Whitney Edwards

Member L4
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Everything posted by Whitney Edwards

  1. UFO porn. Binge watch. Then realize half the videos are CGI.
  2. Only one thing worked wonders for me. Orange juice. Loads. And yeah, sleeping all day long like a sloth. And stay away from a screen. Like duh.
  3. Douglas Murray is simply milking a tragedy to drive his anti-islam agenda. Sad. He clearly has a very strong agenda. This behaviour should come back to haunt him. What do you think?
  4. He is the perfect embodiment of the Dunning Kruger effect.
  5. You can have sex in a loving way.
  6. This should be made mandatory viewing to every teenager and young adult.
  7. I googled India documentary and it showed this.
  8. Just a general map. Signs of dehydration.
  9. I'm trying ways to increase dopamine.
  10. So this is where we end up and how we end up when we take Leo's Geography Challenge. gotcha.
  11. And a little me-me.
  12. Nah that cat is sexed up.
  13. What's your opinion on dopamine?
  14. @BlueOak how do you survive on one meal dude?
  15. You gotta be kidding me. You mean to say that you don't like milk, eggs and banana. What?
  16. Exactly. I have no fucking clue why they are promoting Jackfilms behavior. YouTube creator reaction to this laughable immature fiasco was totally appropriate in my opinion.
  17. Who appoints people like these? It's literally embarrassing.
  18. I can't imagine being kidnapped by a terrorist and being treated well. Seems like a contradiction.
  19. Nooooo. That phone had emotions. After it's abandoned, it will cry.
  20. ☝️
  21. What traits particular to stage red should I have to integrate with my life?
  22. What about the mistakes you regret badly?