Whitney Edwards

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Everything posted by Whitney Edwards

  1. I find Tony Robbins as a good starting point.
  2. You will not find them in online spiritual communities. You can find them in retreat resorts and places. I'm not talking hippy psychedelic weird type though.
  3. It's like I'm talking to a family member. There's no point in giving examples to me because I'm not gonna follow them. I always did the best that I could do. And this is how my life will always be.
  4. Sri Ramakant Maharaj.
  5. Key elements of a spiritual perspective - Connection to a higher power or universal energy. A sense of purpose and meaning. Inner peace and tranquility. Compassion and empathy. Gratitude and appreciation.
  6. Meditation and mindfulness Yoga and spirituality The concept of karma The meaning of life Different religious perspectives
  7. @Consept if you call truth propaganda and propoganda truth, then I'm not interested in debating further with you. Your video is nothing but leftist propoganda that most of Britain doesn't agree with. You can be happy knowing that your opinion is a minority as the majority doesn't think that way. Just because a video is made by a fan, it doesn't become propoganda. You dismiss the truth then you don't want to care about the truth then it's end of discussion. By the way people are going to have different opinions and you should have the open mindedness to receive them if you're going to open a thread, you can't just passively expect people to simply agree with you, this is not a competition of who wins, it's about sharing opinions whether you like it or not, it's the internet.
  8. Its a documentary. At least watch it.
  9. @Consept so you believe the media and the Wikipedia. Here's a beautiful takedown of the BBC for you. Watch it before it gets taken down. Be careful about what you believe and what you watch. Watch it full if you care about truth.
  10. The only worry is the size of her campaigns. It's kinda small. I don't know whether that matters.
  11. The DNC went incredibly well. Lot of energy.
  12. I think primarily incel mindset is about feeling unfair on how you're treated by the opposite gender and this transforming into a rush of hate, revenge and resentment against the opposite gender. Is it like hurt people hurt people? It would make sense to understand the underlying resentment and why it evolves in the first place. If someone feels sidelined for the longest time in life, I guess at some point the frustration boils over and it's reasonable why this frustration then funnels into extreme resentment. I mean nobody should have to feel a sense of unfairness in life. Everyone deserves love. I'm not defending incels. Just providing a context and reasoning to why this could happen.
  13. To be fair, he is not the best looking. For me it's THORGAN HAZARD Cristiano looks much older and worn out now. Thorgan hazard
  14. It's more about what the public wants. The public has parts both left and right leaning.
  15. The one lucky guy on planet earth.
  16. I woke up super early today. I want to include a set of spiritual practices in my life. Let's see how it works out.
  17. His definition is not far off though. Enlightenment does feel like knowing what you're. A form of awareness. Not exactly self awareness. But extending yourself beyond your own boundaries.
  18. Don't you think some exposure to sunlight is necessary especially in depression?
  19. I like to make up some concepts which I then use in my visualization practice. One concept that came up this morning was using a magic chemical since I deal with alchemy. A magic chemical that instantly promotes calm. I will call this chemical akemhyvoid. I want this chemical to look like water and be organic with some herbs and vitamins infused in it. I tried googling and came across a brand called Sunsweet selling herbal water. Not only are the bottles beautiful and perfect for what I had in mind but they also had these nice labels for each bottle like focusing and energizing This is how they look. This is an awesome find for me I would love to order these.