Whitney Edwards

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Everything posted by Whitney Edwards

  1. I feel like my ex judged me about a few things. I was unethical with them (don't wanna go into details). I have experienced excessive shame over months and months about the whole situation. I still love them and I guess somewhere deep down I still crave their validation. I know that I did this to myself. But still. I want to be liberated from the need to being or wanting validated. Their validation meant the world to me. Post the break up they blocked me permanently. I live permanently in rejection mode. It feels like death sometimes. Yea rejection can feel like death. Such coldness. I know I was wrong. And I did wrong again. To be forgiven, accepted, understood, communicated to(rather than communicated at) and loved makes me feel so wholesome. How to deal with such coldness from my ex?
  2. Maybe a player does more good in this world just like a hooker.
  3. Why being a player is not the goal? Curious.
  4. Because it was sort of generalized. Just because some wives out there might be disgruntled doesn't mean that all wives should be compared to hookers. Then what are their husbands? Customers? Marriage is a sacred bond. Not everyone who is married is complaining. I myself come from a dysfunctional family. Yet I cherish family values and structure and the patriarchal hierarchy of most family oriented societies. These are close-knit societies of male-provider and female-homemaker systems but they have existed for centuries with a steady supply of children generation after generation. There is much less chaos in society that way and a strong morally integrous society as a result. I think it has mostly been a viable solution for both men and women versus the state of society today where such options are dwindling as people find it harder to make families or have a stable romantic partnership. It's the human brain and it's incredible design. We're not designed to live alone. We need close knit socializing and mobilization. We want to be a part of family, community, organization.
  5. Yea but that's a thing of character. Personal character cannot be generalized.
  6. Bad comparison. A housewife works but at some. It's called keeping a family. She has sex out of love not out of money. She cooks and that's a blessing for the whole family. And then she bears the man children and a sweet home.
  7. My love will rise. Today there will be love in my heart. Moksha in my soul Deep in my heart I love you to bits My thoughts are with you Do you love anyone? And he is still with you What is the pain that you have given me in your heart? Why don't you fall in love too? My love shall pass me by.
  8. A wife offers much more than sex to a husband I guess. But then hookers can't understand that because like they say one can't make a h* a housewife.
  9. Tell me about you.
  10. I wish they would come back.
  11. She is a human. Let go. Things go wrong. Have the resilience to not take literally everything at heart and crucify someone for their mistakes. Are you a saint? It's your ego that's hurt. Not your feelings. Love does not consist in derogating your would be partner on a forum. Have compassion. Find someone that you get along with. But be forgiving. Love is not an easy thing. Never was.
  12. @Rishabh R maybe you can clue me in on the "socially calibrated way" please( if you can.) And it's not fair for her to be at the receiving end of your anger. Be loving not resentful. She didn't hurt you. If she wanted someone better that's not narcissism. Narcissism is a word thrown around so casually it has lost its meaning. She didn't hurt you. You hurt yourself. Be a matured man, let go and move on. Find women that you can keep happy and who will be happy with you.
  13. Maybe she doesn't like you. If she is happy with another man, you should be happy for her too. Move on and don't hold grudges, it doesn't reflect good on you. It's not indicator of love if you hate someone who you claimed to have loved before. You don't respect her needs. She has moved on for a better life and you shouldn't resent that. Be happy for others. Love is not about, "what about me?"... that's selfishness disguised as love.
  14. Some of the guests who are lurking around might probably want to sign up. I miss them. Give a sign. Be loving. I miss these people. Come to the forum.
  15. Well isn't the man telling her indirectly that blonde hair is superior to black hair then. How am I racist for pointing out racism? Logic please? So when I take a stance against racism and call it out for what it is, I guess that makes me racist. This sounds like some absurd logic. What I'm trying to establish is that no hair color is superior. So any notion that says certain hair color is better than another is not reflecting of equality but of discrimination based on hair color and therefore alludes to racism. I'm tired arguing with you on simple things. You don't seem to get my point and you gaslight me as usual just to win an argument. But for your kind information I'm not gonna support immoral and socially wrong thoughts and ideas just to be in your good books, you get that.
  16. It's racist to have a fixed preference. If it's because of comfort of culture, that's reasonable and understandable to a certain extent. But to tell women with dark hair that they should dye their hair blonde to impress guys, that's absolute rubbish and blatantly racist. It arises from internal racism and self hate and some twisted white supremacy impact baked into it. Why is blonde hair any better than dark hair? It's literally discriminating people on the basis of looks. Racism is directly associated with color and looks overall. People shouldn't be judged by skin color or hair or eye color.
  17. Yes it has everything to do with it. Preference of one over another is also a subtle form of discrimination. Especially when it comes to skin color. It's like saying one is superior to another. It's blatant racism. If I say I only wanna date white girls and no other, that's racism. It means no other girl is good enough.
  18. Please don't support racism. Preference of hair color and or skin color is blatant racism.