Whitney Edwards

Member L4
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Everything posted by Whitney Edwards

  1. It really comes down to what the psychiatrist said. And I don't think they were professional.
  2. I get your point. Well spoken. @Scholar yes I read that too. You made legit points on harm prevention versus autonomy.
  3. You're doing the same in reverse order. (all I'm trying to say is that it can have both positive and negative effects and I'm not advocating for either. I rest my case)..
  4. If Trump is in favor of TikTok, another L for him. Didn't catch up with him in a while.
  5. You made some good points but specific points would have helped. I'm not sure what you're implying people are ignoring.
  6. Almost all of your statements you speak on others behalf. How are you sure about what's helpful to someone and what's not and why should any of your suggestions or advice be considered legitimate when you're not an expert especially when you lecture others on not being able to decide what outcome is possible or not possible in the same breath? That sounds hypocritical and deceptive to me.
  7. All your statements imply it sorry. Just don't play that game please.
  8. That's exactly what you're doing, you aren't some doctor or expert. Telling me what to do funnily enough.
  9. He is already munching on that idea in his bunker probably.
  10. Or Elon Musk owns it..and renames it as TOK-X. 😉
  11. I'm saying that you can't decide if something has a negative effect. Let the girl decide. Regarding therapy, I'm not against it. But along with therapy, if they wanted real help in a community in the sense of whatever support they need or life advice, I'm not against that either. What I'm against is boxing someone as mentally ill and being restrictive or making decisions for them on their behalf. How do you know that by turning them away, you aren't causing them more harm? What if turning them away actually makes them suicidal?
  12. How do we know that this community or maybe some members weren't toxic to her. There are fights here everyday. From the outlook of your series of posts on this thread alone, seems like you had personal vendetta against her, I wouldn't trust your opinion on her. So also others. Groups like these communities can be inherently harmful if people bear grudges. Your post seems like an example. That's not the kind of language you should use for anyone, let alone for someone who you claim to be helping who is struggling. No more debate sorry. Carry on but it's kinda fucked up to be this negative about someone when they are not here.
  13. Man you can't decide everything. A mentally ill person is not a child. Have you been to a ward? There are several suicidal and bipolar people here. You're acting as though everything leads to only negative consequences. This is where we need open mindedness.
  14. Helping someone is not the same as being responsible for someone. Where do you get these funky ideas? You make it so unnecessarily complicated. If someone kills themselves, it's really on them. Besides nobody can stop themselves from killing themselves. All I know is that a suicidal folks have really gotten better by asking for help and getting community support, this forum itself. Terrible idea to put them away.
  15. Then create a better environment lol.. This is akin to saying that "she is not having a problem but she is a problem." That is the worst form of scapegoating implied by your comment sorry.
  16. Yes I agree with you. People need a support system and not just a psychiatrist. Mental illness is complex. @Leo Gura helping someone is not the same as therapy. In fact most clients with mental illness can do great with even minimal amount of coaching. Speaking from experience.
  17. @Yimpa I don't hear stories sorry. My point wasn't addressed sufficiently. Come to the point please. We were debating on....
  18. He literally did everything that a person shouldn't do. He was working himself to death. His routines were abnormal.
  19. You don't get to decide what's appropriate. That was my point.
  20. Are you sure? It doesn't matter either way. Besides who can decide what's exactly serious and what's not. Even bipolar is a serious medical and mental illness. But there are plenty of bipolar peeps on this forum. Am I right? If people want help, let them get help, no harm done.
  21. I don't know where to begin but TikTok is pure poison. Avoid at all costs.