Whitney Edwards

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Everything posted by Whitney Edwards

  1. This is an interesting one.
  2. You cannot have free speech if you do not have high consciousness. In a low conscious society, that free speech would be terribly weaponized and misused to suit populist vote.
  3. I woke up in the middle of the night wanting to feel better. We learn something whatever it may be. Nothing is to be dismissed.
  4. I have certain addictions to work on. I just want to be as real as possible.
  5. Premodernism was based in religious fundamentalism.
  6. What is your opinion about women being in the military. The fate for men in the military if they fall in enemy lines is direct death whereas for women it can be endless gangrapes before final death. Considering this should women really be in the military just for the sake of equality? Jordan Peterson eloquently discusses this point at minute 24:55 in the video with Tulsi Gabbard.
  7. It's because of accusations like this that issues can never be discussed. If a certain things about certain cultures is discussed it's immediately deemed negative or racist. Hands up in the air. End of discussion.
  8. Your projections and attempts at derailing.
  9. There was nothing in the post that was mentioned about Indians. You're making it about them. The post is about elephant cruelty. You project a lot yourself.
  10. That would make a great ad! I fully endorse it.
  11. Good to know that you love cruelty! No need to call me a bro. I'm a girl. Have manners.
  12. Tulsi Gabbard doesn't make any sense. I don't believe this crap. She says that the Elite and military industrial complex is running the US. What is she talking about? She has no evidence to back up her claims. So her claims are conspiracy leaning and baseless.
  13. You also have to consider that enjoying one night stands is not yet easy for us. We get slut shamed for that and a lot of women fear being labeled that.
  14. Not all women feel that way. But in my experience with my friends, most women feel objectified. It's how our brains are wired. There will obviously be exceptions.
  15. Because we want to be honored for more than just sex. It's how you view us. If you want us just for sex, it can signify in our minds that we are mere sex objects to you. To be used and replaced by another girl. How would you like it if I said I like your money not you exactly? Wouldn't you feel like a money bag? It's the same way. We don't want to feel that we're needed or valued or wanted only for sex. We want to be valued for much more like beauty, intellect, sensibility, emotional, vulnerability, etc etc etc.
  16. Don't take the conversation in the sexual direction too quickly. Number one mistake that many dudes make. If you do that, it gives that horny dog vibe or "fuckboy" feels. Be as gentle and as slow as you can. You can sense her physical neediness in her eyes and body language. First start with flirting, slowly then escalate verbal flirting. If she reacts positively, then you should continue verbal flirting with a little bit of touching her hair etc. Then you can get a little closer. Tell her to go to an isolated place. This is a signal you give her to let her know that you are ready for some intimacy. If she is no, then she straight up doesn't want it. If she agrees, you can further escalate intimate moves with her in some isolated corner. If she is fully ready for your intimacy, you can escalate it to sex in your private place. With girls, it's all about how safe and secure we feel with a guy. Safety comes first. If we feel something is weird, it's a turn off right away. Girls like small talk so talk about anything. Of course compliments make a difference. If a girl likes you and needs you she will want you to not be shy about it.. She wants you to lead. If she comes across as cold in her answers, she is probably not interested. If she is giggly and smiles a lot, and genuinely interested in your conversation she will give signs where she wants to go further like positively to your flirting attempts. That's the best you can do. Saying yes to guys is not easy for us girls, we have to scan them for safety and comfort. We want to feel led and guided to sex, not rushed into it. Hope this helps.
  17. Curious to know what people think about this? I think she has zero due diligence. She is pushing some ego serving bias. That's what I can make of it.
  18. In my dream I was playing a musical instrument.
  19. Its not about what happens. It's about what shouldn't happen. Ethics are universal in my opinion and not relativistic to culture. I wasn't talking about moral relativity, it does differ to a certain extent as someone in a particular culture might think that eating animal meat is morally wrong, that's understandable. Yet some fundamental ethics are true regardless of cultural norms and cultural morals. For example human rights. So if animals are tortured that cannot be considered a cultural thing. Animals used in circuses for example. That's wrong and banned in many countries. Why should animal torture be acceptable in the name of religion then?
  20. Animal rights ethics aren't universal?
  21. I forgot another important factor - trauma. Trauma must impact memory.