Whitney Edwards

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Everything posted by Whitney Edwards

  1. @Schizophonia @Schizophonia high histamine can cause high blood pressure and arterial damage. Premature aging
  2. @Schizophonia don't ever rely on anti histamines though. I have a huge history with high histamine since childhood and always relying on those addictive anti histamine pills
  3. @Schizophonia you need tryptophan in your diet. I got lavender essential oil a few days back. It works. Hot bath, cold showers and switching off all media before sleep time.
  4. Then just go hiking till you're so tired you collapse in bed. Drugs is not the end all for this thing. Just get a hold on it. It can be tricky for sure but keep working on inducing serotonin naturally and be patient
  5. @Schizophonia y haven't u tried melatonin?
  6. When I'm dreaming of my ex.
  7. I'm sorry my autism bothers you. Namaste.
  8. Omg his new book is out. I want to check this out so bad. Pure joy. Spira talks about his new book - the heart of prayer.
  9. The Roundtable with Adya, Rupert and Prendergast. Biggies of non duality Enjoy.
  10. Awesome. Cheers. Trump needed to be exposed long long ago for being a charlatan.
  11. I think you need therapy and medication. You can consult a doctor to get your symptoms reversed. Don't lose hope. But therapy can do wonders in changing your mind brain dynamic. Try it. The traditional tools of psych therapy are far better than any psychedelic. Goodluck brother.
  12. I wouldn't know if you're trolling me or not. Because I have autism. So I need what they call gesture notes.
  13. He is very dignified and far better than someone like Jordan Peterson. He doesn't sell himself to pander right wing hustlers.
  14. I wanna do speed reading. Any suggestions would be cool.
  15. There's a difference between leading and commanding. You seem to favor the latter.
  16. Women want leadership not control, like Leo said. Haven't you watched Leo's videos on how to get laid.
  17. That's not true. In fact women are highly triggered when you criticize them.
  18. I wholeheartedly agree with this statement.
  19. Nahh. "the masculine grows by obstacle, the feminine grows by grace."
  20. Growing through criticism is not a bad thing. Approval is also a form of criticism if you flip the coin. Both are forms of validation. In fact criticism if genuine is better than approval. You make a big deal out of the masculine feminine chasm. God get out of the bubble and for once look at everyone as Human. Youre stuck in some weird man woman dichotomy.
  21. I do a bit of skimming
  22. Every action has an equal and opposite reaction.