Whitney Edwards

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Everything posted by Whitney Edwards

  1. The upside being that it's informative and the downside being that it can easily be a mask for real wholesome socializing and this can become a trap. Socializing should be one on one and that involves being around people who really get you, in a community it's hard to do that although with disadvantages that are quite obvious, there are massive advantages that won't come with one on one communication with a meagre bunch.
  2. I went through Insanity for 20 days in 2022. What did it feel like? Wasn't able to sleep Wasn't able to focus Zero self awareness Not able to distinguish between right or wrong Not acting socially appropriate Wasn't able to tell where the bathroom was Feeling unbalanced Lot of aggression No ability to think straight or logical I had to drink and experiment with substances to begin to feel normal again. Care to share your Insanity experiences? Also it felt like I was having a spiritual awakening. How do you differentiate an Insanity phase from a real spiritual awakening? Are they different and in what way?
  3. Nice people can come in all shapes and forms. Un-nice people can come in all shapes and forms.
  4. Why is he dressed like that?
  5. If you wanted to be with an emotionally matured person, what signs would you be scanning for?
  6. @bebotalk @Emerald great lists.
  7. It happens on a spiritual journey. I'm not surprised.
  8. Obviously deeper than that. In fact so deep that I wouldn't even thunk of leaving the person ever. They would mean the world. Either I'm all in or I'm just not into it, but no half-ways.
  9. @mmKay I feel embarrassed. Also what lesson?
  10. You're living in a self concocted fantasy world. Dating is not a love fantasy where you're supposed to feel accepted and loved. Who told you that? Dating is a cruel logical survival game, not a lovers paradise. If you want that kind of love, turn to spirituality or God although some part of it could be spiritual bypassing. If you date a girl, there's no guarantee that she will give you the most wonderful, pure, gorgeous heavenly love. It's also foolish to expect that out of anyone, much less a spouse or a partner. Your partner is with you because you provide them the value they seek and not because they are in heavenly fantasy ridden love with you. I don't know where you get these ideas from, probably movies? It's time to have some emotional and social maturity. Girls want high value men, end of the story. A girl might accept a guy who is acting creepy, if he is the right fit she is looking for. This applies to both men and women. Men look for a healthy partner. You aren't attracted to seriously unattractive women. Don't they deserve love? It's because dating is a game of attraction. A soulmate is only a soulmate as long as you are of value to them. That's why even the healthiest couples divorce. At some point the value is lost and they see more harm than joy in living together. So they separate? Your idea of a partner is fantasy ridden. Why will a handsome man date an ugly chick? He won't see any value in it. It's cuthroat, yes, and that's the whole idea. It's survival value based fundamentally and not love based. It's nobody's job or obligation to provide you the love you want. Your fundamental friction arises from wanting someone to love you for who you are and wanting to be accepted. You're slowly and gradually inching closer to incel category with your distorted line of thinking. You aren't putting cognitive effort here, only emotional effort. But repeat these statements in your mind as daily affirmations "Nobody owes me love. It's nobody's job to make me feel loved." You think that someone should make you feel loved so you can feel better about life. But that's not written in stone or a written law that someone should love you. This expectation is purely arising from self and has no obligation associated with it. Why should someone love you at all? What if they don't want to? It's not written in stone that someone is legally obligated to love you. The only person who has such a duty is most likely your mom and dad. Because they birthed you and raised you, so they have an obligation to raise you with love. Your siblings out of the moral obligation of being a blood relative have a partial obligation to love and respect you but nothing beyond it. Coming to romantic relationships, most relationships are transactional. They happen between two people who aren't blood relatives. They have zero obligation to reciprocate your love. They might out of courtesy or because they feel attracted to it. Your fundamental problem is emotional weakness, emotional emptiness and neediness. You can't throw this liability on others that they should love you so that you begin to feel loved. Also wanting them to keep loving you is a form of fatal dependency. What if they are bored of you? Yes you can blame them for having mistreated you but try not to place blame entirely on others and handicapping yourself in the process. If you aren't attractive enough to them, they haven't committed a crime by rejecting you. There's nothing unloving about rejection. Although I have been rejected really badly and rejection felt like death to me, I still value a person's freedom in rejecting me, they are perfectly alright in doing so and it will be my own immaturity and arrogance to blame them. .. But repeat these statements in your mind as daily affirmations "Nobody owes me love. It's nobody's job to make me feel loved." "I should not need someone else to make me feel loved." Relationships are about value sharing and less about loving. They are not your parent, mother or father. It's value reciprocation and exchange. They give you value. You give them value. It's like friendship but it's on equal terms. You bring something to the table. They bring something to the table. If they like what you bring they will accept you and try to bring something to the table themselves in the hopes of winning your love. Creep is not another word for "unlovable" since it's nobody's job to make you feel loved. It's just another word for "low value." it means she doesn't see much value in the guy and might reject him. If you work on raising your value (rather than worrying about being labeled a creep), you have better chances of meeting someone who feels great to be with you. This applies to both men and women. If a woman is yelling, kicking, screaming, a man might not like her. She will try her best to be desired by a man. You should try your best. Social rules and norms aren't exclusive to men. Even women have to bear the brunt of being shamed if they don't womanly in public. Guys won't find her high quality and most likely never approach her. Her value is determined as well. Maybe some horny guy might still want her, but she loses the chance of a high value man. Relationships aren't a love emotional support group. The sooner you realize this the better. You're putting the onus of your neediness on other people who are probably not interested in you. This does not mean that you're unlovable but it certainly means you can work on your value so that somebody someday might reciprocate it by wanting to invest in you. You can't force someone to love you and even if you pressured or guilted them to it, that's some manipulation. Relationship should be based in honesty and not manipulation of emotions to make you feel loved. If you bring in massive value to the table in terms of personality, looks, ethics, money, standards, character, career, (value as a potential parent) integrity,intelligence, sexual market value (SMV), age, high quality behavior, values of trust and commitment, then you should have to worry very little about being rejected or possible failure in the dating market. Most people don't work on their values and expect a BEAUTIFUL WONDERFUL PERFECT PARTNER in return. As though they are going to be handed to you like a trophy. Meanwhile you never had to do shit for it. Don't you think it looks very undeserving? In fact there are "almost perfect" people who have their shit together and still having to deal with a very shitty partner since they fell for the trap. You place huge expectations on life when you expect unconditional love without any value proposition. It's unfair to the other person. Creep is not unlovable. You made it up. Nobody is unlovable, just that the source of love should be you and not another. They don't owe you love. You're with someone because they find you better aligned to them and you seem to fit the bill and you find them better aligned to your needs and goals in life. That's where it ends. If you fulfill their needs, they will fulfill your needs. You might want to believe in the idea of a soulmate. But even a soulmate is not someone like a pillow that you get to put all your weight on. Your partner is not your emotional tampon and you shouldn't use them as such, that's greedy and selfish that you expect them to just take your emotional burden. This is akin to treating them like a therapist or a doctor and less of a partner. They deserve to enjoy your company, they are not your slave to keep serving all your needs till eternity. To think of a partner as someone who should be at your beck and call (or else they're not loving) is a form of severe entitlement. Why should you deserve love and not someone else who is probably better than you? Why should someone be happy with you when you do nothing to make them happy? It's not a crime if they are not attracted to you. It's your inability to accept your own lack and lack of accountability to work on it. It's your arrogance to persist on wanting to be loved when the other person is not interested or attracted. And then to shame them because they won't do what you want. Once again this is arrogance and entitlement and nobody wants to sign up to be your slave. Statement affirmations - "I'm always lovable no matter what. I should not depend on social validation to consider myself lovable." "I should be independent and not depend on someone's love. Such dependency is unhealthy. " "It's nobody's job to love me." "I should learn to cure my void." "Creep does not mean unlovable. It means "socially uncalibrated" and someone who doesn't align with social values and dating principles. " "Romantic love is associated with survival and value exchange and has nothing to do with unconditional love." "Perfect love doesn't exist. But emotional maturity can help two people to fulfill each other's needs." "I should not burden someone with the duty to love me. It's not their responsibility." "I don't have the right to use or exploit others for my needs especially if I don't have anything to offer in return." "They are entitled to reject me and I should not punish them or call them unloving. Rejection does not mean "unlovable." "If someone is not attracted to me, I shouldn't fault or blame them for it. They have personal autonomy. " "I should not resent that the person I find desirable is attracted to someone else and not me. " Also a woman who rejects you is not necessarily unloving. She is simply not attracted to you. She might be extremely loving to a man she has a deep attraction for. She might even be a loving mother to her children with that man. She doesn't become unloving simply because she is not attracted to you, you're putting yourself yourself on a pedestal there.. Ironically it is you who is punishing her for rejecting you. Once again it's your inability to cope with your illegitimate dependency on others to make you feel better. You are making it seem like they owe you. Even if you do provide value, if someone is not attracted they might find someone who they are genuinely attracted to. They don't need to accept you even if you provide value, it's a matter of personal choice, desirability, emotion and you can't own or dictate that. Nobody owes you and you don't own anyone. The key here is not blaming women for calling you a creep or for rejecting or not being attracted to you. The key here is to raise your own value as a man, to not look for low quality low value relationships but to aim high and provide accordingly, to find love in what you are and what you do rather than in people, to stop preaching and stop seeking validation, to stop wanting to exploit others for your needs, to not take rejection personally, to be more emotionally matured so that you bring massive value to your future partner and relationship, to stop the sneaky blame game and avoiding responsibility and to fix your own issues yourself rather than putting the onus on others to fix it for you. And above all to not feel so entitled to others desires and feelings. Also your real problem deep down (from the nature of your collective posts) is that you crave reciprocation for your romantic desire/passion and when you it doesn't go your way, you become silently angry and bitter about it and convert that bitterness into — "she is a bad bad unloving person." Notice how unloving you're being in labeling someone else as unloving. Where is your own love for others? Deep down you don't respect the other person at all. Because if you did, you wouldn't be punishing them for not reciprocating you. You would respect their choice and move on humbly and look for a person who is ready to willingly reciprocate you. So work on your need to demand reciprocation and realize that it's okay if someone doesn't do it, they don't have to.
  11. I can't come to forgive myself knowing that I hurt someone. I scammed my ex lover very badly and I love them very much and I regret lying and scamming them. They dumped me. I can't forgive myself for hurting someone I always promised to love. I'm a pathological liar, a scammer, a deceiver, a manipulator and a psychopath. There is nothing good about me.
  12. I wasn't referring to self. You took it the wrong. I was asking for clarity.
  13. Who are you referring to as a narcissist?
  14. If you marry unlovable women, it's your problem that you intentionally want to deal with bad energy. This is similar to a girl marrying assholes yet complaining about assholes being assholes.
  15. You're gaslighting vulnerable folks. Nobody called someone unlovable. Creep means a person who has no concern for others. It seems you like to invoke victimhood out of it. At least incel is part victim. Creep is not.
  16. It means you aren't experienced enough. Also it's not their job to teach ya. Those people aren't making someone personally uncomfortable. You're conflating two things. One is having an opinion and the other is being creepy to someone. Nobody tells you that you can't have an opinion. But it seems like you're asking for a license to behave bad with people. It's context dependent that's why. Staring at a stranger can be considered creepy in one country whereas friendly in some other. You have to see what is considered creepy in regards to the cultural norm that you're a part of. People have to learn cultural signals, norms and perceptions when they travel to other countries. For example you must have seen popular celebrities covering themselves up in Islamic countries because they don't want to dehumanize the norms of that culture. Completely okay. You're calling it unlovable. It's about social calibration though. If you lack social calibration you'll see everything "socially appropriate" as threatening to your ego. It's a matter of perception rather than regulation. You can be ill mannered if you want to be because there is no legal notice to be sent if you don't have the right manners, at the same time don't be surprised by the reactions people give. No it's not the same thing. Building is an inanimate object. It does not have an intent to harm me. However most criminals start off with creepy behavior. So there's a cause for concern when someone feels alarmed because you give them the vibe of a potential criminal or foul person. And nobody wants to deal with something abusive or toxic.
  17. It's boundary violation if they have specifically said no or told you to stop. To keep doing something that someone tells you to stop doing because they feel uncomfortable is blatant disrespect. But it's just wrong if someone is not okay with it. If you called someone the B word, that's not a threat, but at the same time you're abusing someone, similar to calling someone fat. You have to get into the nitty gritty of what creepy behavior you're referring to that you're having a problem with being called creepy. Just the way manners are taught. And creepy behavior is partially criminal too. You can't go around abusing people's feelings in the name of public freedom. No their fears aren't their problem. You propagated those fears. You have public responsibility when you invoke fear in someone.
  18. I do it all the time. Although there's no perfect solution.
  19. It's not about definition. If most people are creeped out by some behavior, that's enough social calibration to understand that you shouldn't do it again. You're not a school kid for god's sake. If I said "I'll kill you" it's threatening, but not criminal, it frightens a person. Similarly creepy behavior frightens people even if it's not criminal. It's considered unpleasant.
  20. You can't taboo the word "criminal." Creepy behavior creeps people out because it's intimidating. And the reason the word exists is so that people don't engage in that behavior. So the solution is to stop the behavior that creeps people out instead of supporting it. And if you're really interested in taboo behavior then do it at least with people who are okay with taboo concepts. That's the legit way to proceed. Some people like BDSM and others find it freaky and taboo. You have to find people who are okay with what you're doing rather than forcing people to be okay with it. You don't have autonomy on people's feelings. That goes against the fundamental principle of human liberty. It's like saying I should slap you but you shouldn't react. What you're demanding is against human rights and it's weird and it's your responsibility to accept it and change rather than make people to accept wrong behavior.
  21. It's you who is offending others. They are simply responding. Take responsibility ffs.
  22. There is no emotional consciousness in offending others.
  23. It seems like your emotions are not in place. On one hand you say that you don't want to be in touch with her and on the other you say that you miss her. Make up your mind first Regards to her, she doesn't want you and is trying to friendzone you in a sneaky way. She just wants friendship which can be awkward for you.