Whitney Edwards

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Everything posted by Whitney Edwards

  1. I'll be assigned a new therapist next week. I was diagnosed with CPTSD a year ago. What questions can I ask my therapist during the session? Thanks in advance.
  2. What will happen if you jump off a cliff in your imagination? imaginary scenario? What if you thought that your mind is infinite right now? What if in this moment you let go of every thought or worry you have? All of your suffering has melted away. Just imagine your mind right now is infinite. And now you're aware of this. All objects are imagined. All thoughts are imagined and objects of your mind. All suffering is gone. You are completely infinite. You are completely free. You have nothing to do and nothing to expect. There is no past, present and or future. Everything is infinite. Try this every night.
  3. How about having this same consciousness in wakefulness?
  4. This feels like a high spiritual awakening in the spectrum of relationships.
  5. My anxiety just skyrocketed. I don't want to feel what will happen to me inside a block hole. Oh god, being pulled in all directions seems like a nightmare. I think death is better and far more liberating than imagining being mutilated by a black hole.
  6. Eat lentils. They increase weight. A cup of it everyday.
  7. This is a good explanation thanks.
  8. Most women don't like that idea. It leads to unnecessary complications, confusion and drama. Relationships are already work. How can you juggle multiple people? Plus it's not just about being sexual. Emotions are involved. Most people struggle with emotional maturity in a single relationship, so how would you deal with emotions in multiple relationships? That's quite tough and near to impossible. Most likely you're dreaming this up without taking into account the practical consequences and difficulties involved. How will you take out time out of your life and attend to multiple people? Seems like you are daydreaming this up. Plus what's the benefit for the woman in such an arbitrary bargain? She gets no commitment, a main thing most women are looking for in a partner. I mean is she working hard to earn your happiness so that you are ultimately shared with others. I don't know but that's not a good enough bargain for her in the end unless the man is totally high quality. You're probably asking for a hefty compromise on commitment, single greatest value for high quality women. It's something women only do if the man is someone to die for. If you're able to find a woman (who is high value) who is ready for such a compromise then show me lol. If you do find, good for you, yet I don't think it's a general trend in any demograph.
  9. @Keryo Koffa next time make a coral trip thread and let @Carl-Richard analyze it.
  10. I haven't cured my external social anxiety so internally..... Well.
  11. Why are you making this a girl guy issue? I was simply talking about staring right and you immediately had to make it a gender thing. Where did I mention in my comment specifically that guys can't be stared at? Did I say that? Don't strawman me please. So you mean I cannot even share a single experience of mine as a woman when thousands of men come here everyday to share theirs??? And isn't this topic about how a guy shouldn't creep out a woman while whatever the fuck cold approaching? For every nymphomaniac you mention, there are a million creeps. Mind that please.
  12. Source : web Oryx Oryxes are powerfully built and deep-chested with short necks, blunt muzzles, and long limbs. The sexes look alike, although females are less muscular. The gemsbok (Oryx gazella gazella) is the largest; it stands up to 138 cm (54 inches) tall and weighs 238 kg (524 pounds). It also has the most striking coloration: gray-brown with contrasting black and white body and facial markings. The Arabian, or white, oryx (O. leucoryx) is the smallest, 102 cm (40 inches) tall and weighing 75 kg (165 pounds), with only faint dark markings to offset its whitish coat. The scimitar-horned oryx (O. dammah), 120 cm (47 inches) tall and weighing 200 kg (440 pounds), is mostly white except for the reddish brown neck and chest. The horns are long and straight in the gemsbok and the Arabian oryx. Females’ horns are thinner but as long as those of males. The Arabian and scimitar-horned oryxes are listed as endangered species.
  13. This is the best advice. Staring is the worst. I've been stared at before and it literally traumatises me each time it happens. I wish there were more people who would openly talk about how nasty staring can be. It's so creepy and uncomfortable. And yes the whole horn dog thing drives me fighting mad.
  14. More here : https://www.forbes.com/sites/jamiecartereurope/2024/09/20/earth-to-get-a-new-moon-on-sept-29-scientists-say/ 2024 PT5, Earth’s newest mini-moon. I thought it was permanent lol. It's just for a few months.
  15. Distractions can take many forms, including our phones, computers, friends, or our own thoughts. I think politics and thoughts about girlfriend/boyfriend /potential romantic opportunities or worries are a major distraction. Other distractions : Socializing can be a huge distraction depending on what benefits (or lack thereof), you're deriving from it.
  16. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!! That reply calmed my nightmare. You should do that once in a while.
  17. Have you worked with clients and how has it facilitated anxiety issues? I have terrible anxiety and so far drugs haven't worked.
  18. Supplements for anxiety.
  19. Wait! Moon landing was fake?
  20. Thanks for letting us know. Now most people can settle for chat gpt I guess. What is your opinion on Gemini in comparison to Chat gpt?