Whitney Edwards

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Everything posted by Whitney Edwards

  1. There will be no national identity in the future.
  2. Poor thing. She must miss ya. She must have needed your help very badly. You should have coached her privately. Bpd sufferers often react badly to their environments and supportive environments make a huge difference. Sad that you let her go. Suicide rates are high in bpd. Who knows some help from you would have made a difference, hindsight.
  3. Happy birthday Leo
  4. I think it's how Carl said. Sort of a mirror. If you are already contemplative, it will bring that out even more in you. But there must be some extra advantage of a high dose trip? Dunno.
  5. @Davino what I'm getting so far is that it does the ground work.
  6. He looks nothing like 61. I thought he was in his 40s.
  7. Give an example of what this change in consciousness looks like. You need to elaborate on this. I have done lsd trips before and it is mostly recreational. I never saw any big changes. So I want to know what you mean by change in your consciousness or is this another illusion? What changed in your mindset and perception of the worldview?
  8. @A Fellow Lighter I'm enjoying your stuff. Awwwsum.
  9. @Schizophonia when it comes to psychedelics, less is more, mate.
  10. And I thought I was the only one who took 100ug of LSD.
  11. There's not much evidence to this. Easily discarded theory. Don't believe this.
  12. Not possible. Unless you ejaculate so much that you reach a state of constant horniness. In that case you have arousals only. An orgasm is generally accompanied by ejaculation.
  13. Several. Being interrupted or talked over. Lack of politeness. Letting your dogs everywhere, letting them jump on strangers. I hate it when people don't know how to restrain or discipline their dogs well enough. A pit bull. Spiritual debates that look like a one-upping session. Non duality and it's incessant wrongful trollish application by new age seekers. Guys who complain about fashion. Waiting too long at a restaurant. Girls who constantly monitor your life or psychoanalyze you on the internet without knowing shit about your life. Those are my pet peeves.
  14. I found it funny. Now you may leave.
  15. That's BS. I agree with you. Charging a theft.
  16. Couple of factors Fall in family values is the single biggest cause Feminism and female independence High rates of rejection
  17. The thread above this thread.
  18. Some immigrants want open borders. Some immigrants want closed borders once the borders have been opened for them.
  19. What I meant is that if you serially start cutting out people from your life even for the slightest errors, it will make you even a bigger narcissist than the garden variety narcissists that you complain about. You're basically sheep-ing people to your needs that way. You run the risk of developing a potent ego. Have a balance.