Whitney Edwards

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Everything posted by Whitney Edwards

  1. It's not like women don't get attached. I was attached to a guy for almost a year long after the relationship had died. It's completely normal and you don't have to beat yourself up for it. Walk away from someone who doesn't deserve your attention. Be with someone who is equally invested with you.
  2. Tommy Robinson is not a neo nazi. He is a hero. He will go down as the greatest hero in Britain's history. He constantly faces threat to his life. He is still facing a warrant. He has the biggest balls on planet earth. And if he gets jailed or arrested or worse assassinated, Britain will go up in flames. The British citizens have had enough of the debauchery and mayhem and Tommy Robinson has been the whistle blower for the longest time. Whether you like it or not, the British public knows better, that's why the riots happened, they have had enough.
  3. No I don't agree with the video. Just because something is similar it doesn't make it valid. Nobody should be indicted over a Facebook post, it's called free speech for a reason. Unless the person belongs to a group that actually perpetrates violence including him. The British laws are anti free speech and two tier policing stands especially during riots. This does not mean that white people get treated badly. It's just the right wing that gets mercilessly targeted all the time. If you wanna the situation of free speech in the UK you simply gotta take a look at the way they treat Tommy Robinson, the man had to go through hell. That already shows what the situation is. He is not even far right. He gets jailed over silly things. Now it seems he has incited the riots. In reality he does nothing.
  4. If your only argument is going to be that they're right wing and so they must automatically be racist or wrong, then that's a weak argument.
  5. There's two tier policing in the UK and almost every British person is aware. There's no refuting it.
  6. It's a great opportunity that you shouldn't miss. You might feel some resistance but that's okay. Give it a try. It's my favorite channel.
  7. From your post it seems like you're really not into going for this wedding. Then if your heart is not aligned with this thought, don't do it. You can skip the wedding and focus on your meditative practice instead. Kudos for focusing on your spiritual practice. You're really on a spiritual path and that's reflected in your post. Best of luck and have a great day!
  8. You look okay. You can try making more friends and probably find someone in your close friend circle. Let things flow organically instead of wanting them your way. If you have a positive mindset, sooner or later good things will come.
  9. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and feelings. It's clear you're experiencing significant internal conflict and challenges in your relationships. While it's important to respect your psychiatrist's diagnosis, it's also valuable to explore your concerns further.Your description of your thoughts and feelings aligns with certain aspects of both narcissism and OCD. The desire for fame, fear of failure, and intense emotions are common in both conditions. However, it's essential to remember that self-diagnosis can be misleading. Based on the information you gave I detect certain things - Low self-esteem.Despite the outward appearance of confidence, you might have underlying insecurities that drive the need for validation and success. You seem to have a fear of failure. The intense focus on success and the fear of sabotage might stem from a deep-rooted fear of failure. Experiencing intense emotions like jealousy and frustration can be challenging to manage. But you'll need to work on this particular aspect. While you can empathize with certain people, your difficulty empathizing with others might indicate a deeper issue. I'd say continue therapy Your psychiatrist's diagnosis of OCD is a starting point, but it's crucial to continue exploring your concerns. Consider journaling or mindfulness to better understand your thoughts and emotions.Work on improving your relationships with your girlfriend, family, and friends.Maybe seeking a second opinion from a different mental health professional might help too. It's important to remember that therapy is a journey, and progress takes time. Your willingness to explore these issues is a positive step though. If you have significant trauma, you might need work in that area.
  10. I think I suffered dehydration. But I was able to sleep better yesterday since I drank a lot of water.
  11. To be honest every form of human bliss is overrated.
  12. Sex is shallow upfront. But sex with deep intimacy is something else entirely.
  13. All I can say is that it's non consensual. I do get rape dreams because of it. I mean nightmares. I also orgasm during these nightmares. This doesn't mean that consent is given. Rape is a crime and a lot of people confuse it with sex or "horny sex" or whatever. Rape is traumatising and I still deal with the trauma to the point I didn't even want to be a woman. The complex part of rape that bothers me the most is that when people assume that if a woman orgasms during rape (which a lot of women do) the question asked is "did you enjoy the rape?" it's highly offensive in my opinion to ask such a question to a rape trauma victim. Also other parts such as victim blaming and victim shaming. It's like the length of my skirt doesn't matter. If someone wants to rape, they will anyway. A woman's clothing doesn't invite rape. The other part is to assume that it was regret sex or maybe she was drunk. I'm like - even if a woman is drunk 😢, consent is still not given.
  14. So the only reason a woman should have value is because she is a potential mother? So what happens if she cannot become a mother? Does she stop having your perceived value lol?
  15. BDSM is a form of sex with a fetish involved whereas rape is a crime of non consent whether an orgasm occurred or not is irrelevant. I think this should be clear.
  16. Yes I'm a woman and I'm well aware. Those women orgasm just like I orgasmed when a guy attempted to rape me. So what. I enjoy bdsm sex. There is a mega difference between consent and non consent. Just because a woman orgasmed doesn't mean she gave consent. But she can enjoy sex from a man however she wants to and nobody has the right to judge what or how she wants it during sex,bdsm or no bdsm.
  17. Exactly lol. Where do they get these ideas?
  18. No not at all. Bdsm is enjoyable. It's not abusive at all. That's a wrong idea if you never did bdsm.
  19. Exactly. It's stereotyping an entire nation. How is that high consciousness?