, then maybe install a security camera in your bedroom that can capture the guy forcing himself onto you. So you have evidence. In case nothing panned out. The best option is to let the guy know that you care about boundaries. In my opinion, most guys would be scared to bed a random woman, much less rape her, unless the guy is a sociopath. Most men are scared to approach women, lest they be deemed a creep. An average guy would try his best to make you feel safe, simply because he doesn't wanna fuck up his date with you or come across as awkward/socially uncalibrated. But at least with consent rules, the trouble is greatly minimized. Also it's nice to include what kind of sex can be anticipated, so there's little confusion or misunderstanding. I don't see why a woman would refuse a man who is only trying to keep it all safe for both of them. Isn't it better to know what kind of sex he wants. Regarding your third point, that goes without saying, if she says no, time to stop and let go. That doesn't take much brains, I think if a girl says no mid sex, the poor dude is just gonna freak out wondering if he failed to please her. Most guys would find such an encounter (especially if it's their first time) intimidating anyway. Read about premature ejaculation and performance anxiety, it's not easy.
  3. I revoke whatever I said before on this thread since I hadn't done my due diligence on the actual rape accusations and simply went on a whim and didn't believe it at first. Because so many celebrities get accused these days, especially with the metoo movement, opportunistic women sometimes come forward without any evidence. Although it's understandable why some women take so long to come forward since the power and influence of a celebrity can be mind crushing and there are NDA contracts and sometimes threats involved, not to mention the burden of public scrutiny and the shame associated with being tagged as a rape victim, all of this is overwhelming and makes it reasonable for rape victims terrified of reporting rape or even bothering to show up in court. These things should be taken seriously. Regarding the actual meat of the matter - This is what I'm reading - excerpts - Taken from the guardian - Timeline of sexual assault Russell Brand 2012 A woman alleges that Brand raped her against a wall at his Los Angeles home in July 2012 after she refused to join him in sexual activity with “a friend” of Brand. She alleges that she told Brand to get off her and that she wanted to leave, but he carried on and briefly blocked the door to prevent her from leaving afterwards. She told the Sunday Times she was treated at a Rape Treatment Centre that same day, and had therapy treatment there for five months. Records seen by the Sunday Times show she contemplated criminal or civil proceedings but ultimately decided against it. After the incident, Brand sent her text messages apologising for what happened and describing his behaviour as “crazy and selfish”. It happened the same month that Brand’s divorce from the singer Katy Perry was finalised. 2013 A woman who told the Sunday Times she had met Brand at an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting before they started working together claims he sexually assaulted her at his home in Los Angeles. She alleges he tried to kiss her and remove her clothes as he pinned her down, and she shouted at him to stop. “I was screaming: ‘What are you doing, stop, please, you’re my friend,’” she said. She claims he eventually relented but he “flipped” and shouted at her, saying she was fired. She claims that years later she spoke to someone who had been working on a project with Brand and was outside the house at the time of the incident. He allegedly apologised for not helping her, and said: “I heard you screaming” and: “We were all so scared of him.” Brand allegedly threatened the woman later with legal action if she told anyone about her allegation, and she said she never formally reported him because she feared it would affect her career. So these are serious things. There are multiple women. He was famous at the time, which gave him tremendous leverage in these situations. They must have felt pressured to not press charges against him, I'm assuming threats were involved as well. He easily took advantage of his influence as a celebrity and pressured the women both mentally and physically. Doesn't look good for him. He is looking really bad here and he needs to take accountability for his actions. He is in denial and assumes that fan support will rescue him. My final take on the matter - he should be prosecuted on this accusations because they are serious enough to amount to persistent abusive behavior around women and abuse of power as well. He blatantly misused his status and was being predatory with them, although fame has him disillusioned and he fails to see how the women were treated and how they perceived him. Regarding the two allegations, there was absolutely nothing consensual about it and in his latest video he calls everything consensual which is bull based on witness reports. He is being an overconfident douche in this video. Quite predatory if you ask me. I hope the victims get justice here because clearly he got issues he doesn't wish to admit to.
  4. I don't want to support a rapist if he is really a rapist. That won't be fair if the allegations are true. Being neutral is the best position. I think one solid way to put an end to this nonsense of true versus false rape allegations is to have text message regarding consent before having sex. An agreement sort of. This way both parties are saved unnecessary stress. The women who make false claims will not get away with it since there will be evidence to the contrary in the form of a consent text. And a rapist won't get away with raping women because he will face the burden to produce proof that he had acquired explicit consent before sex and ensured it carefully. This way he has evidence(or lack of it) to prove that he wasn't simply engaging in sex without any self awareness but it was legit consensual sex and if he cannot produce that, in some ways he could be liable for being irresponsible around consent. The burden of proof is on both sides and should ideally be on both sides. After reviewing some of the evidence (now of course nobody knows how things went down), it seems like he did rape the woman or at least forced himself upon her(which is obviously rape), if her words are to be believed. He got inside her forcefully despite her not wanting it. That's rape. I'm surprised she didn't press charges on him right away with the police at the time. It could be his influence or the shame she must have felt.
  5. With the whole Russell Brand thing, this is the biggest question on everyone's mind now. How to not get into trouble with a drunk girl? Lol. There's not a simple answer. It doesn't matter if someone is drunk. False accusations have become a thing now. You just have to be around women who have been known to be problem-free. Someone with a good reputation. Avoid women with issues. Also send her a text before sex where she clearly agrees to have sex. And save that text. So you always have a bona fide conversation that shows her name and consent. She cannot pull you in court, if she does, you'll always have evidence of her lies and forgery and she cannot prove lack of consent. Women who hold a grudge against you do this nonsense to simply get you in trouble. Stay safe.
  6. Although when the woman had already consented and then the rape charge doesn't hold ground, so you don't go to prison, yet, your reputation and consequently your career is tarnished forever. I mean that part doesn't change. What you lost, you can never get it back. Even though you didn't rape and she changed her mind.
  7. There are many situations where a woman does give consent but later claims rape. This can be very tricky. This happened with Nick Carter. I don't know if there's a way to work around it.
  8. Then technically it's rape but not psychologically. It means guilt does not exist. It's almost like doing something wrong and then developing memory loss..
  9. I don't believe he is a bad guy. Maybe eccentric. But in his videos, he has mostly been a defender of truth. I'm not saying he is being framed. But there's a chance that everything happened under the heavy influence of alcohol and drugs and at an age where he wasn't very matured in terms of dating. He never gives creepy vibes. I. Don't know. Maybe too strange. Honestly if he is accused and convicted, it will be a huge shock. I don't think that people should be randomly accused of rape. It's important to differentiate things on the basis of maturity, age, psychological state, drugs, level of influence, social factors etc. It shouldn't be just rape. What if he is truly innocent and didn't mean to hurt. What if he wasn't truly aware of his own actions and acting unconsciously. This could be very distinctly different from a career criminal. Harvey Weinstwin was a different thing. He was deliberately acting creepy even on camera. He was like a career criminal. I don't think that's the case with Brand.
  10. It's not hard to have sex blindly under the influence of alcohol. What I'm saying is that it could be sex and might not be rape. Alcohol can significantly diminish right from wrong and sex is so easy. It doesn't need pure brain like Math or driving.
  11. People can do bad things under the influence of drugs. And alcohol. And immaturity. Even if they aren't bad people.
  12. Maybe Brand has had addiction trouble. Doesn't seem like a shady guy.
  13. Read my pm and you'll know everything. Don't say pm stuff here though.
  14. Haha, you don't understand guys. chill. Telling a dude no need to be enraged is like telling a girl no need to act sweet.
  15. This is highly debatable. A drunk 14 year old boy could get raped by a 25 year old man. Men/boys are less likely to report rape, much less likely than even women, out of shame since men are always told to man up about it.
  16. You'll need to explain yourself a bit there.
  17. @Francis777 you seem like a good guy. Don't be upset. Just don't post too much reactionary stuff.
  18. So a drunk guy's behavior should be excused but a drunk girl's behavior should not?