Whitney Edwards

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Everything posted by Whitney Edwards

  1. I guess it's more in the territory of red pill.
  2. Now i guess to each his own. Everyone has their own definition of enlightenment these days.
  3. You have to let go the attachment to self. Don't think that your life is going to slide downwards. Don't give into that spiral.
  4. +1
  5. You can't really know what's best for someone.
  6. The sad reality of life that everyone has to face is the inevitability of death. No matter one's circumstances, wealth, health, or station in life, death is the common fate that awaits all human beings. While the timing and circumstances may vary, the knowledge that our lives will one day come to an end is a universal truth that we must all grapple with. This reality can bring feelings of grief, loss, and existential dread, but it can also motivate people to make the most of the time they have and find meaning in their lives. Ultimately, it is a profound challenge that shapes the human experience.
  7. You can never talk about a person from Wikipedia or the internet or media. If you Google Leo Gura, you'll see horrible things written about him too. The internet especially Wikipedia depicts people in horrible ways. If he was such a horrible person, Jordan Peterson wouldn't have an interviewed him on his podcast just last week. If you go by people's definitions on the internet you'll see them painted the wrong way almost 99% of the time. You gotta watch their interviews to get a feel of the real person they are.
  8. If she is acting cold, I fear there's not much you can do. You will need to terminate this relationship.
  9. He is not anti-islam. He is just anti-violence. In fact he left far right groups.
  10. I had a rape dream again and it was terrible. It was this complex phenomenon of rape and sex that had me confused and mesmerised all at once. He came over me and penetrated me from the back. Meanwhile I screamed and did not understand what was happening. The penetration felt sudden and uneasy. In that moment of confusion I felt like saying no and tell him to get off me. At the same time another thought clashed with this thought that "isn't this how sex is. He will do this. Just be calm and take it." in the dream he was also my friend. My colleague. I feel betrayed. He would flirt with me often. And took this as an opportunity of consent and took pleasure in it. Although I felt discomfort I felt like I should orgasm just to please him and not go against him. But that's just so wrong. Because he is my friend and he should have known better what I want and not capitalized on our friendship.
  11. Hello I'm Autistic too. I understand when you begin to perceive everything suddenly. It's a surreal experience.
  12. This video is excellent antidote to this topic.
  13. This was just amazing. Just immersing in the experience.
  14. In most of these cases, I hate how they show the victim's face but hide the identity of perpetrators. Same in the UK.
  15. I found my ancestry to be partly European. Fascinating.
  16. If you're enlightened why aren't you dead?
  17. So basically you're adding null and void to it.
  18. Can you describe this enlightenment please?
  19. Its mostly about reincarnation and how consciousness continues.
  20. Natural energy in the body needs to be high. To achieve my goals.